Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1100 Is that your grandma?

The rooftop on the 28th floor of the inpatient department is a helipad.

Usually, except for the nurse who hangs clothes and sheets, few people come here.

Beside the wall, two women stood side by side, looking at the capital in the distance.

On the left is a woman with silver hair.

The one on the right is a short-haired woman in her thirties but not forty years old.

The silver-haired woman smiled and said to the woman next to her: "Yizhu, now that we've finished talking about business, let me talk to you about something personal.

Your grandfather's illness may take a turn for the better!

Yesterday I went to the Military General Hospital and met a very interesting young man.

Inheritor of ancient medicine.

Maybe I can save your grandpa..."

"Teacher, forget it, I get angry whenever I hear about ancient medicine inheritance!

If it weren't for these charlatans, my grandfather's illness wouldn't be as bad as it is now!

What do you mean? Still a young man?

That's even more useless, it's just a waste of time! "

"Don't say that! Ancient Chinese medicine is profound and profound, and it has its own reasons for being passed down to this day.

Yesterday, I had the same attitude as you do now, looking down on that kid.

But later I realized that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world.

They are really capable..."

As she spoke, she seemed to see a person walking past from the corner of her eye. She turned her head and frowned at the figure.

The woman named Yizhu said with an indifferent expression: "It's best if you have some ability to fool me.

If he is just a person who is seeking fame and reputation, I will let him walk around in pain! "

The silver-haired woman turned around and shouted to the side: "Girl, what are you doing?"

Yizhu turned his head, followed the teacher's gaze, and suddenly took a breath of air!

Beside the wall, a young woman wearing a hospital gown had climbed up the wall and put one foot on the outside!

When did that girl come?

What does she want to do?

This is the rooftop on the 23rd floor. If you jump from here, you will definitely die!

Seeing that the girl was about to step over with her other leg, Yizhu exclaimed: "Girl, don't get carried away!

If you have any unresolved problems, just tell us and we can help you!

There are no obstacles in life that cannot be overcome.

There is no need to take this step! "

While speaking, she quickly approached the girl.

The girl was already sitting on the top of the wall, with her feet on the outside.

As long as you slide down, you will fall!

"Don't come over!" She said with a calm expression: "I know what I am doing.

You don’t need to persuade me, for me, living is just pain again and again!

I am in pain, and so is my mother. I miss my father! "

Yizhu's heart sank.

Under such circumstances, it is most difficult to persuade a relatively calm suicide such as this.

If you are emotionally charged, it is most likely impulsive.

As long as you find the right method and talk about the point that the other party likes to hear, you can make him give up his current thoughts.

But not this type of person.

She had thought carefully about her death.

No matter what anyone said, it would not change her decision.

The silver-haired woman said: "Girl, I am Jin Bingqin, the dean of the Second Academy!

If you have anything, you can tell me, maybe I can help you!

Is it because of medical expenses? "

According to her experience, people who seek death in hospitals basically cannot escape for two reasons.

One is that the economy is not good, and he is overwhelmed by the high cost of treatment, and he does not want to drag his family down anymore.

The other is that he really can't stand the pain and wants to find relief for himself.

Sure enough, the girl's expression changed. Jin Bingqin knew that she had guessed correctly, and she quickly winked at Yizhu next to her.

I used the medical expenses as a breakthrough to persuade the girl.

She secretly called the hospital security to come over and pull the girl off the top while they were not prepared!

Yizhu also understood what she meant. While persuading, he approached the girl and stood beside her.

But when Jin Bingqin called, the security guard didn't come up, but a man and two women did. The man looked familiar.

"Lingling!" Xiao Cuihua screamed as she rushed forward. She wanted to rush over, but Ning Xiruo grabbed her arm!

"Sister-in-law Hua, don't get close to her. You can't irritate her at this time!"

While speaking, Ning Xiruo winked at Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an nodded, quickly walked around, and approached Mo Ling with the help of the white coats hanging on the roof.

Yizhu said to the girl who was less than one meter away: "Little sister, look how much your family cares about you! If you can't think about it, they will be the ones who suffer the most!

That should be your grandma, right?

At such an old age, do you want to see her so heartbroken? "

Mo Ling, who was already in tears, was even more sobbing now.

She pointed at Xiao Cuihua and said to Yizhu: "That's my mother! She is not even fifty years old yet, and she has already become like this!

It's all because of me!

My father was dragged into committing suicide by me, and my mother has aged like this.

She is a university professor!

What now?

In order to earn my medical expenses, she put down her body and did the lowest and hardest job!

If this continues, she will be dragged to death by me!

I only have my mother left, I can't exhaust her to death just to save me!

Mom, I'm sorry, my daughter is unfilial!

The kindness of upbringing will be repaid in the next life! "

As she spoke, Mo Ling held up her hands and her body suddenly slipped from the wall!

Yizhu, who accidentally said the wrong thing and got into trouble, wished he could slap himself twice!

Seeing that the girl really jumped off the building, she rushed over without thinking and grabbed the girl's arm!

But she underestimated the power of an adult falling from a high altitude.

With a cry of surprise, her ribs hit the wall hard, and the right half of her body was numb with pain.

But her right hand still grabbed Mo Ling's arm, and she was instantly taken out of the wall!

It’s over!

This was the only thought left in Yizhu's mind, and he realized that he was probably going to die here today!

But at this moment, her ankle tightened, as if an iron clamp suddenly clamped her foot and lifted her firmly in the air!

Then the iron pliers slowly rose up, and her body was lifted upwards.

Fortunately, she held Mo Ling's arm tightly from beginning to end, walked backwards back to the rooftop wall, and then pulled them both up!

"Daughter, why are you so stupid!" Xiao Cuihua ran over and hugged Mo Ling. The mother and daughter burst into tears.

Yizhu looked at the savior in front of him and wanted to stand up to say thank you. He felt a pain in his ribs and almost couldn't breathe!

Before she could react, the young man pushed her to the ground.

Then a pair of hands touched her chest!

At this moment, Yizhu's whole body suddenly tensed up, his eyes widened, and his mind went blank!

This kid, how dare he!

who is she? Hua Yizhu, the eldest granddaughter of Hua Lao, the most powerful man in China at that time!

Who dares to touch her?

Looking for death?

But this kid, in front of so many people, touched her body unscrupulously, she was going crazy!


She didn't know where this kid touched, but when he pressed it hard, she let out a heart-wrenching feeling.

My body seemed to suddenly have strength, and my brain could think normally.

She sat up suddenly, raised her right hand and slapped the boy hard!

I'm afraid no one in this world can slap Chen Xin'an except Ning Xiruo, who doesn't take precautions against her!

So of course this slap was in vain.

Easily avoided by Chen Xin'an.

On the contrary, it was Hua Yizhu himself who twisted his waist due to excessive force and cried out in pain again.


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