Urban magic doctor

Chapter 775 Shadow Assassin

"Whoever, get out of here."

The people from the Dark Holy See gave a sharp shout, and all six of them looked towards the passage where Chen Yang and his party were.

Fortunately, they had heard the discussion in front of them and hid behind the rocks. The other party looked over, but could not see them.

"I'll go over and take a look."

A person from the Holy See walked towards this side.

The sound of footsteps was not fast, but it seemed to be stepping on the heart, making it contract and tighten the nerves.

Just when Chen Yang thought the battle was inevitable, Goode reached into his arms and actually took out a squirrel and let it go.

The squirrel made a chirping sound, ran around in a panic, rushed to the feet of the member of the Dark Church, and was trampled to death.

Seeing the dead squirrel, Nie Wushuang frowned, with a look of pity in his eyes, and was about to scream in surprise.

Emily quickly covered Nie Wushuang's mouth and shook her head slightly to signal him to silence.

"It's a squirrel."

The people from the Dark Holy See who came to check were relieved and turned back.

"It's really strange. It's all rocky and airtight, and there are no trees. Where can the squirrels come from?"

"Maybe the squirrel dug the hole and got down."

"Forget it, let's talk about business. There are eight passages in total, and they all converge here. I wonder if there are existences as vicious as the strange bird in other passages, blocking the Medgu family and Wolf Castle."

"This is not certain. Maybe there is nothing in those passages."

"Judging from the footprints on the ground, someone has already walked ahead of us. I don't know who it is."

"No matter who it is, we must hurry up as soon as possible, otherwise, the Ice Crystal Holy Grail may be taken away by them."

"Let's go, we can't waste any more time."

The footsteps gradually faded away, and the people from the Dark Holy See left.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Goode looked out and said, "It's okay, they are all gone."

At this time, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Nie Wushuang ran out from behind the rock where he was hiding, and the first thing he did was to look at the squirrel that had been trampled to death. He saw that the squirrel had been trampled flat, and its internal organs and blood burst out.

She looked back at Gude and said dissatisfied: "Gude, how could you do this?"

Good frowned: "Miss Wushuang, if it weren't for this squirrel, we might have been discovered by people from the Dark Church."

Nie Wushuang said: "So what if we find out. Since we are looking for the Ice Crystal Holy Grail, we will fight them sooner or later."

Good said: "That's right, but wouldn't it be more beneficial to us if we wait until they and the Medgu family are both defeated and then take action? So now, we have to retain our strength."

Nie Wushuang also understood that Goode was right, so he dug a hole and buried the squirrel without saying anything more, and said, "What should we do next?"

Everyone stopped and looked thoughtful.

Chen Yang lay on the stretcher and looked around.

This is a huge cave with only scattered fluorescent grass around it, which is not very bright.

It was pitch black above, no one knew how high it was, and the surrounding area was also completely dark, with no end in sight.

It seems that in this world, there is only black and nothing else.

And behind them, there are eight passages.

Above the passage, there are written one, two, three... until eight.

The passage they just walked out of corresponds to the word when they entered, which reads Qi.

Obviously, just after going down the well, if you choose any one of the eight passages, they will eventually converge here.

What are the intentions of the people who built this place?

Chen Yang figured it out quickly.

Just now, people from the Holy See said that they encountered a strange and vicious bird, comparable to a low-level marquis.

In other words, there are eight passages, each of which is guarded by different monsters to block those who enter.

Maybe those monsters would fight together, so the builders were placed in eight passages.

It is also possible that some passages are not guarded by monsters, it just depends on the luck of the person.

By the way, the dragon snake has inner elixir, does that evil bird have it?

Chen Yang's eyes lit up and he looked back at the eight passages. Judging from the footprints on the ground, there were footprints in passages No. 1 and 4. He was still unable to determine which passage the Dark Holy See came out of.

Moreover, there is another party that is faster than the Dark Holy See.

A dragon snake inner elixir allowed Chen Yang to rise from the late stage of Baoyuan to the peak.

If you can get a few more inner elixirs, it will undoubtedly be of great benefit.

However, now is obviously not the time to obtain the inner elixir, because the most important purpose of Chen Yang's trip is to obtain the Ice Crystal Holy Grail.

That thing can directly elevate people to the innate realm.

"There are seven channels left, and maybe seven inner elixirs. I will get them all sooner or later."

Chen Yang thought to himself and retracted his thoughts.

At this time, Goode took out his compass and flashlight, looked at the dark front, and said to everyone: "Let's go, keep moving forward."

"Yes, we have to hurry up, otherwise, others will get there first."

Nie Wushuang nodded, looking a little anxious.

She worked so hard for the Ice Crystal Holy Grail, and she didn't want to be snatched away by others.

The rest of the people also agreed with Goode's point of view.

However, Chen Yang shook his head and said, "Wait."

Everyone looked at him, and Goode glared at him: "What are you waiting for?"

Chen Yang ignored Goode, turned to Nie Wushuang and Emily and said: "It's pitch dark here, and I don't know what danger is ahead. Maybe people from the Dark Holy See are lurking in the dark, waiting for us to pass by, and then attack suddenly."

Good said coldly: "Coward, if you don't dare to move forward, then you can go back. We don't want to take you with us anyway."

With that said, he turned around and walked forward, saying, "Everyone, follow me."

Nie Wushuang hesitated. She had no experience and didn't know how to decide.

But in the end, her desire for the Ice Crystal Holy Grail prevailed in her heart.

She said to Chen Yang: "The people from the Dark Holy See have been walking for twenty minutes. Although it is dark in front, there is no movement. Let's be careful. It should be fine."

Chen Yang thought for a while and said, "Okay, but you and Emily should be careful."

Hearing this, Nie Wushuang quickly called two people over to carry Chen Yang's stretcher, and the group continued to move forward.

Guided by the compass, they walked in the same direction.

Although it was dark ahead, there were some fluorescent grasses around, and with the light of the flashlight, I could see the road on the ground clearly.

After walking for about half an hour, Good looked back and glanced at Chen Yang on the stretcher. With a proud expression on his face, he sneered and said disdainfully: "Humph, didn't you say there was an ambush? In my opinion, it's just your courage. It’s just small.”


As soon as Good finished speaking, a scream came from the crowd.

Immediately afterwards, one person fell to the ground.

When everyone looked, they saw that the man's neck had been cut open, blood was flowing, his eyes were turned white, and he was dead.

Ambush, indeed there is an ambush!

Suddenly, everyone was shocked.

Goode hurriedly shouted: "Everyone, be careful, it's a shadow assassin from the Dark Vatican."

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