Urban magic doctor

Chapter 938 The Crisis of the Wolf Spirit Clan

"Whoever did this, I must kill him!"

Zhao Kunpeng's face was full of ferocity, and the aura of the monster was released. The terrifying pressure made the surrounding air tremble.

Although he looks human on the outside, he has become a monster on the inside. He has been transformed into a monster.

"After the Beast Spirit Clan and I entered, the next person who came in was Chen Yang. So, these people outside were all killed by Chen Yang. We, the Zhao family, were all killed by Chen Yang!"

Zhao Kunpeng's eyes were filled with murderous intent. He turned back to look at the middle gate of Daxia Ruins and said coldly: "Chen Yang, you are indeed very strong, but now, you are no match for me. You have made me the only direct descendant of the Zhao family, and I will do the same." You will pay a heavy price."

"Hmph, I'm going to your Qingyun Villa in Dayi now. When you come back, you will be very happy when you see all your women dying miserably, haha."

Zhao Kunpeng glanced at the corpses of the Zhao family and didn't bother to collect them. He moved towards the outside of the ruins of Daxia.

In the Raya Mountains, the Beast Spirit Tribe that backs the mountain is the Wolf Spirit Tribe.

The number of people in the Wolf Spirit Clan is medium among the Beast Spirit Clan, with about five hundred people. Among them, there are almost three hundred people who have concluded a Beast Spirit Contract with the giant wolf.

In other words, in addition to the five hundred people living in this tribe, there are also three hundred strange beasts and giant wolves.

So every time a wolf howls, there will be howls one after another here, making the Wolf Spirit Tribe the easiest to find among all the Beast Spirit Tribes, because as long as you follow the howl of the wolf, There's absolutely nothing wrong with that.

These days, the atmosphere in the Wolf Spirit Tribe is very depressing.

Lang Xiaoran, the eldest lady of the Wolf Spirit Tribe, didn't know where she went, and she couldn't find her after searching for a long time.

This is not the key, the key is that Mang Hen, the genius of the Mang Spirit Clan, has given an ultimatum. If Lang Xiaoran is not handed over, he will personally visit tomorrow.

Although he said he was visiting in person, the Wolf Spirit Clan actually understood that he was here to cause trouble for the Wolf Spirit Clan.

In fact, the Wolf Spirit Clan did not betroth Lang Xiaoran to Mang Hen. It was just Mang Hen's wishful thinking that he wanted to take Lang Xiaoran as his concubine.

Lang Xiaoran is the most beautiful woman in the Beast Spirit Clan. There are countless people who like her. There are not ten but eight people who come to propose marriage.

However, all the previous ones were rejected by Lang Xiaoran’s father, Lang Gu, the leader of the Wolf Spirit Clan.

According to the rules of the Beast Spirit Clan, in order to marry a woman, a man must defeat her, but Lang Gu didn't even give others the chance to challenge Lang Xiaoran, and there was nothing others could do.

However, the Python Spirit Clan is too powerful, ranking among the top three among all the Beast Spirit Clan, and cannot be offended by the Wolf Spirit Clan.

What's more, Mang Hen is still a genius. He has already mastered the fourth-level beast technique, and his future is limitless.

Provoking the python marks will not do any good to the Wolf Spirit Clan.

Under pressure, although Lang Gu was reluctant, he could only agree and betroth his daughter to Mang Hen without even challenging.

After all, Lang Xiaoran was only in the early stage of Xiantian, and he had only roughly mastered the first level of beast art. There was no way he could be Mang Hen's opponent.

But who would have expected that at this juncture when Mang Hen decided to get married, Lang Xiaoran would suddenly disappear.

This behavior clearly shows that she does not want to marry.

Lang Gu also felt very uncomfortable. If his daughter was not happy, how could he, the father, be happy.

But he is the leader of the Wolf Spirit Clan. He must consider the entire Wolf Spirit Clan, and he has no choice.

At this time, his daughter was missing, which made him feel better.

At least the daughter doesn't have to marry someone she doesn't love and spend the rest of her life unhappy.

However, the pressure from within the Wolf Spirit Clan made Lang Gu frown.

At this time, a meeting was taking place in the wooden house located in the center of the Wolf Spirit tribe.

Those sitting around were all the core senior leaders of the Wolf Spirit Clan. Most of them had reached the late stage of Xiantian, and three or four of them were at the peak of Xiantian.

One of the middle-aged men, whose hair was tied up with bones, looked at Lang Gu and said angrily: "Clan leader, your daughter's disappearance is pushing our entire Wolf Spirit Clan into the fire pit. If the python Hen gets angry, who among us will be His opponent has mastered the fourth-level beast art!"

Lang Gu looked ugly. An old man next to him looked at the middle-aged man who was speaking and sighed: "Lang Hong, it's not like you don't know that Xiao Ran doesn't like Mang Hen. She will not be happy if she marries Mang Hen."

Lang Hong snorted coldly: "Hmph, is it possible that in order to pursue happiness, she has to let the entire Wolf Spirit Clan be buried with her? You don't know Mang Hen's temper. If we can't bring Xiao Ran out tomorrow, we will definitely Someone has to die."

A middle-aged man sitting next to Lang Hong also said to Lang Gu in a bad tone: "Chief, you must think of a way to do this. You can't make us pay the price because of your daughter."

Another person said: "Clan leader, you hid Xiao Ran and deliberately didn't want her to marry Mang Hen, right?"

"Lang Qiao, what are you talking about? How could the patriarch be such a person!"

A guard standing behind Lang Gu yelled angrily.

Lang Hong was obviously the leader of that group of people. He looked cold and shouted: "Lang Pin, what is your identity? Do you have the right to speak here?"

Guard Lang Pin gritted his teeth and did not argue with Lang Hong.

Lang Hong snorted coldly and said to Lang Gu: "Clan leader, no matter what happens today, you have to give us an explanation. Otherwise, I think the position of the clan leader can be replaced."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was in an uproar.

Even Lang Gu, who had been calm and silent, could not help but change his expression slightly.

Lang Hong's behavior clearly showed that he was trying to force the throne and wanted Lang Gu to give up the throne, with ulterior motives.

But in Lang Xiaoran's case, Lang Gu was indeed responsible, and he was indeed deeply involved.

After a moment of silence, Lang Gu looked at Lang Hong with a gloomy expression and said, "Lang Hong, what do you think I should do?"

A sneer appeared on Lang Hong's face, he stood up and called Lang Gu by his name confidently. Lang Sheng said: "Lang Gu, if you can find Lang Xiaoran and give an explanation to Mang Hen tomorrow, we, the Wolf Spirit Clan, will have a great time." Jie, then you are still the clan leader."

"But if you can't find Lang Xiaoran, the Wolf Spirit Clan will inevitably face the wrath of Mang Hen. In this case, you must take responsibility and step down as the clan leader. I, Lang Hong, am not talented, and I am willing to take on this heavy responsibility and serve as the clan leader. I will go tomorrow Facing the python marks, keep the Wolf Spirit Clan safe."

After finishing speaking, Lang Hong looked at Lang Gu, without concealing the arrogance in his eyes, as if he was already the leader of the Wolf Spirit Clan.

In the entire wooden house, the top leaders of the Wolf Spirit Clan fell into silence with different expressions.

Those who support Lang Gu are naturally angry.

Those who supported Lang Hong looked at Lang Gu with a threatening look.

However, no one has the final say in this matter. Only Lang Gu, the clan leader, has the final say.

After being silent for a while, Lang Gu sighed and said in deep thought: "Lang Hong, I hope what you said is true. If you can't keep the Wolf Spirit Clan safe, I won't let you go. Now, I declare the victory of the clan leader. Bit……"

"Clan leader, Miss Xiaoran is back, Miss Xiaoran is back!"

Suddenly, a voice from outside interrupted Lang Gu's words.

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