Urban magic doctor

Chapter 98 The Little Nurse’s Invitation

Seeing Zhou Yi mentioning her lover Zhong Wenhua, Yao Yongsheng, who already despised them, became even more unhappy and yelled at Zhou Yi: "You mean Zhong Wenhua? Huh, if you mention him again, I will expel you two." "

When Zhou Yi saw Yao Yongsheng getting so angry, she immediately stopped.

Although she had the support of the vice president, Yao Yongsheng had the final say in the provincial hospital, which really pissed him off. Even the vice president couldn't help.

With a sad face, she had no choice but to think about asking her lover to help find another job.

After dealing with Zhou Yi, Yao Yongsheng turned to look at Wang Dong and said coldly: "Wang Dong, since you are seriously injured, it will affect the quality of medical treatment in the future, so I decided to transfer you to the medical equipment warehouse."

"What, a medical equipment warehouse!"

Wang Dong exclaimed in shock, his swollen eyes widened, but still narrowed into a straight line.

As the director of orthopedics, he was thrown directly into the medical equipment warehouse and became the administrator guarding the warehouse. This was like going from heaven to hell.

He didn't expect that Yao Yongsheng would be so decisive and merciless when dealing with him.

The person who caused all this was Chen Yang.

Suddenly, he rushed towards Chen Yang like crazy and yelled: "You bastard, I will fight with you."

Seeing Wang Dong rushing over, Chen Yang kicked him out, sending Wang Dong flying up and landing on the ground. His body curled up and twisted. Although his swollen face could not show any expression, it was obvious that he was in terrible pain.

Yao Yongsheng was shocked when he saw Chen Yang's fighting prowess, and ordered several security guards: "Take Wang Dong down, he won't have to go to work anymore."

The security guard followed the order and dragged Wang Dong away.

After the matter was settled, Yao Yongsheng turned to look at Chen Yang and put on a humble smile: "Doctor Chen, you think my arrangement is appropriate."

"It's not bad." Chen Yang nodded. Since the other party had sold his favor, he couldn't just leave, so he said, "Let's go and have a chat in your office."

Yao Yongsheng was immediately overjoyed and quickly led the way for Chen Yang. He looked back at the orthopedic medical staff who were completely dumbfounded. His eyes finally fell on Guan Xiyue and shouted: "Comrade Guan Xiyue, you are already a regular employee. As for the transfer documents, , I will help you as soon as possible."

The meaning of these words is obvious. Yao Yongsheng is saying that he will protect Guan Xiyue from now on.

Watching Chen Yang and Yao Yongsheng enter the elevator, the entire orthopedic medical staff fell into silence.

After a while, everyone's eyes fell on Guan Xiyue.

"Xiyue, is that man really just your landlord? Who is he? That even Dean Yao treats him with such respect."

"Does he have a boyfriend? If you don't mind, how about introducing him to me?"

"Xiyue, I will follow you from now on. With Dean Yao protecting you, no one in the whole hospital will dare to provoke you."

Several medical staff who were close friends with Guan Xiyue were chattering away with envy in their eyes, wondering why they couldn't meet such a handsome and awesome landlord.

Those who usually didn't want to see Guan Xiyue looked sad and regretful. If they had known that Guan Xiyue had such an awesome background, they would have fawned over her.

As the protagonist, Guan Xiyue is still in a daze at the moment, feeling like she is dreaming.

After a while, she came back to her senses. In addition to being excited about becoming a full-time employee, she was also very grateful to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang came out of Yao Yongsheng's office. Yao Yongsheng's excited shouts came from inside. Chen Yang gave him some pointers. He benefited a lot, so how could he not be excited.

While walking towards the outside of the building, the phone rang. It was Ye Yiqing.

"Hey, female gangster, what's going on?"

"I can't come to you if I have nothing to do. Also, don't call me a gangster, or I'll beat you up next time."

"Hey, I'm not afraid of you, and you're very welcome."

"Huh, can you be more serious? I'll talk to you about business."

"Okay, you tell me."

There was silence on the other end of the phone, and Ye Yiqing lowered her voice: "Did you do what happened at the Black Wolf Martial Arts School?"

Chen Yang knew what Ye Yiqing was talking about, but only a fool would admit such a thing. He smiled and said, "What about the Black Wolf Martial Arts School, I don't know."

"Don't try to lie to me. I got news that some members of the Black Wolf Martial Arts School said that you killed Li Jilin."

"There is no basis for what you say. You have to have evidence. As far as I know, the surveillance did not capture me going to Yujingwan."

"When I went to Yunshan that time, I saw your powerful mobile phone. That thing must have an interference function. It destroyed the surveillance and naturally couldn't photograph you. However, I have evidence in my hand. There was a gangster at that time. The cell phone of a member of the Wolf Martial Arts Hall fell on the ground and touched the record button. Although your face disappeared briefly, I am sure that it was you."

Chen Yang didn't believe this at all and said with a smile: "Oh, really? Show me if I'm handsome in the video."


Ye Yiqing snorted coldly. Before Chen Yang could speak, she hung up the phone and muttered: "Sure enough, I can't fool this bastard."

Chen Yang put away his mobile phone and walked out of the hospital building. When he went to the carport to get his bicycle, he saw Guan Xiyue already waiting there.

She looked at Guan Xiyue, who had changed into casual clothes, and asked doubtfully: "Little nurse, don't you have to go to work?"

Guan Xiyue smiled sweetly, with two shallow dimples appearing at the corners of her mouth, and said a little shyly: "I asked for leave. You have helped me so much. I want to treat you to a meal to express my gratitude."

"You are my tenant, and it is my duty to care for your tenants." Chen Yang patted his chest and said righteously.

Originally, Guan Xiyue thought he would refuse, and when she was about to persuade him, he winked at Guan Xiyue and changed the subject: "But since you invite me so kindly, wouldn't it be too inhumane if I refuse."

With that said, Chen Yang got on the bicycle, pointed at the big bars, and said calmly: "Get on the bike and take you for a ride!"

Thinking that Chen Yang had done her a big favor just now, Guan Xiyue felt embarrassed to refuse this time. She nodded and said, "Okay, don't ride too fast."

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