Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1097 My small temple cannot accommodate your giant Buddha

The decoration of the new house is still going on. According to Chen Xin'an's advance plan, the inner balcony of the entire floor has been opened.

The entire floor is divided into five blocks abcde, with two households in each block.

So when Chen Xin'an bought an entire floor, it was equivalent to buying ten units.

Open up all the inner balconies and there are ten outer balconies.

This is a sky garden that is not inferior to the size of Lu Laona's greenhouse.

Xiao Zhang was directing the workers who were transporting flowers and plants upstairs.

Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo went around each room to see the preliminary decoration effect.

Now is just the first stage of decoration, opening up the balcony and the wall between the houses, and installing isolation doors.

After these are completed, each room will be decorated in a different style.

So it will take at least half a year to get ready to move in.

Because of the location of Four Seasons Flower City, even if the house price is not low, there is no need to worry about selling it.

Most of the units have now been sold, and renovations are underway both upstairs and downstairs.

No one who can buy a house here is poor.

After all, just a house is already worth tens of millions.

When they saw a small garden upstairs, Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo discussed asking the developer if they could buy this small garden.

The two of them went downstairs together and stood next to the fountain.

At the intersection leading to the garden, a Ferrari convertible was parked.

The driver was a young man in his twenties, and his girlfriend was sitting next to him.

Coincidentally, a branch as thick as an arm fell from above and fell on the two of them!

Not injured, just a little embarrassed.

The girl even screamed and jumped out of the car, slapping her neck repeatedly and shouting that she was so dirty!

Next to the front of the car, a middle-aged woman wearing a green uniform was holding on to the ladder, with a look of panic on her face.

The young man driving the car had yellow hair and jumped out of the car. Without saying a word, he kicked the woman in the stomach and knocked her to the ground!

"Are you really blind?

Didn't you see a car passing below?

Do you know what kind of car I drive?

Can you afford to pay for scratches?

My girlfriend was scratched by you, please pay for the medical expenses! "

The woman's hat fell to the ground, and she didn't care to pick it up. She exposed her gray hair, got up and knelt on the ground, and begged the young man:

"I'm sorry! It really wasn't me!

Please be kind and don't let me lose money, how can I afford it..."

A young man wearing a green uniform next to him said angrily to Huang Mao:

"The branch fell by itself, what's the matter with Mrs. Guan Hua?

Besides, cars are not allowed here, there is a sign in front.

You drove in regardless and got hit by a branch. Who can blame you? "

Huang Mao walked up to him and suddenly punched him on the chin. He knocked the young man to the ground and cursed at him:

"You're the only one who talks so much nonsense!

My house is right up there, so I can drive as much as I want. Who the hell do you care?

You can't make more than three taels of money a month, but you still have a lot to do?

You smashed my car and you still refuse to admit it, I can’t beat you to death! "

The girl standing next to her pointed at a small wound on her arm and stamped her foot:

"Oh Zhang Yu, my place is broken, it hurts me to death!"

Huang Mao quickly walked over, blew on her shoulders twice, coaxed her and said:

"Baby, don't be angry, I'll make these damn poor guys pay for it!"

"Why are you hitting people!" The young man covered his mouth and shouted at Huang Mao angrily:

“Is it okay to hit anyone here in your house?

Do you think you are great just because you have money?

Can you do whatever you want?

Is it okay to hit people casually without treating others as human beings? "

Huang Mao named Zhang Yu came over, looked at him condescendingly, smiled coldly and said:

“You’re right, having money is great, you can do whatever you want!

how? Not convinced?

So what can you do?

The money I spend on one meal can equal your monthly salary.

You've worked so hard for a year and you can't even afford a bag that I just gave to my girlfriend!

Just like my car, you will never be able to afford it or drive it in your lifetime!

Now it's scratched, and the money you spent just to repair the paint would be enough for you to work here in vain for several years!

Now you understand the difference, right? "

Sister-in-law Hua turned around and said to the young man with a horrified look on her face: "Xiao Zhi, thank you, stop talking, we can't afford to compensate! We can't afford to offend them either!"

Xiaozhi bit his lip and lowered his head.

At this moment, Wang Yuehu ran over with two employees and shouted to Zhang Yu from a distance:

"Hey Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry! I rushed over as soon as I heard the news, please let me handle it, okay?"

Zhang Yu snorted coldly, looked at Wang Yuehu with side eyes and said: "Mr. Wang, your employees here are very good!

He smashed my car, hurt my girlfriend, and scolded me that I deserved it and shouldn't have driven the car over!

What do you mean?

I bought a house, but I can’t even go back home?

Is this how you do business? "

This kid is making trouble!

Ning Xiruo frowned, and just when she was about to go over and say something fair, Xiao Zhang hurried over.

He held a pot of flowers in both hands and said to Chen Xin'an guiltily and anxiously:

"Boss, the moving worker accidentally smashed this potted flower..."

Let me go, it’s Jinshanhua!

The flower stems of this thing are very brittle and extremely difficult to survive. Once broken, the roots will soon die!

Chen Xin'an's face dropped, and she scolded Xiao Zhang: "I've told you to be careful many times, so why don't you listen?"

Xiao Zhang lowered his head and said: "A worker stepped on the garbage when he went upstairs, fell, and knocked the flowers onto the steps.

I'll think of a way to take him out and buy another pot to compensate the boss! "

"No need!" Ning Xiruo asked Xiao Zhang, "Is the worker okay? Is he injured? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Xiao Zhang shook his head and said: "It's okay, just a little scratch on my arm.

But it was quite scary.

I don’t dare to do any work now, I’m sitting on the steps smoking! "

Ning Xiruo pulled Chen Xin'an, shook her head at him, then turned to Xiao Zhang and said:

"Take me over there and take a look. Don't get in trouble if you fall on your head!"

Chen Xin'an said to Xiao Zhang: "Give me the flower, and I will see if I can save it after burying it in the soil!"

Xiao Zhang quickly handed the flower pot to Chen Xin'an, and then left with Ning Xiruo.

Chen Xin'an held the flower pot and was about to go around to see the garden.

There was a snapping sound from the side!

Wang Yuehu slapped Mrs. Hua on the face, pointed at her angrily and cursed:

"Xiao Cuihua, why is it always you?

I asked you to clean it up, and you damaged the fish tank I just bought!

I transferred you to the Greening Department and you killed two trees in one month!

Now you smashed Mr. Zhang's car and injured this lady.

What do you mean? Xiao Cuihua, you think my temple is too small to accommodate a great god like you.

So you come here to cause harm to me every day? "

Sister-in-law Hua knelt on the ground and lowered her head and said, "Mr. Wang, that's not the case!

The fish tank had a leakage of electricity and had already shocked the children.

I broke it just to save my life!

Also, those two trees are sandbox trees and cannot be planted in the community.

The fruit is poisonous and can explode, very dangerous!

This time it’s…”

Before she could finish speaking, Wang Yuehu cursed at her: "Shut up!

Stop fooling us with your mysterious nonsense!

Who is the boss and who is the employee?

Who are the owners and who do the services?

You can't put yourself in the right position, right?

Okay, get out of here! From now on you are no longer an employee of our company!

There is no need to pay wages. The little money you have is not enough to accompany Mr. Zhang, so the company has to pay for it for you!

Get out of here! I hate you when I see you! "

Xiao Cuihua looked ashen and sat on the ground slumped.

After a while, she stood up in despair, took off her uniform, and turned around to leave.

Before leaving, her eyes glanced at the pot of flowers in Chen Xin'an's hand.

Suddenly his eyes lit up, and he subconsciously walked over and said, "Jin Shanhua?

Oops, why is the stem broken?

Fortunately, it can be saved! "


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