Urban magic doctor

Chapter 764 Meeting


Chen Yang hid in a tree in the manor, breathed a long sigh of relief, and thought to himself: "Fortunately, this girl is a natural idiot. If it were someone else, I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to hide it."

Although he had deceived Nie Wushuang just now, Chen Yang knew that there was another reason for his success. Because both of them were from the Huajin Kingdom, Nie Wushuang had an inexplicable sense of trust in him.

He looked at Nie Wushuang's window until the window was closed and the curtains were drawn, then he turned his eyes elsewhere.

Nie Wushuang's castle should be filled with people from Wolfsburg.

Then the people from the Medgu family and the Dark Holy See live in the other two places.

Chen Yang glanced at the castle on the left, then at the one on the right.

After thinking for a moment, he chose the left side.

Listening to the conversation between Nie Wushuang and Emily, the people in the Dark Church are very vicious and murderous.

If the castle on the left is someone from the Holy See, and they are discovered, they will definitely start a war immediately, and Chen Yang will have no choice but to escape.

Of course, if he is not discovered, he can continue to sneak into the next castle, which must be the residence of the Medgu family.

Chen Yang moved among the trees, and there was a slight rustling sound on the trees. No one knew that someone was passing by above.

As for the surveillance in the yard, let alone capture him.

He hid in a tree and looked at the door only five meters away.

The street lamp, which was not bright, cast a beam of dim light.

At this moment, a man dressed in black was walking towards the incubator with an incubator in his hand.

Judging from the man's appearance, he should be from Broad Manor.

When he reached the door, he was stopped by a blond man.

The blond man ordered: "Open the incubator and take a look."

"Yes." The man in black nodded and opened the incubator, revealing a hint of cold air inside.

The blond man reached out and took out an infusion bag from the incubator. It contained red liquid, which was a little viscous.

He bit open the bag and sucked hard.

In the blink of an eye, the entire bag of liquid was drank by the blond man.

He licked his lips and said with satisfaction: "Yes, blood type O is my favorite blood type."

Chen Yang, who was hiding in the bushes, realized after hearing these words that there was blood in the incubator.

It seems that we have gone to the right place this time. This castle is inhabited by vampires.

"Okay, put down the blood, you can go."

The blond man ordered the man in black.

The man in black nodded, turned and left.

Before he could take a few steps, the blond man shouted again: "By the way, Count Kenno likes type A blood. Please prepare more for him. I think Mr. Ineye doesn't want Marquis Kenno to starve to death. "

The man in black stopped and said respectfully: "The entire blood bank of Lanxi Country is temporarily in urgent need of type A blood. Please convey this to Marquis Kennaugh and we will try our best to mobilize blood sources from other countries."


The blond man nodded, ignored the man in black, and walked inside, muttering: "Huh, I can't even get some type A blood. It's really disappointing."

Hearing this, the man in black frowned, turned and left without saying anything.

"It seems that the negotiations between the Medgu family, Wolfsburg and the Dark Holy See are not going smoothly. Otherwise, the blond boy would not have this attitude towards the people of Ineye."

Chen Yang looked at the blond man's back with a smile on his lips.

The worse the relationship between the Medgu family and Wolf Castle and the Dark Church, the happier he will be.

However, he also had doubts in his mind.

The Medegu family has its roots in the Lion Kingdom, and its overall strength is not as good as that of Wolf Castle and the Dark Holy See.

Take the top masters at the Marquis level as an example. Wolfsburg has several, as does the Dark Holy See, but there are only two in the Medgu family.

Since their strength is not as good as others, why should the Medegu family negotiate fairly with others?

What's more, the blond's attitude just now was quite tough, and he didn't seem to take the people of Wolfsburg into consideration at all.

"What does the Medegu family rely on?"

Chen Yang was confused. When the blond man walked away, he moved and followed him.

The whole castle was quiet, as if there was no one there.

But it makes sense to think about it, there are not many people from the Medegu family, only about thirty people in total, most of them are senior members of the family.

They are not like the Wolfsburg side where some ordinary members still live.

Chen Yang searched the castle until he heard a sound on the third floor.

There is a door at the end in front, and the sound comes from inside.

There was a strong smell of blood in the room, and the incubator containing the blood bag was empty and placed at the door.

"It seems that they are having dinner together inside."

Chen Yang used Phantom Step, moved and appeared at the door.

His steps were light and only one step, and the people inside didn't notice anything unusual.

He listened and heard sounds coming from the room.

"Lord Kenno, Luke is missing. Maybe the vampire officially mentioned by Lanxi Country is Luke."

"Not maybe, but definitely."

"Omi, you didn't restrain your son properly, and now he dies here. It's really a disgrace to our Medegu family."

"Fake, Courtney, if you make sarcastic remarks again, don't blame me for being rude."

"Hmph, if you don't want to be polite, then try it."


There was a dispute in the room, and Chen Yang wanted them to fight immediately, and it was best to kill a few first.

"Don't argue. We are a noble blood clan, so you can't be polite."

A calm voice stopped the quarrel.

Chen Yang thought to himself that this person should be the Mr. Kenno they call him.

The room became quiet, and Kenno continued: "Someone killed Luke, maybe it was the work of Wolf Castle and the Dark Holy See, or it might be someone else. But the current news is that it was a person from the Huajin Kingdom who did it. Whether it was someone from the Huajin Kingdom. Whoever it is, we will find him and kill him."

"People from the Huajin Kingdom, huh! I hate the people from the Huajin Kingdom more and more now, especially Chen Yang."

"The boy named Chen Yang killed the patriarch's most outstanding son, Ricky. Perry, Johnny, and Turner who were sent to kill him two months ago are also dead."

"Chen Yang is very strong, I'm afraid it will take a Marquis to defeat him."

Kennuo said: "Now, we are not concerned about Chen Yang's affairs, but we should kill the person who killed Luke first. This is related to our face. Otherwise, Wolf Castle and the Dark Holy See will definitely despise this matter if they know about it. us."

As soon as he finished speaking, the phone rang.

Chen Yang heard a moment of silence in the room, and then a bitter voice sounded: "I got the photo. The person who killed Luke is really Chen Yang."

"What, Chen Yang! It's really him!"

"This is not the Kingdom of Flowers. We don't have so many scruples. Find him and start killing him together."

"The Marquis cannot enter the territory of Huajin Kingdom. This time he is in Lanxi, which is a perfect opportunity. We will immediately notify Lord Beni and ask him to take action."

Everyone in the Medegu family became a little excited and wanted to kill Chen Yang right away.

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