Urban magic doctor

Chapter 863 Clever Use of Poxu Palm

Hearing Clark's roar, Hall did not chase after Big Head and the others.

He looked unhappy and said: "Clark, I am not your subordinate, you have no right to order me."


Clark stared and cursed angrily.

The bearded Rodney said: "Okay, you two, stop arguing. Those guys are useless, what's the use of chasing them."

Clark licked his lips and said greedily: "But, they have eight hearts."

Rodney frowned and said, "If you want to eat the heart, I'll help you get it when you get out of the ruins of Daxia."

Clark's eyes lit up: "Big Beard, don't go back on your word."

Hall said coldly: "Don't talk nonsense. Let's deal with this kid first. The broken sword in his hand is a good thing."

As he spoke, Hall stared at the black light broken sword in Chen Yang's hand with bright eyes.

The next second, the two instruments in his hands generated powerful currents, which contained true energy, and were released towards Chen Yang.

The electricity crackled like a bolt of lightning, illuminating the dark forest.

However, the speed of his current attack is obviously still far from the speed of light.

Seeing the electric current coming, Chen Yang used Phantom Step and moved away with a whoosh.


The current bombarded the ground, creating a shallow pit with a diameter of one meter.

The ground was scorched black, and smelly black smoke was emitted.

"At this level, you still want to steal my sword. Are you too confident?"

A mocking voice sounded.

Chen Yang looked at the three members of the Twelve Crowns with a warlike sneer on his lips.

He was not afraid or nervous.

On the contrary, he was full of fighting spirit.

Fighting against three innate mid-level players by himself was undoubtedly a battle to test his strength.

He is full of confidence in this battle.

The super speed of the phantom step exceeds that of the middle innate stage. As long as he does not rush forward to fight in close combat, he is almost invincible.

Moreover, after advancing to the innate level, the Black Light Broken Sword can release more powerful sword energy, and its attacks are extremely domineering.

Of course, his biggest trump card is the Poxu Palm.

The Poxu Palm can smash Watanabe Masaki in the early stage of Xiantian, so when facing the mid-stage Xiantian, even if he doesn't kill the opponent, he can beat him half to death.

Therefore, Chen Yang dared to compete against three mid-level Xiantian players at an early stage Xiantian level.

"Hmph, boy, you are the one who is blindly confident."

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded behind Chen Yang, it was Clark.

Chen Yang felt the killing intent behind him, like a sharp scalpel, sharp and steady.

Clark's scalpel stabbed Chen Yang in the back.

The shadow flashed and Chen Yang disappeared.

"Hey, it's so fast!"

Clark raised his eyebrows, a look of surprise on his face.

At this time, the bearded Rodney's expression changed and he shouted: "Clark, be careful, he is behind you."


Clark snorted and kicked behind him.

His legs were very long, as if they had turned into sharp scimitars, and a shadow of his legs was released and struck behind him.

His reaction speed was fast enough, but it was not faster than Chen Yang's Phantom Step.

The shadow of the leg fell into the air and hit a big tree.

The middle section of the big tree turned into debris.

The hanging tree top fell to the ground with a loud bang.

"This kid is too fast!"

The bearded Rodney looked solemn, turned to look at Hall, and shouted: "Hall, create an electrode magnetic field to trap that kid."

Hall didn't dare to be careless anymore. Even if they were in the middle stage of Xiantian, if they couldn't hit Chen Yang, it would be in vain.

The instruments in his hands released powerful currents, and he quickly arranged several small disc-shaped instruments around him. Those instruments released bundles of blue currents, which were connected in series to form a huge power grid.

Soon, in the area where Chen Yang, Hall, Rodney, and Clark were, a semicircular current network with a diameter of fifty meters enveloped the space.

The electricity sizzled, and there was a faint smell of burning in the air.

This space seemed to be imprisoned by electricity.

"This thing seems to be another high-tech technology from the Lion Kingdom."

Chen Yang looked at the currents surrounding him and found that these currents were more stable and more powerful than the currents released by Hall.

Obviously, those small disks placed around are very precise instruments that contain powerful electrical energy.

On earth, although the human body can be very powerful, it is still a little inferior to high-tech weapons.

Take Chen Yang as an example. If you ask him to resist missiles, he still can't do it.

However, maybe after reaching the core formation, it will be fine.

Clark played with the special scalpel in his hand and walked towards Chen Yang with a sneer: "Now that this space is controlled by Hall, where can you run?"

"Hmph, it's you who can't run away."

Chen Yang smiled disdainfully and slapped Clark with his palm.

Clark had already seen Chen Yang's Poxu Palm just now, and now he saw him waving his palm. Although the Poxu Palm had not yet appeared from the void, Clark's expression changed and he quickly moved aside.

However, when he stood firm, he found that there was silence around his body and nothing appeared.

"I'm just tickling, why are you so nervous?"

Chen Yang lazily turned his hand over and scratched his back with a playful expression.

But none of the three Clarks noticed that his right hand was hidden behind his back, his palm open, and his true energy condensed.

"Asshole, how dare you play tricks on me!"

Clark had a ferocious look on his face, violent zhenqi swept over him, and he was obviously extremely angry.

But before he could vent his anger, Rodney reminded him again: "Clark, get out of the way."


Clark turned to look at Rodney with a puzzled expression.

The moment he turned his head, he felt a strong pressure coming from above, and the fluctuations of his true energy gave him a strong sense of crisis.

All the blood vessels in his body were shrinking and his body was trembling slightly.

He didn't know what the attack was, but he knew he couldn't resist it.

He didn't have time to look up, so he used his speed to the extreme and moved aside.

At the same time, a huge palm shadow fell and passed over Clark's right shoulder.

Poof, Clark's entire right arm was submerged in the shadow of his palm, turned into powder, and burst into a cloud of blood.


He screamed in pain, with a look of anger on his face.

Immediately afterwards.


The palm shadow hit the ground, and his right arm turned into powder, and was photographed by the palm shadow and fell into the ground.

A deep pit appeared on the ground, about two meters long and one meter wide, in the shape of a palm.

Obviously, this was Chen Yang's Xu-Breaking Palm.

Looking under the palm print, I saw that the pit was pitch black, with no bottom visible, and it was at least dozens of meters deep.

The power of Poxu Palm can be seen clearly.

Clark glanced at his broken right arm, only to see white bones exposed, blood continuously gushing out, and the injury was severe.

He quickly circulated his true energy to stabilize the injury, and looked at Chen Yang with ferocious and terrifying eyes.

At this moment, he wanted to use his scalpel to dismember Chen Yang.

However, he did not dare to take action rashly.

The palm shadow that emerged from the void was so powerful that it was impossible to guard against it.

Hall and Rodney also looked solemn. They didn't understand. They clearly didn't see Chen Yang wave his palm just now, so why did the shadow of his palm appear?

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