Urban magic doctor

Chapter 831 Me

"Xiao Hanhan, I finally found you."

Chen Yang looked up at Qiao Daihan and said with a smile.

Only then did Qiao Daihan realize that the person who jumped down was Chen Yang.

When she saw Chen Yang, she felt excited and felt like crying. She was so choked that she couldn't speak.

Over the past year, she had missed Chen Yang so much.

She threw herself into Chen Yang's arms, and Chen Yang hugged her tightly and said, "Xiao Hanhan, let's get on the plane."

Chen Yang kissed Qiao Daihan on the forehead, bent his legs, and jumped more than ten meters high.

The next second, he was already on the helicopter.

Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded.

Is this kid Superman?

However, regardless of whether he is Superman or not, looking at the helicopter disappearing and the girl blocking the road, I wish I had a boyfriend like this, picking him up in such a handsome way. This is so romantic. .

"Chen Yang, do you miss me?"

In front of Chen Yang, Qiao Daihan lost her fortitude when performing tasks and completely turned into a little woman.

Qiao Daihan glanced at Chen Yang with some resentment, moved Chen Yang's hand on her head away, and said: "Also, don't touch my head in the future, I am no longer the little Hanhan who used to follow you with a runny nose. Already..."

After the helicopter stopped at the back mountain, Chen Yang took Qiao Daihan into Qingyun Villa.

Although Qiao Daihan only had external energy, as soon as she walked into Qingyun Villa, she felt the difference here and felt refreshed.

She couldn't help but praise: "This is a good place."

"It's not as good as the Fourth Courtyard."

Chen Yang shook his head. The Fourth Courtyard was just a thought to him. No matter how good other places were, they couldn't compare to the Fourth Courtyard.

Unfortunately, the fourth hospital is gone.

Qiao Daihan held Chen Yang's arm and said with a smile: "To me, a place with you is a good place."

"I didn't realize before that you are quite a nymphomaniac."

At this time, the girls who had been waiting for a long time came out to greet him.

Qiao Daihan saw that in addition to Su Zining, whom she had known since childhood, as well as the tenants Guan Xiyue, Liu Zhiling, and Ye Yiqing she had met before, as well as An Ning, who had risked his life to save Chen Yang in the Chen family, there were three other people who were not Knowing him, she glanced at Chen Yang with a puzzled look.

"Come on, let me introduce you to everyone. This is Xiao Hanhan."

"This is my little follower, Nie Yichen."

"This is my girlfriend and my former class teacher, Yang Xuewei."

"She...is your martial arts coach, Gu Mingyao."

After Chen Yang introduced both parties, everyone greeted them very friendly.

However, Chen Yang, who was familiar with Qiao Daihan, noticed that although she didn't say anything, there was worry in her eyes.

It seems that Xiao Hanhan has not been back for a year and is a little worried about gains and losses.

After dinner, everyone enjoyed the cool air in the yard.

After a day of getting along, the people who met for the first time have gotten along very well.

Everyone lives here, and although some girls have not explained their relationship with Chen Yang, everyone understands what is going on.

By choosing Chen Yang, they accepted all this.

At night, Chen Yang originally went to Ye Yiqing's room, but he was kicked out by Ye Yiqing. He said angrily: "You are so heartless. Xiao Hanhan just came back, and you didn't accompany her. "

But after hearing Ye Yiqing's words, Chen Yang thought, maybe Xiao Hanhan gave them some hint.

With this thought, Chen Yang walked to the door of Qiao Dai's cold room.

Before I even knocked on the door, a voice came from inside: "Come in."

Uh, you're really waiting for me.

PS: Thanks to "Shen", the 1W book coins are so popular, wow!

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