While others were reading the contract, Chen Xinan had nothing to do and took out his mobile phone to play games.

Fujino Xiangling nodded to the only remaining man except Chen Xin'an.

The young man blushed, stood up, glanced at Chen Xin'an, turned around and walked out.

After a while, Fujino Xiangling walked up to Chen Xin'an and said to him respectfully:

"Mr. Chen, it will take some time to negotiate the contract here.

Why not go next door and relax?

We have specially prepared a special gift for you. We hope Mr. Chen will like it. "


Or something special?

Chen Xin'an raised his head and glanced at her, squinted his eyes and smiled:

"Fujino Karin, you won't let your bodyguards attack my people after you tricked me out, right?"

Fujino Kaoryo is angry.

Is this person too cautious?

Am I crazy to do such a thing in front of you?

She shook her head at Chen Xin'an in embarrassment and said, "Mr. Chen is joking, no way!"

Chen Xin'an glanced at her sideways, curled her lips and said:

"You're a Japanese girl, you look courteous and gentle on the surface, but you're actually very sinister and full of evil!"

Fujino Xiangling's face turned dark.

After all, she is also rated as a national goddess-level figure in the Kingdom of Great Britain.

With sweet appearance and gentle personality, she is the dream lover of many Japanese men.

But when I came to China, how could I become a scheming woman in the eyes of this damn Chinese man?

But then Chen Xin'an continued: "But I'm a little curious about your special gift..."

Fujino Xiangling's eyes lit up.

Chen Xin'an stood up, walked outside the door, and stood by the railing on the second floor waving down.

Soon Luo Xiaoman and Dao Lei came up.

Chen Xin'an said to them: "Aman went into the box and sat on the chair. If their people dare to mess around, just take action!

Daleizi is standing at the top of the stairs. The contract has not been processed yet. Don't let anyone come up or go down. No one can do it! "

"Okay!" Luo Xiaoman and Dao Lei responded, grinning.

Fujino Xiangling had a smile on her face and MMP in her heart.

As long as you have some respect for me, you wouldn't say this in front of me and make such an arrangement, right?

Chen Xin'an ignored her thoughts and said to her with a smile after the arrangements were made:

"Miss Fujino, where is that special gift for me?"

Fujino Xiangling took a deep breath, put on a smile, stretched out her hand and said, "Over here. Mr. Chen, please follow me!"

She led Chen Xin'an to the door of a relatively hidden box, smiled and said to him:

"Mr. Chen, I arranged this specially for you. I hope you like it.

Please have fun, the rooms here are soundproofed! "

What kind of gift needs a soundproof room to enjoy it?

Is there any trap inside?

But what he is least afraid of now is the trap set by Sakura Club for him!

To him, Sakura Club is an out-and-out fat sheep.

After the wool is harvested, the meat is cut, the blood is drawn, and the bones are shaved. The more handles, the more you can eat.

After taking a look at Fujino Xiangling, Chen Xin'an raised the corner of her mouth and opened the door of the box without hesitation.

There was an orange-red light inside, which was not bright but full of ambiguity.

This kind of lamp was very popular in China ten years ago.

Those small houses with washroom signs on the roadside are all full of these lights.

Could it be that this is a small shampoo room?

There is a hair washing room hidden in the largest Japanese restaurant in Kyoto City. Who would believe it?


The box door behind him was closed.

There was a strange fragrance exuding in the box. I couldn't tell what kind of spice it was, but after smelling it, I felt a little excited.

Under the shadow of the light, a person was lying on the tatami.

There are some very strange things on the table next to it.

They are all torturing things.

Chen Xin'an looked confused. Could this be a torture chamber?

But even the torture chamber should be prepared for him, right?

In his current state, it doesn't look like he has been controlled and is being tortured.

At this moment, the man on the tatami moved.

Turning over, the blanket wrapped around him slipped down, exposing his whole body!

I'll go, what's going on!

The man had circles of red hemp rope tied around him, tying him up like a rice dumpling.

The most important thing is that this is a man!

And it was the young man who was standing at the door of the box just now.

It’s really eye-catching!

Chen Xin'an really wants to poke her eyes out now.

A fire burned in my heart.

Damn Sakura Club!

Damn Fujino Karin!

What a deception!

How dare you insult me ​​like this!

When the young man saw Chen Xin'an standing at the door and not coming over, he bit his lip and looked at him shyly.

It wriggled its body like a bean bug, slowly crawling over on the ground.

Chen Xin'an walked up to him with a gloomy face and looked down at him.

The man bit his lip and gave Chen Xin'an a "shy" look, and said softly: "Dah..."

Chen Xin'an had goosebumps and scolded him with a black face: "If you have the guts, just be a bit meaner!"

The man screamed like a cat, "Meow..."

"Where's my knife!" Chen Xin'an clenched his fists and stared at the guy at his feet.

Seeing him twist around, climb onto his feet, and rub his face against his legs, Chen Xin'an's hair stood on end, and he shouted:

"I can't wait! I'll beat you to death, you big pervert!"

He kicked the guy off the ground with one kick, then grabbed the whip from the table next to him and whipped the guy hard!

"Already stunned! Already stunned!" The man screamed loudly. There was no need to slap him so hard, right?

Chen Xin'an also felt uncomfortable. Even though this whip had many branches, it was too soft and had no strength when whipped!

However, the grip is relatively strong and heavy, so it’s just right when used in reverse!

Chen Xin'an simply turned over and grabbed the whip whistle, swung it up and hit the guy on the ground hard with the handle at the back!


The whip made contact with the flesh and made a muffled sound, like a stick hitting a bone!

The guy on the ground widened his eyes and let out a sharp howl!

But at this moment, something was stabbed into his mouth arbitrarily, almost knocking out all his teeth!

Then my mouth was filled with disgusting cured meat!

That guy actually stuffed the whole candle into his mouth!

That’s not how these things are used!

The young man got scared and wanted to run away.

But with his whole body tied up, he couldn't even stand up, let alone run away!

Even if he screamed, he couldn't scream because his mouth was blocked by candles!

If no one comes to save him, I'm afraid he will be beaten to death by this guy!

With a cruel heart, he closed his mouth and chewed the thick candle in his mouth like a steamed bun!

Resisting the turbulence in his stomach, he opened his mouth and shouted loudly: "It's Suke..."

Before he could finish speaking, another metal rod was inserted into his mouth!

Before he could react, a blue light came out of his mouth.

He felt that he had bitten the high-voltage switch, his head buzzed, his vision went dark, and he didn't know what happened next!

At this moment, there was a sound from the secret door next to it.

Chen Xin'an turned his head, and in the next moment, he had rushed over and kicked the secret door into pieces!

There are two people hiding in the secret door, with cameras in their hands.

He looked at Chen Xin'an with a horrified expression and his whole body trembling!

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