Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1110 My innocence is over

The Mo family fell into decline, leaving only the ancestral home in Shen Qiao Hutong.

The head of the family, Mo Shusheng, died tragically, and the second young man, Mo Xinnian, was imprisoned.

In the ancestral house of the Mo family, the eldest son, Mo Xinting, and the third daughter, Mo Xinsi, are brothers and sisters who depend on each other for life.

Most of the family members fell into disgrace and left the Mo family.

There are only five or six people left who have a good relationship with Young Master Mo and are relatively loyal to the Mo family.

Among them is the housekeeper Fan Meizi.

She couldn't bear to leave here, and she had nowhere to go.

Mo Xinting was reluctant to leave Fan Meizi.

His mother died young and his father passed away. He was raised by Fan Meizi since he was a child, and he already regarded her as a relative.

Anyway, Fan Meizi stayed here and continued to be the housekeeper of the Mo family. She didn't need wages. He didn't object to staying as long as she wanted.

So everyone still lives according to their previous habits.

Fan Meizi still gets up early for a run.

After leaving Shenqiao Hutong, we ran along the river embankment to Wenzheng Bridge.

Run back again and bring some breakfast with you.

But when passing by the house at the entrance of the alley, I found a Haval Cross Country entering the door.

Fan Meizi knew very well that the house had been empty since the Wu family moved away.

Even with Chen Xin'an's help, the man named Xiao never came to live in the house for a day.

At this time, it was just dawn, how could a car drive in?

Fan Meizi felt a little strange, so she hid at the gate and took a look inside.

It didn't matter what she saw, it almost made her scream out of fright!

A few people sneakily lifted a sack from the trunk of the car.

Judging from the shape of the sack, there must be a group of people trapped inside!

Someone said: "Why not just throw it into the well?

When the water came over, they took him to the Grand Canal.

Even if someone finds him, it will be several days later, and it has nothing to do with us! "

Someone snorted and said, “That would still be troublesome.

After all, Chahuntu was a foreigner. His death on the Grand Canal would definitely trigger a police investigation.

Buried at the bottom of a well, no one is aware of it! "

The person who spoke before responded: "Okay, let's do it quickly!

You can go back and take a look later. If anyone is dead, send them over quickly.

I'll wait for you here.

When the time comes, you come back and open the door yourself, and I will leave the door ajar.

After a long night of work, I have to catch up on my sleep. Don't disturb me! "

The speaker seemed to sense something moving and turned to look at where Fan Meizi was hiding.

Fan Meizi felt that her heart was about to burst out of her chest, and she hid in the shadows and remained motionless.

When the group of people started working again, she tiptoed out, not even in the mood for morning exercises, and ran back to Mo's house.

Young Master Mo got up very early today.

In fact, after the great changes in the Mo family, he basically couldn't sleep well at night.

Sitting on the wicker chair in the yard where my father often sat, he saw Fan Meizi running back in a panic, and frowned: "What's wrong with you?"

Fan Meizi's face turned pale, she leaned into his ear and told him what she had just seen.

Young Master Mo sat up from the wicker chair with a cry, looked at her with wide eyes and asked:

"Did you hear that clearly? Was it really called that name?"

Fan Meizi nodded.

Mo Xinting said: "That's right, that guy Chen Xin'an has an old grudge with Cha Hongtu!

I sent them there. If something happens, I will be in trouble too!

Damn it, I didn’t go to sleep after I opened the room, I didn’t want to go to the nightclub!

These foreigners are so damned!

But just die if you die, and you will bring trouble to me..."

"Young Master!" Fan Meizi interrupted him and whispered: "The people in the sack are not dead!

When I took a peek just now, I saw someone moving, but still alive! "

Mo Xinting stood up and said to Fan Meizi: "Get Xiaolu and the others up, bring the guys with you, and let's go in and rescue them!"

Fan Meizi nodded, turned and left.

In Xiao Zhang's old house, he watched Mo Xinting sneak in with three people, go down to the well and dig out Chahong Tu.

Chen Xin'an, who was hiding in the room and peeking, was very worried and wanted to go out and help these idiots.

It wasn't until those idiots carried Chahong Tu away in a hurry that Chen Xin'an breathed a sigh of relief and said to Luo Xiaoman and others: "Let's go back!"

Everyone spent a lot of time sleeping in the car last night, and now they can finally go back to the hotel and lie down on the big bed to catch up on their sleep comfortably.

Luo Xiaoman sneered coldly and said: "Is this the elite killer of the predators? That's it!

These grandsons were really frustrated. As soon as they got off the plane, they were in heaven again.

Hanging naked from a street lamp all night.

If it were me, I would immediately buy a ticket and escape from China! "

Xiao Zhang laughed and said: "This is not the most cruel!

They caused trouble last night, and the police also wanted to cause trouble for them.

If the identity of the killer is exposed, then they have done nothing and still face jail time. It’s really frustrating! "

Dao Lei grinned: "It would be so fun to have more killers like this!"

Luo Qianhe said with a straight face: "Don't forget that we took advantage.

Only when they have someone who reports to us can they directly slip into our trap.

If Chahongtu hadn't reported the news, it wouldn't have been as easy for us to deal with these people! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to everyone: "The pigeon is right.

Don’t take the bean buns one by one as dry food!

He is an international killer. He would have died many times if he had no real skills!

They will definitely calm down during this period, and revenge will come when they are healed.

I strive to find out the whereabouts of Mr. Yu as soon as possible.

Except for Chahongtu, none of these killers should be let go! "

Chen Xin'an shows no mercy when dealing with international killers.

If you have the guts to come to China to kill me, then be prepared to leave your life here.

He came in a big way and assassinated him in a serious way.

When you see that you can't succeed, you still want to leave unscathed and in a dignified manner?

This kind of thing cannot exist!

Do you think you are here to travel?

Then you have to ask me if Chen Xinan agrees!

I went back to my room and found a random room to catch up on my sleep.

Around ten o'clock, the phone rang.

Chen Xin'an took the phone with her eyes closed and pressed the answer button.

A woman's voice came from over there, she sounded quite young.

"Mr. Chen, let's meet!

I'm here at Wasabi House..."

Chen Xin'an said impatiently: "Who are you? How do you know my number?"

A man's annoyed voice came from the side: "Who is it? I'm so annoyed. Let him call me two hours later, so as not to affect others' sleep!"

Chen Xin'an said casually: "I don't know. It's a woman calling. I don't seem to recognize her..."

Halfway through his words, he froze and opened his eyes suddenly.

The people around him seemed to hold their breath at this moment.

The whole room was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. The only sound coming from the phone was the woman's constant feeding.

Then the two people turned their heads at the same time, eye to eye, nose to nose, looking at each other at extremely close range, and screamed in terror at the same time!


Chen Xin'an subconsciously kicked him over!

Unexpectedly, the other party also kicked him, and the two of them rolled off the bed at the same time with a bang!

Chen Xin'an sat on the ground, looked at the opposite side and cursed: "Luo Erzhang, you pervert!

Why did you come to my bed?

I actually slept with you in the same bed for so long, it's disgusting! "

Luo Xiaoman looked stern, got up and walked out, saying apologetically:

"I might be sleepwalking... so what, don't tell anyone about this, otherwise my innocence will be ruined!"

"You have absolutely no innocence!" Chen Xin'an scolded angrily.

Luo Xiaoman walked to the door and turned back, staring at Chen Xin'an and said:

"No, this is my room!

Why did you come to my room and crawl into my bed? "


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