Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1104 A friend who knows everything about him

It was already 10:30 in the evening, and Kyoto Airport was still very busy.

Mo Xinting stood behind the fence outside the luggage exit, looking anxious and looking at the watch on his wrist.

I haven't seen him for a few days. The young man of the Mo family who was once famous in Kyoto City has a slovenly beard and looks like a street beggar.

My father was killed by my second brother, who is still lying in the hospital and will be taken away by the police when his injuries heal.

The Convention and Exhibition Center has been sold to others, and the Mo family's property was almost completely divided up overnight!

Now Mo Xinting has no valuable property except the ancestral home in Shen Qiao Hutong, and has completely withdrawn from the wealthy family in Kyoto.

Someone who had just gotten off the plane came out to get their luggage.

Mo Xinting stretched his neck to search among the crowd, but finally shook his head in disappointment.

After waiting until no one could be seen inside, Mo Xinting turned around in disappointment and sighed heavily.

The last hope is gone. God is going to destroy my Mo family. What can I do?

Just as he was about to go to the parking lot, he was tapped on the shoulder.

Raising his head, he looked at the woman in front of him in surprise, wearing a crisp suit and sunglasses, and shouted: "Ayu..."

The woman in front of him nodded, took off her sunglasses, looked at Mo Xinting up and down with her big eyes, shook her head and smiled bitterly: "Xinting, we haven't seen each other for half a year, why are you like this!"

Mo Xinting's nose felt sore, like a child who had been wronged and met his parents. He opened his arms and hugged him, and said: "Ayu, I..."


After being kicked in the stomach, Mo Xinting screamed and fell to the ground.

A giant man over two meters tall strode up to Mo Xinting, raised his big foot, which was a full fifty yards away, and stomped on Mo Xinting's head!

Everyone in Mo Xinting was dumbfounded!

This big foot was bigger than his head. When it covered his face, it was like a ship hit his head. Wouldn't that stomp all his brains out?

Fortunately, Ayu shouted in time: "Adam, stop! This person is my friend!"

The giant man retracted his feet and retreated behind Ayu.

Ayu waved her hand, and two foreigners behind her walked over and pulled Mo Xinting up from the ground.

Looking at Mo Xinting with a painful look on his face, Ayu shook his head and said helplessly:

"Xinting, I didn't expect you to have changed so much in just a few months!

Seriously, I almost didn't recognize you! "

Mo Xinting's nose felt sour, and he took her hand and said, "Ayu, you don't know what kind of life I have been living in the past six months...ah!"

Before he could finish speaking, he was kicked out again!

The same giant man stood beside Ayu again.

Ayu cursed angrily: "Why did you kick him again? Didn't I say it before? He is my friend!"

Adam said with an indifferent look: "But Mr. Bo said that no one can touch you!"

Ayu pointed at Mo Xinting and said, "Not including my family, but also him!

This is my childhood friend... I have been playing together since childhood. Do you understand? "

Adam thought for a moment and nodded.

Two foreigners walked over and helped Mo Xinting up.

Ayu stretched out her hand to hold his arm and said to him: "Let's go back first and talk while walking!

Tell me what Chen Xin'an did in Kyoto during these days! "

Mo Xinting quickly took a few steps to the side, looked at the giant man behind her, and said with lingering fear:

“It’s better to stay away, otherwise I’ll get kicked again!

Ayu, in the six months since you were away from Kyoto, Kyoto has been turned upside down by Chen Xin'an!

By the way, how many people did you bring when you came back this time? "

Ayu pointed behind him and said to him: "Six, that's enough!

We heard about Sakura Club.

That idiot Yamasuke Kazuo is unreliable. You didn’t listen to me. Now you know the lesson, right? "

Mo Xinting's eyes turned red, and he choked and said, "This price is too high!

Ayu, Chen Xin'an is not as easy to deal with as you think!

I'm afraid these six people won't be enough! "

"Huh?" The six foreigners behind Ayu all understood Chinese, and each of them looked at Mo Xinting fiercely with angry expressions on their faces.

Ayu smiled slightly and said to him: "I'm sure I can't beat him.

As long as it is within the territory of China, I am afraid that in a head-on fight, let alone these six, even sixty more will not be able to kill Chen Xin'an!

But I never said I wanted to fight him in the ring!

I just want to get rid of this person. As for the method, it doesn’t matter!

These people have their own abilities and are all elite predators.

Plus an old friend who knows Chen Xin'an very well.

He is showing us what we are doing, so it is not difficult to get rid of him. "

A man came out from the crowd behind him, waved to Mo Xinting and said hello.

Mo Xinting didn't recognize him, so he asked Ayu, "An old friend who knows everything about you?"

Ayu smiled and pointed at the man and said, "Chahongtu once assassinated Chen Xin'an in Dongshan.

It failed, but escaped from Chen Xin'an's hands. "

Mo Xinting suddenly realized.

With Chen Xin'an's character, he has always been cruel to his enemies.

Especially foreign killers, they always come back and never come back.

As long as it fails, it means that your life can be taken care of here!

I didn't expect that the person in front of me could escape from Chen Xin'an alive. It seemed that he had abilities that others couldn't match!

Since he has died once, he really knows Chen Xin'an thoroughly.

Now that he has helpers, it is definitely more possible to kill Chen Xin'an!

Mo Xinting drove a commercial car. When everyone got in the car, Mo Xinting threw a few key cards to Ayu and said to her:

"There are three business rooms on the 13th floor of the Regent Hotel. You can make arrangements..."

Chahongtu said with a smile: “We won’t go back yet.

We had already agreed on the plane that we were going to have a good time at the Chinese nightclubs.

I heard that there are many beautiful female college students who can stay with you for one night as long as you pay them?

Let’s talk about anything tomorrow, we’re going to have a lot of fun tonight! "

You just got off the plane, you haven't even recovered from jet lag yet, and you're going to go to a nightclub to pick up girls?

How horny are you?

Ayu also said to him with a helpless look: "They are used to having such crazy fun abroad and they can't change it.

You can send them to find a place to play tonight. I have to go home, otherwise the old man should scold me! "

"Okay!" Mo Xinting nodded helplessly and said to Ayu: "Then let's take Feile! It's not far from Lijing!"

In fact, Feile has always been a competitor of the Convention and Exhibition Center.

Normally, even if the convention and exhibition center collapsed, Mo Xinting would not introduce people to play with his former rivals. He is not so generous.

But now he can see that these six guys are not fuel-efficient lamps.

If you just come to China, you will definitely not understand the rules of nightclubs here.

So there will definitely be trouble!

Then go to Feile and make a fuss, it will be great!

Ayu said to everyone with a straight face: "You just have fun, don't cause trouble!

The Guo family's business has stopped, and I can't help you get some special status now.

So you are all like ordinary people now. You cannot be targeted by the Chinese police, otherwise you will not be able to leave China one by one! "

Adam laughed and said with a ferocious smile: "It doesn't matter, as long as Chen Xin'an is beaten to death within three days, we can leave here!

If we all work together, it will be enough for you China to have a new master! "

Everyone else burst out laughing.

Mo Xinting frowned, as if he wanted to say something, but he glanced at Ayu, who had his eyes closed and was concentrating next to him, and closed his mouth.


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