Urban magic doctor

Chapter 730 Internet Addicted Girl

Chen Yang was shocked because the scene in front of him was beyond his expectation.

A village is actually located under the volcano.

He looked down carefully and saw that this village was built with small houses. The walls of these houses were made of stone and the roofs were covered with hay. They were very simple.

The location of the houses is very regular, and it must have been arranged, so it was built like this.

A small stream flows from east to west, winding around.

To the east are houses, to the west are fields, fruit trees, pig pens...

The whole village is not big, but it has everything.

This village forms an ecosystem and is self-sufficient.

At this time, in the village, some children were practicing martial arts at the west end of the village. A strong man in wolf fur was guiding the children.

In the cultivated land, there are people working on the land.

Some women were washing clothes downstream of the stream.

The younger children chased and played with homemade toys in their hands.

The atmosphere in the entire village was peaceful.

"If there were more peach blossoms planted around, I almost thought this was the peach blossom garden written in Tao Yuanming's book."

Chen Yang was speechless and looked at Shangguan Yun with some confusion: "The atmosphere in this place is harmonious. No matter how I look at it, it doesn't look like a place where people are under house arrest. Are you sure that your friend is under house arrest here?"


Shangguan Yun nodded, jumped into the crater, clung to the edge of the inner wall, and crawled downwards.

Chen Yang glanced at the village in the volcano and said to Shangguan Yun, "Aren't you afraid of being seen by the people below?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Shangguan Yun landing on a protruding platform on the inner wall, which blocked the view below.

Shangguan Yun waved to him and said, "Come down."

Chen Yang also clung to the inner wall of the crater and descended to the platform.

Shangguan Yun pushed aside a bush, and Chen Yang discovered that there was a hole in the inner wall of the volcano next to the platform.

The entrance to the cave is hidden among a bush, so it's not easy to find.

"This is a secret passage that leads to the village below."

Shangguan Yun walked towards the entrance of the cave and greeted Chen Yang.

Chen Yang followed and looked at the dark cave passage.

The passage is not wide, and the walls are uneven. It can only accommodate one person walking forward. The surrounding area is somewhat damp, and the temperature is much lower than outside.

The temperature also seems to be relatively low.

Chen Yang laughed and teased: "You also know this kind of secret passage. It seems that you know this place very well."

Shangguan Yun still said the same thing: "I've been here before."

Chen Yang asked: "Who are the people down there? What did you come here for?"

"Why are you acting like a woman, mother-in-law?"

Shangguan Yun turned back and rolled her eyes at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang stretched out his hands and said with a smile, "Then give me a hug."

"Why are I hugging you?"

Shangguan Yun looked confused.

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Don't you say I'm a woman? Since I'm a woman, there's no harm in hugging me."


Shangguan Yun turned her head and continued walking forward.

Although she acted very coldly, every time Chen Yang teased her, her heart would pound and she would have an indescribable feeling.

The two of them moved forward along the passage. The slope of the passage became steeper and steeper, and finally it was almost vertically downward. They had to hold on to the stone wall of the passage with both feet and move forward slowly.

As you go down, the temperature gets lower and lower, and there is a hint of cold air in front of the passage, and there is a glimmer of light.

The exit has arrived.

Shangguan Yun walked out first, followed by Chen Yang from the passage.

In front of you is a huge stone house with many large ice blocks piled inside, and food and vegetables are sealed in the ice blocks.

Seeing this, Chen Yang realized that this was an ice cellar for preserving food in the village.

He murmured: "No wonder it's so cold in the passage. It turns out it's connected to an ice cellar."

Shangguan Yun said: "The village cannot farm all year round, so they will store some food here. Sometimes they will also go out to buy food and store the food in the ice cellar."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "You know this place too well, right?"

Shangguan Yun didn't answer. She walked to a wooden door and leaned against it. When she heard there was no sound from outside, she opened the door a crack and slipped out.

"follow me."

There seemed to be no one outside. Shangguan Yun poked her head out from the crack of the door and greeted Chen Yang.

Chen Yang followed and pulled the ice cellar door shut.

He looked outside and saw that this was not the core area of ​​the village, but close to the stone wall in the south. The ice cellar was also dug out of the stone wall.

If you don't take food, no one will come to this ice cellar.

Shangguan Yun glanced at the sky and saw that it was still bright. She said to Chen Yang, "Let's wait until it gets dark before going to rescue people."

After saying that, she ducked behind a stone, sat on the ground, and rested against the stone.

Chen Yang sat next to Shangguan Yun and said with a smile: "Rescue people? Why do I feel that you are here to cause trouble?"

"Can you help anyway?"

Shangguan Yun said in a threatening tone.

Chen Yang smiled and said: "Help, of course."

Shangguan Yun closed her eyes and said, "Let's rest for a while. The opponent has many experts. If things don't go well tonight, I'm afraid there will be a big battle."

After saying that, she added: "By the way, remember, don't kill anyone."

"Okay, I'll do whatever you want."

Chen Yang smiled, feeling more and more that something was strange.

The two of them rested for a while and saw that the sky was getting darker and the lights were on in the village.

"Set off."

Shangguan Yun opened her eyes, stood up and left.

Chen Yang followed Shangguan Yun and approached the village.

The two of them made many twists and turns, but Shangguan Yun could always find the road less traveled by, and was never discovered by anyone.

She seemed to know everything about this place.

"Out to mix, sooner or later have to repay."

"Open the door, open the door, I know you are home."

"God is fooling you."

"My broadsword is thirsty."

The sounds of TV series, movies, and computer games came from some houses, which surprised Chen Yang.

He thought the light was a kerosene lamp, but he didn't expect that there was electricity.

This place is remote and located in a volcano. If you want to provide electricity, the cost is very high.

And this wire was obviously built by the state specifically for the village.


Shangguan Yun stopped in front of a small stone house, with a look of excitement on her face.

Click click click…

"Kill, oh, it's Galen in the Grass again."

"If you're not afraid of opponents who are like gods, you're afraid of teammates who are like pigs. This monkey has a disease in his mind."

"Oh my god, let's not let anyone play with it. The enchantress can actually be caught."

The sound of keyboard tapping and a soft and sweet female voice came from the room.

But the female voice was a little excited, and she was having a lot of fun playing LoL.

Chen Yang looked at Shangguan Yun and frowned: "The person you want to save is not the Internet-addicted girl in this room, right?"

Shangguan Yun nodded: "Yes."

Chen Yang said speechlessly: "Isn't it right? Didn't you say she was under house arrest? How come she still has so much fun playing games?"

PS: On October 1, I wish everyone a happy National Day.

Another important notice, in order to cooperate with the website promotion, there will be no update in the early morning tomorrow (October 2). The update will be at 12 noon, and the update will be released at that time. Therefore, please don’t wait for the update in the early morning tomorrow.

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