Urban magic doctor

Chapter 714 Escape

"You come."

Chen Yang handed the black light broken sword to Shangguan Yun.

Shangguan Yun knew what he meant. After taking the sword, she struck forward with the sword.

Something unexpected happened, no sword energy was released.

"what happened?"

Shangguan Yun was greatly surprised. Seeing that the sword energy that opened the path in front of her had disappeared, and the snakes were rushing towards her, she hurriedly swung her sword again.

The black light broken sword in his hand vibrated, but there was still no sword energy.

Shangguan Yun frowned and was at a loss.

"Damn it, this sword still recognizes its owner."

Chen Yang was complaining in his heart. He took the black light broken sword from Shangguan Yun's hand and swung the sword forward.

Dozens of snakes shot up and arrived in front of the two of them. Some of them even sprayed out venom.

At the critical moment, the sword energy raged through, turning everything into rubbish.

Chen and Yang breathed a sigh of relief, followed the sword energy, and continued to rush forward.

"If this continues, when my true energy is exhausted, I will definitely die. I must find a way."

Chen Yang's mind was racing and he looked at the big trees in the distance. Although there were snakes on the top of the trees, the number was much smaller. There were only three or four in each tree.

And because he and Shangguan Yun were on the ground, the snakes were still crawling downwards and did not stay at the top of the tree.

In this case, Shudian is undoubtedly a good place.

As long as you can move quickly on the top of the tree, you can escape the range of the snakes.

"Shangguanyun, hold me tight."

Chen Yang shouted, stretched out his hand to hold Shangguan Yun in his arms, and wanted to move to a nearby tree.

If he uses the phantom step, he can reach it in one step, but he doesn't have to worry about being surrounded by snakes during the period.

The three or two snakes on the top of the tree were much easier to deal with.

However, Shangguan Yun didn't understand what he was going to do, so she pushed him gently and asked, "What are you doing?"

"It's too late to explain, so hurry up and hold me tight."

Chen Yang's tone was a bit domineering. Shangguan Yun's heart trembled, and she couldn't help but wrap her arms around Chen Yang's body and hug her tightly.

This was the second time she was so close to Chen Yang, and she felt very shy.

However, she didn't have time to be shy. The next moment, Chen Yang had already used the Phantom Step.


Afterimages passed by, and the two figures appeared on a big tree three hundred meters ahead.

The top of the tree drooped slightly due to the weight of the two of them, but it did not break.

Shangguan Yun looked under the tree and saw the dark group of snakes and three small snakes at the top of the tree. She immediately understood Chen Yang's intention.

But at that moment, when Chen Yang used Phantom Step, she was still shocked.

Such a fast movement is unbelievable.


The three snakes at the top of the tree pounced towards Chen Yang and Shangguan Yun.

Swish, brush, brush...

Chen Yang waved the Xueyang Sword, and the three snakes broke into more than a dozen pieces and fell down.

At this time, the snake group discovered the traces of the two of them, and they all rushed towards the big tree.

Snakes gathered under the tree, layer upon layer, forming a mountain of snakes.

Chen Yang was not in a hurry until the tree could no longer bear the weight of the snakes and began to sway, and when the snakes below were already five meters below his feet, he used the phantom step.

In an instant, the top of the tree was empty, and the snake's intelligence was obviously unable to determine what was happening.

They were still climbing up the tree until they crushed the tree.


The big tree hit the ground, and many snakes were beaten into two pieces.

The snakes in the distance didn't know what was happening and were still rushing towards this side.

Perhaps they thought that Chen Yang and Shangguan Yun had been buried among the snakes.

At this time, Chen Yang appeared on the top of another tree 300 meters away. In just an instant, he disappeared.

An afterimage passed over the top of the tree without stopping at all.

The snakes rushed towards the fallen tree, and Chen Yang and the two left in a direction away from the snakes.

Thirty seconds later, Chen Yang and Chen Yang appeared on the top of another mountain.

The two finally got out of trouble and both breathed a sigh of relief.

Chen Yang looked back at the mountain where he was just now, and saw a group of black snakes covering almost one side of the hillside, and the number was astonishing.

"Why don't you let me go quickly."

A voice came from my arms.

Chen Yang looked down and then remembered that he was still holding Shangguan Yun in his arms.

He released his hands and asked seriously: "Are you okay?"

Thinking of the close contact just now, her cheeks turned red. She didn't dare to look directly into Chen Yang's eyes and shook her head: "I'm fine."

"It's okay."

Chen Yang smiled, looked at the snakes all over the mountains and fields, and asked, "Where did these snakes come from? Why are there so many of them?"

Thinking of the group of snakes just now, Chen Yang was still a little frightened.

If he hadn't figured out a way to move from the top of the tree, he and Shangguan Yun would have died in the snake's belly today.

Shangguan Yun said: "The blood-scale python is rare. It will attract snakes to gather through its strange body odor. The snake group will gradually disperse until all the snakes... breed, or the blood-scale python dies. "

Speaking of reproduction, Shangguan Yun's face turned red again.

She remained calm and continued: "But today's situation is a bit strange. I have been to the Qinglong Mountains before, and there are not many snakes here. Even if all the snakes in the Qinglong Mountains were gathered, there should not be such a number."

Hearing this, Chen Yang raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice, "Do you suspect that these gatherings of snakes are man-made?"

Shangguan Yun said: "I'm not sure, but it's possible."

Chen Yang said: "If it is really man-made, what is its purpose? Moreover, such a huge group of snakes is too harmful, and their intentions are to be punished."

Shangguan Yun said: "The blood-scaled python was killed by your sword energy just now. These snakes will disperse soon."

Chen Yang shook his head: "If so many snakes are placed in the Qinglong Mountains, I'm afraid it will affect the ecological balance of this place."

Shangguan Yun said: "Don't worry about it. Find Taoyuan first. Once we get out of the Qinglong Mountains, we will notify professionals to deal with these snakes."


Chen Yang nodded and continued on his way.

Unexpectedly, just after taking two steps, Shangguan Yun suddenly staggered and almost fell.

Chen Yang quickly supported him and asked with concern: "What's going on? Are you injured?"

Shangguan Yun frowned, with a shy expression on her face, and said, "I was bitten by a snake."

"Where was it bitten?" Chen Yang asked.

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