Urban magic doctor

Chapter 773: Inviting the Wolf to Jealousy

Seeing Nie Wushuang's excited look, Goode was so angry that he wanted to rush over and kill Chen Yang immediately.

As soon as Chen Yang woke up, he felt a murderous aura. He turned around and saw Goode staring at him fiercely.

But seeing that Gude didn't take action, he didn't care.

Then, the first thing he thought of was the Black Light Broken Sword and the Blood Sun Sword.

The Black Light Broken Sword is his killing weapon.

The Bloody Yang Sword was passed down by the master.

Neither sword can be lost.

Just when he was worried, he saw two swords thrust into his waist by Nie Wushuang, and he immediately felt relieved.

But he didn't expect that this girl really came to find the Ice Crystal Holy Grail.

And looking at Nie Wushuang's excitement, he obviously recognized himself.

But I don't know if she thought she was the person in her dream, or if she already knew that she was deceived that night.

While Chen Yang was thinking, Nie Wushuang looked at him and asked, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Who are you?"

Chen Yang pretended to meet by chance and asked knowingly.


Nie Wushuang was about to reveal her identity, but was pulled back by Emily. She quickly wanted to cover it up, but didn't know what to say.

At this time, Goode came over and said to Chen Yang: "We are explorers in the forest. We found a dry well, so we came down to find out."

Explorer, haha, go ahead and lie to ghosts.

Not to mention that Chen Yang knew their details, even if he didn't, he wouldn't believe such lies.

But he still nodded and pretended to say: "Oh, that's it. Thank you for saving me."

Good asked in a deep voice: "Then what are you doing here?"

Chen Yang copied Goode's original words: "I was exploring in the forest and found a dry well, so I came down to find out."

Hearing this, Goode's mouth twitched, and a look of sullenness appeared on his face.

He glanced at the stretcher made of stone and said to Chen Yang: "Since your injury is better now, you'd better leave here as soon as possible. There are still dangers on the road ahead. If you hurt your life, it will be more than worth the loss."

These words made it clear that he wanted to leave Chen Yang behind.

Before Chen Yang could speak, Nie Wushuang was unhappy and said, "Gude, how could you do this? He is injured now, and we should protect him. If he is allowed to leave alone, he will be in danger again. , what should we do? I decided that we would take him with us."

Good frowned and said anxiously: "Miss Wushuang, this..."

"That's it."

Nie Wushuang said, ignoring Goode, and said to Chen Yang: "How are you? Are your injuries better?"

"I'm a little dizzy, I'll take a nap first."

Chen Yang rubbed his head, lay on the stretcher, and closed his eyes.

Seeing this, Good said angrily: "Boy, what's your attitude? Miss Wushuang is talking to you?"

"Good, I'm a wounded person, why are you yelling?"

Nie Wushuang glared at Gude, and then said to Chen Yang: "Don't pay attention to Gude, he is just like that, but he is quite kind and often helps me. He is a good person."

Helping you, haha, I'm afraid I have ulterior motives.

Chen Yang cursed that he had no time to talk to Nie Wushuang. He still had many things to think about at the moment.

His old god was lying on the stretcher, and Nie Wushuang was beside him, staring at him with a smile on his face and curiosity in his eyes.

Gude stood aside, gnashing his teeth angrily. What was so good about that boy that he was so favored by Miss Wushuang.

At this moment, Chen Yang was distracted and thinking about his own affairs.

"Although the snake's bloodline is very weak, it also possesses inner elixir, which shows that it is indeed a monster. There are really monsters in this world."

"The dragon snake grows here. It must have been deliberately released by the people who built this place to deter newcomers."

"What happened to the inner elixir? After I took it, it not only repaired my injuries, but also helped me advance to the next level, reaching the peak of Baoyuan."

"If you take the inner elixir for a long time, wouldn't it be as fast as making a rocket?"

"However, how can there be so many monsters in this world? What's more, even if there are monsters, their bloodline is already very thin, and whether they can possess inner elixirs is also a question."

"It seems that you need to learn how to make alchemy. Taking drugs will definitely speed up your practice."

After thinking for a moment, Chen Yang retracted his thoughts.

He looked at Nie Wushuang next to him and smiled: "Xiao'er..."

Before he could continue, Nie Wushuang exclaimed: "You...how do you know my name is Xiao'er."

Chen Yang had a blank expression on his face and said in astonishment: "Well, I don't know the reason, but I have a feeling that we have met somewhere before. I couldn't help but call out the name just now."

Nie Wushuang was stunned for a moment and murmured in a low voice: "Did we really meet in a dream?!"

Emily heard Nie Wushuang's words and pulled Nie Wushuang. The two walked to the side and she asked in a low voice: "Xiao'er, do you know that kid?"

Nie Wushuang shook his head: "I don't know him. I don't even know his name."

Emily looked disbelieving: "Then how did he know your name was Xiao'er?"

Nie Wushuang was silent for a moment, lowered his voice, and said in Emily's ear: "Sister Emily, don't tell others. I have seen that person in my dream."


Emily exclaimed, quickly covered her mouth, and whispered: "Xiaoer, are you serious?"

"of course it's true."

Nie Wushuang nodded solemnly.

Emily rolled her eyes and smiled: "So, he is the man of your dreams."

Nie Wushuang blushed and said shyly: "Don't talk nonsense, I just saw her in a dream, not a dream lover."

"Let's go over and talk to him and find out his background."

Emily pulled Nie Wushuang and caught up with Chen Yang, who was being carried in front, and said, "My name is Emily, her name is Nie Wushuang, what's your name?"

Chen Yang said: "My name is Chen Yang."

Emily asked again: "What country are you from?"

Nie Wushuang rushed to say: "He is from Huajin."

"Yes, I am from Huajin." Chen Yang nodded.

Emily rolled her eyes at Nie Wushuang: "I didn't ask you, why are you rushing to answer."

Nie Wushuang stuck out his tongue and whispered in Emily's ear: "When I was in the dream, he was speaking Huajin language, so I know he is from Huajin."

Seeing that the three of them were chatting happily, Good next to him became more and more depressed.

He glanced at Chen Yang and thought about how to get rid of this guy.

Otherwise, the original purpose of this trip was to pursue Nie Wushuang, but when the time came, he would not have taken advantage of this guy.

"Hmph, when we encounter the Medgu family or the Dark Holy See later, we will throw this kid away and see if he can survive."

Good said cruelly, he did not want to offend Nie Wushuang and Emily, so he thought of a plan to kill with a borrowed knife.

Others arouse jealousy, but Chen Yang is arousing jealousy from wolves.

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