Urban magic doctor

Chapter 783 Good’s Rebellion

Chen Yang and his party marched for several hours. There was a snowy white light in front of them, and the light seemed to be reflected.

The dark cave became brighter and brighter, and the air was filled with a cold chill.

There are ice shards on the ground and stone walls, and the temperature here is very low.

Continuing forward, the ice slag turned into ice layer, and the ice layer became thicker and thicker, finally reaching more than one meter thick.

A hundred meters further, what appeared in front of everyone's eyes was a huge hole in the ice and snow.

It is surrounded by transparent ice crystals, at least one meter thick.

At its thickest point, you can't even see the end of the ice.

Under the ice layer, there are a few scattered fluorescent grasses. The light is refracted by the ice layer and transmitted to the entire space, illuminating the surrounding area.

The temperature here is very low. Chen Yang reached out and touched the ice. It seemed that the ice was so cold that it pierced his bones.

I estimate the temperature to be at least fifty degrees below zero.

Moreover, this temperature has strange properties, making it so cold that it hurts.

Fortunately, they are all experts. If ordinary people entered here, they would definitely get frostbite even if they were not frozen into popsicles.

Nie Wushuang looked forward and said, "It looks like we are almost reaching our destination."

Chen Yang observed the ground and muttered: "Judging from the traces on the ice, there is a group of people walking in front of us."

Emily said: "Maybe it's the Medgu family, or maybe it's our Wolfsburg team."

Nie Wushuang said: "I hope it's Wolfsburg's team."

"Let's go, keep going."

Chen Yang nodded and said to everyone.

As everyone continued to move forward, the passage gradually became narrower, from the previous dozens of meters wide to less than five meters wide, and the surrounding ice became thicker and thicker.

In fact, the passage is wide, only because of the ice cover that squeezes the width of the passage.

As they moved forward, the cold became heavier and the temperature became lower and lower.

Chen Yang asked Nie Wushuang, "Is this cold air coming from the Ice Crystal Holy Grail?"

Before, Nie Wushuang had told Chen Yang about the Ice Crystal Holy Grail. Chen Yang pretended not to know anything and listened carefully.

Listening to his question at this moment, Nie Wushuang replied: "In addition to directly promoting ordinary people to marquis, which is the innate realm of Huajin Kingdom, the Ice Crystal Holy Grail can also release powerful cold air. Everything here is precisely because of the ice crystal The Holy Grail was formed.”

Nie Wushuang read all this information from books.

At this moment, she seemed to be interested, and then told Chen Yang: "It is said that there is ice crystal holy water in the Ice Crystal Holy Grail. After drinking it, you can improve your realm. Now the Medgu family, the Dark Holy See and Wolf Castle are fighting for those ice crystals. Holy water.”

"But because you got rid of the Dark Holy See, that is to say, only Wolfsburg and the Medgu family are left to fight. If the person in front is the Medgu family, we will wait for Wolfburg's team to come and join us, and then fight for the ice crystal holy water . If it is the Wolfsburg team, we will join them directly."

"The current situation is very beneficial to us at Wolfsburg."

Having said this, Nie Wushuang looked happy.

Although she is from the Huajin Kingdom, it is obvious that she has merged with the werewolves into a group. She regards herself as a member of Wolf Castle and thinks of the werewolves wholeheartedly.

Chen Yang couldn't help but asked curiously: "Xiao'er, you are from Huajin country, why are you in Wolf Castle?"

Nie Wushuang showed a dark look on his face and said: "When I was very young, I lived in Brorod Manor. My parents were servants of Wolf Castle. Less than three months after I was born, Brorod Manor was attacked. An attack, both my parents were killed in that attack.”

"Later, Grandpa Ineye adopted me and raised me like a granddaughter. He provided me with good living conditions, taught me many things, and doted on me very much. Without Grandpa Ineye, there would be no life. Me now."

Speaking of Ineye, a smile appeared on Nie Wushuang's face. It was obvious that Ineye's status in her heart was very high.

Chen Yang asked again: "There are all werewolves in Wolf Castle, but you have now reached the early stage of Baoyuan. Who taught you the ancient martial arts?"

"Grandpa Ineye."

Nie Wushuang gave Chen Yang an unexpected answer.

He was stunned for a moment and asked doubtfully: "Isn't he a werewolf?"

Nie Wushuang said: "Grandpa Ineye is indeed a werewolf, but he also practices the ancient martial arts of the Flower Brocade Kingdom."

"Who taught him?"

Chen Yang looked puzzled.

Nie Wushuang shook his head: "I don't know about that."

"There's someone ahead."

While Chen Yang and Nie Wushuang were talking, Emily shouted in a low voice.

Everyone immediately became alert and looked forward.

I saw a corner a few hundred meters ahead. The ice there reflected several figures, which was the scene on the other side of the corner.

"Those people are from the Medgu family!"

Although he couldn't see his face clearly, Nie Wushuang made a judgment because the figure's clothing was reflected in the ice.

Emily said: "Let's retreat and wait for the Wolfsburg team to come over."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

But at this moment, Good suddenly rushed forward and shouted: "You bastard of the Medgu family, get out and die!"

Frank, are you crazy?

Seeing this, everyone was confused.

No one knew much about the situation of the Medgu family, so Goode rushed forward rashly, which was tantamount to seeking death.

"No, we can't let him die. Let's do it together."

Although Nie Wushuang didn't like Gude, she quickly made a decision and chased after Gude.

"There were obviously advantages, but now they are all gone."

"Miss Wushuang is already on board, let's rush together."


Everyone sighed, but still followed them one after another.


Chen Yang looked at Gude's back, shook his head secretly, and followed Nie Wushuang.


Nine people rushed out from the corner, it was Medgu and his party led by Kenno.

When they heard someone yelling unscrupulously, they were all shocked, thinking that they had met a powerful opponent, otherwise how could the opponent be so arrogant.

But when he came over and saw a few young people from Wolfsburg, they immediately started laughing.

These few people are nothing to worry about.

Then, they noticed Chen Yang following the crowd and frowned again.

Chen Yang, why did he get mixed up with the people from Wolfsburg?

While the members of the Medgu family were wondering, Good, who was rushing at the front, suddenly turned around and grabbed a claw on the neck of a companion who was following him.


The werewolf was defenseless, his neck was torn, and his throat was pulled out by Goode.

The sudden scene shocked both parties.

The werewolf was even more stunned, unable to believe that Goode actually took action against him.

Just when everyone was confused, Goode shouted in the direction of the Medegu family: "People of the Medegu family, I, Goode, seek refuge with you. I only have two conditions. Help me kill that man named Chen." Yang's Huajin country; and leave Nie Wushuang to me!"


Good actually rebelled against the enemy.

Suddenly, everyone understood that Goode was not trying to attack, but was deliberately attracting the Medgu family.

PS: Finally four chapters have been published and will be updated on time. Thank you for your support!

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