Urban magic doctor

Chapter 90 Contract Renewal

Ye Yiqing chased out of the special care ward building and saw Chen Yang slowly walking towards the outside of the hospital. With such a careless look, no one would have thought that this was a man with miraculous medical skills.

Slowly walking towards Chen Yang, looking at his back, Ye Yiqing's eyes showed a strange light. In addition to being grateful to him, she seemed to have other emotions.

After catching up with Chen Yang, Ye Yiqing walked forward side by side with him and said angrily: "Why did you leave suddenly?"

"It is my virtue to do good deeds without leaving a name." Chen Yang turned to look at Ye Yiqing with a sincere expression.

"Don't you have a serious time?" Ye Yiqing chuckled, and then said: "My grandfather woke up, and he asked me to thank you, saying that he owed you a personal favor."

This time, Chen Yang didn't say he looked down on the favor, but he didn't really take it to heart. He nodded and said, "In the entire Ye family, apart from you, your grandfather is the only one who is okay."

The two of them continued to walk forward. Ye Yiqing remained silent. When they were about to reach the hospital gate, she bumped Chen Yang with her elbow. When Chen Yang turned around, she said in a voice like a mosquito: "Thank you."

"What did you say?" Chen Yang put his ear closer and looked like he didn't hear clearly.

Ye Yiqing was so anxious that she stamped her foot slightly, her cheeks turned red, and her voice became louder: "I said thank you."

"Didn't you thank me just now?" Chen Yang asked doubtfully.

"Just now it was my grandfather who thanked you, now it's me who thanks you."

After Ye Yiqing finished speaking, there was an unnatural expression on her face. She turned around and walked back without looking back: "I'm going to see my grandpa. You should go back to the fourth courtyard as soon as possible. I haven't been back for a long time. Everyone is here." Miss you very much."

"Don't get involved with everyone, okay? It's obviously you who miss me." Chen Yang smiled evilly and shouted towards Ye Yiqing's back: "Yiqing, you don't need to thank me, I am your landlord, and I am the one who protects the tenants." Responsibility."

It was just a joke at first, but Ye Yiqing took it to heart and thought to herself: "They said I am a tenant. Could it be that the relationship between us is only that of landlord and tenant, not even friends?"

At this moment, Ye Yiqing saw Yao Yongsheng running out of the building in a hurry, passed her by, and chased after Chen Yang: "Doctor Chen, please stay."

Chen Yang looked at the panting Yao Yongsheng and asked doubtfully: "What do you want to do if you are so anxious?"

"Dr. Chen, after seeing your miraculous medical treatment, I admire you very much."

Yao Yongsheng bent down and bowed his hands respectfully towards Chen Yang. He didn't have the airs of a medical expert, just like a student asking for advice from his teacher.

Chen Yang rolled his eyes: "Speak humanly, don't beat around the bush."

"Yes." Yao Yongsheng nodded, laughed dryly, and said a little embarrassedly: "Doctor Chen, I... I want to become your teacher."

Yao Yongsheng is a well-known doctor and has a high reputation in the medical field. At this moment, he can actually lower his face and become a disciple of a young man. This makes Chen Yang couldn't help but admire him.

However, Chen Yang has never planned to accept a disciple, let alone such an old disciple. If he were replaced by a beautiful doctor, he could still consider it.

"Sorry, I don't accept disciples."

Chen Yang said nothing and did not give Yao Yongsheng a chance to plead. He disappeared in a flash among the patients who were crowded with patients in the hospital.

Yao Yongsheng looked disappointed and looked around, but Chen Yang was nowhere to be seen. He suddenly panicked and shouted to the crowd: "Doctor Chen, even if you don't accept me as my disciple, I won't give up. The road of medicine never ends, I hope you can give me some advice next time we meet."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yao Yongsheng realized that the situation was not good. Not only the patients but also the medical staff were looking at him with expressions of disbelief.

An Ning sat on the sofa when she got home. She didn't know why, but she just didn't have the heart to do anything. She always felt like something was missing.

As for what is missing, Chen Yang is missing, his teasing and playfulness are missing.

A few days ago, she thought Chen Yang was quite annoying, but today she thought about it carefully and found that Chen Yang was actually a good man. He always took good care of girls inadvertently and would not take advantage of others.

More importantly, he is a capable man. Although it has not been shown yet, An Ning thinks so.

"In seven days, the contract will expire. Then I will be separated from him forever, and I may never see him again."

Thinking of this, An Ning felt a little disappointed. She shook her head but could not get rid of these thoughts. She turned on the TV to see if there were any programs to stop herself from thinking.

But the moment the TV was turned on, the sound of footsteps suddenly came from the yard, and then the sound of the window opening came, and someone walked into the balcony on the first floor.

An Ning was startled, quickly grabbed the fruit knife on the table, and quietly hid around the corner, planning to catch the intruder off guard.

The figure gradually lengthened in the light, and then shortened again, as the intruder walked around the corner.


An Ning shouted, mustered up her courage, closed her eyes, and swung the fruit knife towards the person walking out of the corner.

But as soon as she waved her hand out, it was held tightly by a pair of hands, and then a voice came: "No, you actually want to kill me?"

Hearing the sound, An Ning opened her eyes and saw that it was Chen Yang whom she had been waiting for all night.

Suddenly, she felt happy in her heart, but she said angrily on the surface: "Who told you to break in through the window instead of the main entrance? Of course I thought you were a bad person."

Chen Yang took the fruit knife out of An Ning's hand and threw it on the coffee table. He shrugged helplessly: "I don't have the key. I'm afraid you'll fall asleep and don't want to wake you up. You just happened to forget to close the window again, so I just came in through the window."

Are you afraid of waking me up?

Hearing Chen Yang's words, An Ning's heart warmed up and a faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Chen Yang walked to the sofa and sat down. He looked back at An Ning, who was stunned, and said with a smile: "It's so late and you're still not sleeping. Are you waiting for me?"

When Chen Yang said it right, An Ning suddenly panicked and hurriedly explained: "Why should I wait for you? I just can't sleep?"

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Are you afraid?"

Hearing this, a thought appeared in An Ning's mind. She said to Chen Yang: "Although I am the president of the company, I am also a woman. Can't I be afraid?"

After a pause, she changed the subject and said, "By the way, Chen Yang, I want to discuss something with you."

Chen Yang raised his eyebrows: "What's the matter? If you want me to sleep with you, I... will agree without hesitation."

"I'm not asking you to sleep with me." An Ning frowned, with a solemn look on his face, and said: "Although Li Jilin is dead, I always feel that I am not safe, and maybe I will be threatened by others in the future. So, I want to renew my contract with you."

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