Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1078 I’ll smash your skull

The Mo family has fallen, and the big alliance has begun to collapse.

Everyone thought that after being released, Chen Xin'an would take revenge on the Huo family, and even the Huo family themselves were fully prepared.

Even though most of the manpower hired from outer ports was lost, the Huo family was determined to make a desperate move, and they still had some strength.

But to everyone's surprise, Chen Xin'an bypassed the Huo family and took action against the Guo family in the city!

Now Guo Mulin is in a state of despair.

The guy named Shi Zhentian who appeared at Mo's house yesterday did not scare anyone.

Since the morning, the police have sealed two companies owned by the Guo family.

Many others were taken away by investigators from the Security Bureau.

Fortunately, after returning yesterday, Guo Mulin was not idle and quickly called to smoothen the relationship.

He was finally saved and was not taken away by the security bureau and police.

After all, he knew exactly what he had done.

I know that once the crime is committed, there will definitely be big trouble!

In the past, we were protected by the big league, so we had no worries.

But now the major league exists in name only. Everyone is cleaning up the snow on their own, and they don't care about the frost on other people's tiles!

Green Forest International Labor Service Company.

The largest foreign labor agency in Kyoto is located on the 12th floor of Tongheng Building in Chengzhong District.

The Guo family is engaged in foreign-related labor agency and overseas training businesses, and is very famous throughout the country.

This is the main store of Green Forest, which has been preserved.

However, Guo Mulin immediately stopped all business and waited until all the rumors had passed.

Sitting on his office chair, Guo Mulin looked solemn, thinking about the whole thing.

On the desk in front of him, there was a photo, and the person on it turned out to be Chen Xin'an!

Looking at this guy with sinister features, Guo Mulin was really furious!

Half a year ago, who in Kyoto City knew this guy?

Well, others may not know it, but he definitely does.

But it wasn't taken seriously.

Half a year ago, no one could believe that this guy from Dongshan would actually cause such a big disturbance in Kyoto City!

The major alliance that had existed in China for 20 to 30 years was actually destroyed by him!

Fortunately, the Guo family did not directly conflict with this guy like the Mo family and the Huo family, otherwise they would end up like the Mo family!

Sitting on the sofa is his younger brother Guo Muyang.

He crossed his legs and rested his hands on his hands, and said to him: "Brother, just say something, and I will kill that guy named Chen Xin'an right now!

Didn’t you say that this guy is responsible for why our company is like this?

Did you come back after suffering his loss yesterday?

You can't just swallow this breath!

Brother, it was you yesterday, not me, otherwise I would definitely not come back!

Afraid of those brats?

My Guo family is not so cowardly! "

"Come here!" Guo Mulin smiled slightly and waved to Guo Muyang affably.

The simple-minded Guo Muyang did not doubt that he was there. He touched his bald butt and ran over. He approached Guo Mulin and asked, "Brother, what's the matter?"

"What do you think this is?" Guo Mulin took out a wooden mallet from the drawer and hit Guo Muyang's bald head!

"Ouch!" Guo Muyang hugged his head and screamed, rubbing his scalp vigorously while looking at the gavel and saying:

"Why are you hitting me? I haven't seen what this is yet!"

Guo Mulin was so angry that his teeth itched.

This younger brother has contributed a lot to the company's current scale.

Dare to fight, dare to fight, and kill without blinking an eye.

No matter it is an opponent or a troublesome client, as long as he comes forward, the other party will immediately act honestly.

It's just that my brain is not very bright. When I was a child, I took the wrong medicine when I had a fever, which poisoned my brain. My intelligence was much lower than that of my peers.

So he has a disability certificate, mental retardation and intermittent neurosis, so he is not responsible for killing people.

Guo Mulin scolded him with a dark face: "Who do you think you are? Those killers from the Great Ying Kingdom can't kill Chen Xin'an, who do you think you are?"

"I am the second eldest, and you are the eldest!" Guo Muyang pointed out two fingers and explained to his eldest brother seriously.

Guo Mulin raised the gavel again angrily. Guo Muyang was so scared that he hugged his head again but did not dare to hide.

Seeing him like this, Guo Mulin snorted coldly, threw the gavel heavily on the table, and cursed angrily:

"I wish I could use this mallet to crack my head open, then crack yours open, and give you half of my brain!

Chen Xin'an is not someone to be trifled with. You must never provoke him directly in the future!

To deal with him, try not to confront him directly.

Let others take action and we sit back and enjoy the results, do you understand?

Your stupid head really pisses me off! "

He sat down on the office chair, picked up the tea cup next to him, and was about to take a sip when there was a bang on his head!


The severe pain almost made him cry out, and tea sprayed all over Guo Muyang's face!

He covered his head with both hands, glared at his brother who was holding half a gavel in front of him, and yelled, "What the hell are you doing!"

Guo Muyang Nuonuo said: "Brother, didn't you say you wanted to break my brain and kill me in half? I want to help you..."

Holy shit!

Guo Mulin's legs went weak and he almost lay down!

Is this idiot really getting stupider and stupider, or is he getting smarter and taking the opportunity to take revenge?

If I put a knife in front of me, are you going to open it directly for me?

"Get out of here!" Guo Mulin angrily cursed at Guo Muyang:

"You have nothing to do, right?

Go tell the front desk, if someone comes to see me again, they will say I'm not here!

Don't bother me at all! "

People from the tax bureau and commerce bureau are still coming to investigate today.

So annoying!

It's so unlucky that people can't even drink cold water without clogging their teeth, and even farting can hit their heels!

Seeing a big bump on his eldest brother's head, Guo Muyang knew that he was in trouble, turned around and ran away without saying a word.

Passing by the elevator entrance, the freight elevator opened with a ding. Guo Muyang turned his head and took a look, and his eyes suddenly widened!

Who the hell is this? Such a coquettish guy actually drove the car into the freight elevator and transported it up to the eleventh floor!

Yes, why didn't I think of that?

Every time I go home, I have to take the elevator down to the parking lot.

Wouldn't it be much more convenient if we could drive up and down in a car like this every day?

As the car started, it slowly drove out of the elevator, then suddenly increased the accelerator and rushed towards him!

Guo Muyang became anxious, ran to the front of the car, stretched out his hand to stop him, and shouted: "You can't be here..."

He was only halfway speaking when the front of the car hit him, knocking him out like a ball!

The body, which was 1.9 meters and weighed more than 200 kilograms, flew upside down and crashed into a large glass door facing the elevator door.

This is the company's office hall.

With the sound of shattering glass, everyone in the hall raised their heads in horror and looked in the direction of the door.

Guo Muyang got up from the ground angrily, held up his hands, stopped in front of the car, and shouted: "You can't drive here!"

The Haval that came out of the elevator was like an enraged bull. It didn't care so much about you. It pressed the accelerator again and rushed over with a roar!

Guo Muyang blocked the front of the car just like before, but before he was about to hit it, he raised his left foot and stepped on the bumper, and his body was knocked out again!

This is not because he is very smart, it is purely an instinctive reaction of the body and a subconscious self-protection.

It was on my right foot just now, but now it hurts so much that I can't stand. Now it's on my left foot, but it wasn't knocked too far because the whole hall was full of desks.


With the sound of tables and chairs breaking and falling to the ground, Guo Muyang was knocked away again.

Haval made a piercing roar and ran rampant in the office!

The office staff screamed and got up from their seats to dodge.

The large office room that originally looked clean and bright turned into a mess, like a ruin, in just the blink of an eye!


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