Urban magic doctor

Chapter 668 Distress

Yang Xuewei will return to her hometown in three days, and Chen Yang wants to accompany her.

During these three days, Chen Yang stayed in the Fourth Courtyard and spent all his time practicing.

After dinner that night, Ye Yiqing called on everyone to go watch a movie together, and received responses from Su Zining, Guan Xiyue, Nie Yichen, and Tao Xiaotong.

However, Liu Zhiling said she was not feeling well and did not go with them.

Of course, Chen Yang didn't go either.

They were going to watch a polyamorous romance movie, and Chen Yang was not interested in this kind of movie.

In fact, Chen Yang has not watched many movies.

Dong dong dong...

After the girls left and Chen Yang was practicing in the room, there was a knock on the door outside.

In the entire fourth courtyard, only Liu Zheling and him were present at the moment. The person knocking on the door must be Liu Zheling.

"Does he want to take advantage of the other people's absence to be with me..."

A smirk appeared on Chen Yang's lips, and he walked over and opened the door.

Outside the door, Liu Pheasant stood there, wearing a long emerald green dress. The breeze was blowing, and under the moonlight, there was a bit of literary atmosphere.

Chen Yang said: "Come in."

Liu Zhiling did not move, lowered her head slightly, with a shy expression on her face, and said, "Can you accompany me and go out?"

Don't you want to come into my room?

Chen Yang was stunned for a moment, then without hesitation, he closed the door and said, "Let's go."

"Drive the car." Liu Zhiling said.

Chen Yang nodded, drove into the Cayenne, and asked, "Where are we going now?"

Liu Zhiling turned to look at Chen Yang and said seriously: "Do you still remember when you drove me racing? I want to experience it again."

Chen Yang smiled and said: "No problem, but although this Cayenne GTS is powerful, it's still a bit poor at drag racing. Let's drive the follower's Jetta."

Liu Zhiling had met Nie Yichen when she first trained Chen Yang to dance. She knew that the Jetta was very powerful and not an ordinary car.

She nodded: "Okay, just drive that one."

The two of them changed cars, and Chen Yang started the old Jetta and drove towards the suburbs of Dayi.

When he reached a sparsely populated road, Chen Yang started driving violently.

"Pheasant Ling, sit tight."

He warned, shifted the gear to first gear, heard the roaring exhaust sound, and the old Jetta rushed out.

Under the driving of Chen Yang, he maximized the power of the old Jetta. The maximum speed reached 300KM/hour, blowing like wind on the road.

Fortunately, there were no people on this road, otherwise even if I didn't bump into others, I would still scare them.

Liu Zheling tightly grasped the handle on the door frame, feeling the speed of the vehicle. Her heart was beating fast, and she felt inexplicably excited.

At the same time, everything about Zeng Jin and Chen Yang flooded into her heart.

From the first meeting, to the subsequent familiarity, and then moving to Chen Yang's fourth courtyard, and then pretending to be boyfriend and girlfriend...

Unknowingly, the two of them actually experienced a lot.

And Liu Zhiling was also sure that she was in love with Chen Yang.

She couldn't stand the torture of this secret love, and she couldn't stand Chen Yang being in love with others every day.

She wants to express her love without any scruples, even if she refuses, she still has to express her love!

After a long time, the old Jetta was still running wildly. Liu Zhiling took a deep breath, gathered her strength, and shouted loudly: "Chen Yang, I love you."

The noise caused by the driving of the vehicle was very loud, and the sound of the exhaust was very loud, but it was all covered up by Liu Zheling's voice.

Although Chen Yang had expected Liu Zheling's confession today, he was still a little touched when he actually heard Liu Zheling say it.

He slowed down the car, with a solemn expression on his face, and turned to look at Liu Pheasant.

"What are you doing? Look at the road. The car is going so fast. Be careful of the car crashing and killing people!"

Liu Zhiling was so frightened that she couldn't help but speak.

In fact, she was actually a little flustered by Chen Yang's gaze, and she wanted to use words to cover up her inner nervousness.

Chen Yang stared into Liu Zheling's eyes and said sincerely: "Zhe Ling, I love you too."

Hearing this, Liu Pheasant was immediately stunned.

When she came back to her senses, a look of joy appeared on her face, and she felt that she was the happiest woman in the world at this moment.

Like other women, she confirmed: "Chen Yang, do you really love me?"

Chen Yang raised his right hand: "I swear to God, I, Chen Yang, really love Liu Zhiling. If I lie, then I will kill her with my car."

"Don't talk nonsense, I believe you!"

Liu Zhiling smiled and covered Chen Yang's mouth with her hand.

But at this moment, a bright light shone from the left side of the vehicle. The other party seemed to have turned on the high beam on purpose, making it blinding.

Liu Zhiling, who was turning her head to look at Chen Yang, suddenly had a look of panic on her face.

Because she saw a large truck, going very fast, crashing directly into their Jetta.

It can’t really be that smart, it must have been in a car accident!

Liu Zheling was shocked, but before she could recover, another bright light lit up directly opposite the old Jetta.

Another big truck rushed towards the old Jetta.

There is a fence on the right side of this road. At this moment, two trucks are blocking the way forward and turning left. The old Jetta is in a very dangerous situation.

Liu Zheling understood that this was not a car accident, but someone wanted to commit murder.

"Hold on to the handrail and be careful!"

At this time, Chen Yang also noticed that the situation was not good. He reminded Liu Zhiling, holding the steering wheel with his left hand and putting his right hand on the handbrake.

Turn the steering wheel, press the clutch, pull the handbrake!

The movements are done in one go.

Chi Chi Chi…

The tires of the old Jetta made a grinding sound and thick white smoke rose up. Under Chen Yang's control, the vehicle drifted and turned around.

At the critical moment, Kankan escaped the attack of two large trucks.

However, the vehicle was at its limit after all and still could not completely avoid the impact of the truck.


There was a loud noise, and the trunk of the old Jetta was hit from the side by a large truck, and was torn open by the impact.

Driven by the impact, the old Jetta moved sideways.

Chen Yang quickly controlled the steering wheel to prevent him from losing control and overturning the car.

At this time, he was thankful that Nie Yichen had made lightweight modifications to the old Jetta. The entire trunk was an empty shell, which was why it was so fragile.

If the rear of the car is too hard, the damage will be greater.

But even if he escaped, the impact was still very violent.

Chen Yang turned around and saw that Liu Zhiling had fainted.

He quickly unbuckled his seat belt and went over to check on Liu Zheling's injuries.


Suddenly, someone landed on the hood of the old Jetta and dented the hood, attracting Chen Yang's attention.

He looked out of the windshield. The man was standing on the hood. He could only see a pair of legs. He didn't know what he looked like.

Just when Chen Yang was suspicious, he saw a flash of cold light and a sharp sword thrust into the windshield from outside.

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