Urban magic doctor

Chapter 759 Broad Manor


In the early morning, a scream came from the narrow and dark alley.

A woman who got up early passed by and found two men hanging on the wall.

These two men were naked and were stuck to the wall with a large amount of transparent tape, making them unable to move.

After a while, the man was taken away, and he kept shouting wildly.

"Strigoi, we see Strigoi."

"Believe us, he has fangs and bat wings. His bat wings were torn apart by a Huajin countryman, and there was a lot of blood on the ground."

"Look at the broken ground. They are all traces of their fight. Believe us, there are really vampires."

No one believed the two men, who were forced into a car and taken away.

The incident didn't attract much attention and was treated as a joke. At most, everyone just shot some videos and shared them.

The crowd gradually dispersed, and the alley where no one passed by returned to silence.

An hour later, two men wearing black trench coats and felt hats slowly walked into the alley.

One of the short, fat men squatted down and used a magnifying glass to examine the traces on the ground. He then took out a micro-instrument and tested the ground.

After a while, he turned back to his companions and said, "Yes, it's a vampire."

"It seems that there was indeed a fight here last night. Which family was it related to?"

"Could it be the Medgu family? They have had a lot of people come recently. According to the news, they seem to be moving their base camp back to Beizhou."

"The Medgu family is the most powerful blood clan. If they can integrate other blood clans, they may not be able to compete with Wolf Castle and the Dark Holy See. However, they are still in the negotiation stage with Wolf Fort and the Dark Holy See, and they should not cause trouble in a big way. That’s right.”

"I heard from witnesses that the person who took action was from the Huajin Kingdom."

"The people of Huajin are very mysterious. Whoever messes with someone will be in bad luck."

"It's better to tell the Medegu family about what happened here, as a gesture of goodwill to them. If they really move their base camp back to Beizhou in the future, it will also be conducive to our cooperation."

"They live in Broad House, we're going there now."

The two immediately walked out of the alley, got into a Peugeot 508, and drove away.

"Broad Manor."

Chen Yang read the stone carvings next to the gate of the manor, and looked towards the manor. He saw that the manor was very large, and his view was blocked by trees and buildings, and he couldn't see the end.

There were two men in black standing guard on both sides of the manor's entrance.

They stood erect and motionless.

Inside the manor, the guards are even tighter, with a man in black standing guard every twenty meters.

And from time to time, a team of three people, pulling three majestic pit bulls, appeared in the area that Chen Yang could see.

Chen Yang observed for a while and found that there were about thirteen teams patrolling the manor.

"The guards are so tight. It seems that the dead bat didn't lie to me."

Chen Yang sat in a tattered Fiat 500, retracting his gaze from the manor, thinking about when to go in and find out.

Everyone from the Medgu family is inside, including many high-ranking earls, who are very powerful.

Although Chen Yang has stronger personal combat power, it is difficult to deal with so many vampires.

Moreover, if the other party has a marquis, it will be troublesome.

Therefore, he must go in without anyone noticing.

If you go smoothly, you can kill a few first.

"Boy, what are you doing there? This is a private place, you are not the one who should be here. Leave now."

While Chen Yang was thinking, a man in black came over and shouted at him.


Chen Yang greeted the man in black and said with a smile: "This manor is quite beautiful. Can I go in and take pictures?"

The man in black looked sulky and said fiercely: "Don't you understand? This is private property. You leave immediately, otherwise don't blame me for being violent."

"Okay, okay, I'm leaving now."

Chen Yang made a surrender gesture and started the Fiat 500.

Seeing this, the man in black snorted coldly, ignored Chen Yang, and walked towards the manor.

At this moment, a Peugeot 508 drove to the gate of the manor and was stopped by a man in black.

The guards all focused their attention on 508, and no one paid attention to Chen Yang anymore.

Chen Yang did not leave in a hurry and looked at the Peugeot 508 that had just driven over.

The driver's seat window of the 508 was lowered, and inside was a man wearing a felt hat.

The man took a certificate and handed it to the guard: "Please inform Mr. Ineye that we want to see the Medgu family and discuss anything with them."

The guard looked impatient. He took the certificate and looked at it. His face suddenly became solemn and he said seriously: "It turns out to be Mr. Auro. Please wait a moment. I will inform the master right now."

"Well, please be quick."

The man in the 508 car nodded slightly, his attitude neither arrogant nor humble.

The guard took the ID and walked quickly towards the manor.

The people in the car were waiting silently.

At this time, the guard noticed that the Fiat 500 had not left yet.

The guard had a dark face and shouted at Chen Yang: "Boy, if you don't leave, we will smash your car."

"Leave now, leave now."

With a fearful expression on Chen Yang's face, he stepped on the accelerator. The Fiat rushed forward and stalled.

"It's off. I'll start it right up."

Chen Yang shouted at the guard, hurriedly started the Fiat.

Seeing his nervous look, the guards couldn't help laughing.

The two people on the Peugeot 508 also burst into laughter.

"This Huajin countryman is so ridiculous. He is as timid as a mouse. He was so frightened after being yelled at."

"Don't underestimate the people of the Huajin Kingdom. The vampires who had an accident last night may have been caused by people from the Huajin Kingdom."

"Even if he is, he's not the coward in front of me."

"That's right. Judging from the appearance of this person, he should be an international student from the Huajin Kingdom in Lanxi Kingdom."

The two people in the 508 car were talking, and the Fiat had already driven away.

Neither they nor the guards of the Broad Manor would see a teasing smile on the lips of the man in the car.

"Mr. Auro, please come in."

At this time, the guard came out, handed the documents back to the people in the car, and then opened the blocked door.

The Peugeot 508 drove in and the door slowly closed.

Chen Yang drove the Fiat 500 and drove very far. He didn't stop until he reached a nearby town.

After checking into a hotel in the small town, he called Luo Badao.

The conversation between the people on the 508 car and the guard just now allowed Chen Yang to confirm the information that the Medgu family did live in Broad Manor.

However, the owner of Brorod Manor is not the Medgu family, but a man named Ineye.

Chen Yang had to ask Luo Badao, who is Ineye?

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