Urban magic doctor

Chapter 968 A generous move

Chen Yang grabbed the black robe of the spiritual judge and suddenly opened it, revealing the true face of the spiritual judge.

Everyone thought it would be a ferocious alien beast, but they didn't expect that the spiritual judge was actually a white rabbit, and it was very beautiful, but it was much larger than an ordinary rabbit.

The spiritual judge was beaten so hard by Chen Yang that his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. He was no longer as ferocious as before, and his eyes were full of grievances.

If they didn't know the truth, everyone would really think that this white rabbit was bullied by Chen Yang.

Red eyes, jumping and walking...

Some of the doubts about the spiritual judge before were all solved now, because this is a rabbit.

"It's incredible that it's the White Rabbit."

"The Spiritual Judge turns out to be an alien beast. It's really ridiculous that the Beast Spirit Clan is ruled by alien beasts."

"Now it's fine, his true identity has been revealed."

People from the Five Clans Alliance pointed at the spiritual judge and started talking about it.


Chen Yang looked at the white rabbit in front of him and knew the bloodline he inherited, but the bloodline was too thin and was almost completely degenerated.

However, the edelweiss rabbit is not a very strong monster to begin with. According to the records in the "Book of Immortals and Demons", this kind of rabbit is even kept as a pet by some super strong people, and they even keep a group of them.

Thanks to the Snow Elephant Rabbit absorbing the diffuse evil spirit for many years, he has reached his current state.

Otherwise, it would be great if that thin bloodline could reach the innate peak.

"Master Chen, congratulations, you will have a contract beast in the later stage of foundation building."

"In the late stage of foundation building, this is incredible."

"Master Chen, with the help of this strange beast, you will become stronger."

The leaders of the Five Clans Alliance congratulated Chen Yang one after another at this moment.

Chen Yang glanced at the velvet rabbit and curled his lips. He was not interested in this ornamental monster.

If you really want to tame a monster, you have to be that kind of super awesome being.

He thought for a while and said to Lang Xiaoran: "Xiaoran, this big white rabbit is given to you. I will teach you how to tame it later."

"Give it to me!?"

Lang Xiaoran said excitedly, this is a strange beast in the late stage of foundation building, and it is the most powerful existence in the Beast Spirit Clan.

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Am I going to lie to you? From now on, this white rabbit is yours."

"Thank you, Chen Yang." Lang Xiaoran smiled sweetly, and then a look of worry appeared in his eyes, saying, "But, he is too strong, will he bite me back?"

Chen Yang said: "Don't worry. As long as you tame him, he will completely obey your orders from now on. You can kill him with just one thought. How can he dare to resist?"

"That's great."

Lang Xiaoran said with great joy, and went over to rub the white rabbit's head, as if what he saw in front of him was not a strange beast in the late stage of foundation building, but an ordinary cute little white rabbit.

Everyone was envious of Lang Xiaoran when they saw Chen Yang casually giving away a late-stage Foundation Establishment beast.

With this strange beast, Lang Xiaoran is invincible among the beast spirit tribe.

Chen Yang's gift is really generous.

After solving the Python Spirit Clan and the Spiritual Cutters, the next step is to deal with the aftermath, dealing with the Python Spirit Clan prisoners, rebuilding the Wolf Spirit Clan tribe, and other matters.

Chen Yang can't get involved in these matters, and he wants to return to Qingyun Villa as soon as possible.

It had been a day since he walked out of the ruins of Daxia. If Zhao Kunpeng was still alive, it might be detrimental to Qingyun Villa, so he wanted to go back.

After taking care of his injuries, he took Lang Xiaoran and the snow velvet rabbit named Xiaobai by Lang Xiaoran, left the Wolf Spirit Tribe and headed east of the Himalayas.

People from the Five Clans Alliance came out to see Chen Yang and Lang Xiaoran off.

Seeing their figures gradually disappearing into the jungle, everyone couldn't help but sigh.

Chen Yang's arrival has undoubtedly changed the entire structure of the Beast Spirit Clan.

With Lang Gu and Gu Feng, the Wolf Spirit Tribe will definitely become the strongest tribe of the Beast Spirit Tribe in the future. Even if they don't become the ruler, they will still have the absolute right to speak.

Tiger, Leopard, Bear and Bug couldn't help but feel lucky at this time. Forming an alliance with the Wolf Spirit Clan was undoubtedly the most correct decision.

Just as Chen Yang was rushing to Qingyun Villa, Zhao Kunpeng walked out of Dayi Airport. He had just got off the flight from Nicai Country to Dayi.

After Zhao Kunpeng came out of the Raya Mountains, because he was the only direct descendant of the Zhao family, he despaired of the family's rise and developed a strong hatred for the entire Huajin Kingdom.

He thought about it, and finally thought of treason, defecting to Nicai Country, re-developing and taking root in Nicai Country, and building a new Zhao family with himself as the core.

He believed that with his peak innate strength, this new Zhao family would grow quickly and become a first-class force in the world.

With this grand blueprint in mind, Zhao Kunpeng was in no hurry to go to Qingyun Villa.

In his opinion, it doesn't matter if he is killed early or late, all Chen Yang's women must die.

And if you wait a few more days, maybe when Chen Yang comes back, you can insult his woman in front of Chen Yang and then kill him with your own hands.

After the decision, Zhao Kunpeng went to Nicai Country.

The Zhao family has always had close ties with Nicai Country, and he immediately contacted his friends in Nicai Country.

Ni Caiguo was overjoyed to learn that Zhao Kunpeng had advanced to the peak of the Xiantian Peak, and tried his best to meet all his requirements.

A master who is at the peak of his innate ability can be said to be a treasure to Nicai Country.

Other major forces in Nicai Kingdom also showed their favor to Zhao Kunpeng, not daring to offend him in the slightest.

After all, Zhao Kunpeng has made it clear that he wants to take root in Nicai Country. The other people in Nicai Country are only the strongest in the Xiantian Middle Stage. Who dares to provoke him if they are hanging around in the same place?

For a time, Zhao Kunpeng became the most popular figure in the Nicai Kingdom, and his power was even more powerful than the Nicai Emperor.

This feeling made him very happy. He felt that his treasonous behavior was simply too right. Those bastards from the Huajin Kingdom would have to pay a bloody price sooner or later if they dared to divide the Zhao family's resources.

Zhao Kunpeng spent a day and night in Nicai Country. Except for meeting with the visiting Nicai Country masters and officials, he spent almost all his time on women.

Of course, he did not forget his hatred for Chen Yang. After arranging the affairs of Nicai Kingdom, he returned to Dayi.

As he walked out of the airport, a Maserati Quattroporte parked in front of him. The door opened and a short middle-aged man walked out. He said in broken Chinese: "Dear Kunpengjun, I know you are going to Chen Yang's home. I want to go with you."

"Watanabe Noo?"

Seeing the person in front of him, Zhao Kunpeng had a look of surprise on his face.

He met this man yesterday and provided him with twenty beautiful women from Nicai Country.

He remembered that the other party's identity was not simple. He was the leader of the Nicai Kingdom's sword-fighting style, and his strength was in the middle stage of Xiantian.

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