Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1121 You are just a mallet

The top leader of the Health Bureau came to the Second People's Hospital in person, aggressive and murderous.

My wife was crying on the phone with tears in her eyes, as if she had been greatly wronged.

And I heard that all of my own people were beaten and had broken bones!

It’s simply lawless!

My wife didn’t tell me clearly who the attacker was.

He didn't care who hit someone.

I just want to know who gave this guy the confidence. Knowing that Jiang Shumei was Zhang Xinmin's wife and Lao Li was his, he still dared to take action?

The Zhang family is in Kyoto. Are they already so out of schedule?

When he went out, he also called his good brother Zhu Tong.

Without saying a word, he was asked to meet at the entrance of the second courtyard.

The Health Bureau has a lot of inspection work and needs to hire people to assist in completing it.

On the one hand, the unit is short of manpower.

On the other hand, when dealing with some disputes, letting these social personnel come forward will get twice the result with half the effort.

Zhu Tong and a group of his brothers are the people who specialize in handling these disputes for the Health Bureau.

Zhang Xinmin had a very good personal relationship with him, and they were brothers.

At the entrance of the Second Hospital, Zhang Xinmin's car stopped, followed closely by a Mercedes-Benz next to it.

A middle-aged man with a big gold chain ran over, stood outside the car door and said to Zhang Xinmin:

"I'm working at the Four Seasons Flower City!

Brother, what result do you want? "

Zhang Xinmin looked at a van following the Mercedes-Benz and said gloomily:

“Let’s check the situation first, and if nothing happens, just give that thorny head a good beating.

Ask him to compensate Lao Li, and you decide how much it costs!

If the commotion is too big, then cut off the limbs and then throw them to the city bureau.

But you have to wait until your sister-in-law and I or people from the bureau come out before you take action! "

The middle-aged man grinned, showing the gold teeth in his mouth, nodded and said:

"Brother, don't worry, I promise to handle it properly for you!"

Zhang Xinmin nodded and said, "Okay, go in now!"

In the ward, Chen Xin'an looked at the time and said to Dao Lei, "It's almost time, throw the person out!"

"How dare you!" Jiang Shumei shouted at Chen Xin'an.

She had crawled out from under the bed, but now she wished she could get in again!

Several staff from the Health Bureau also shouted at Chen Xin'an and tried to stop him.

Even Jin Bingqin said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, please don't mess around!

Don't kill anyone!

Sir, you can't go there! "

Dao Lei only listened to Chen Xin'an's instructions and didn't care what others said.

Pushing Jin Bingqin away with one hand, he opened his hand and grabbed Jiang Shumei.

Jiang Shumei, who had experienced being hung outside a building, was so frightened that she yelled and avoided the knife and thunder.

At this moment, the door was kicked open and a group of people poured in!

Zhu Tong gritted his teeth and cursed: "Who is so bold and dares to touch my sister-in-law?"

Turning his head and glancing at Dao Lei standing not far away, Zhu Tong was stunned for a moment and said with a sneer:

"Oh, isn't this a thunderbolt?

Didn’t I hear that the Dao family has found a very powerful backer and is now doing well in Kyoto City?

Why are you still bullying women?

The more we live, the more we regress! "

Dao Lei picked his nostrils, looked at him sideways, and cursed with disdain: "Jinya Tong, get out!"

Zhu Tong's face darkened, he looked at Dao Lei and said, "It's you who should get out!

Dao Lei, don’t think that Zhongyi Hall can become king in Kyoto now that it doesn’t have to pay debts!

In front of us who are connected to the world, you are nothing!

When I was in the world, your father, Daoyi, was working as a thug for others!

I have a lot of things going on during this time and I have no time to pay attention to your Zhongyi Hall.

Let you recover and survive for a while.

What do you mean, are you trying to turn over?

Then you have to ask, does Zhu Tongtong agree?

I don’t agree with the universal wisdom! "

"Husband!" Seeing Zhang Xinmin walking in from the door, Jiang Shumei knew that the savior was coming, so she ran over crying.

"Leader!" A group of health bureau employees also lowered their heads and shouted to him respectfully.

Zhang Xinmin had a straight face and nodded to everyone. When he saw the finger marks on Jiang Shumei's face, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes and asked her, "Who hit her?"

Jiang Shumei turned her head, pointed at Mo Ling and said, "That little bitch!"

Zhang Xinmin said in a deep voice: "Go and slap her four times, I want to see blood!"

A thug next to Zhu Tong raised his feet and walked towards Mo Ling!

"Don't mess around! It was your wife who hit me first!" Xiao Cuihua hugged her daughter and shouted to Zhang Xinmin.

Zhang Xinmin had a sullen face and ignored her.

Jin Bingqin frowned and said to Zhang Xinmin: "Leader Zhang, if you do this, I will truthfully report you to my superiors!"

Zhang Xinmin glanced at her and said expressionlessly: "You can go back and write your work report. I will arrange for you to work in the township hospital below as soon as possible!"

Jin Bingqin's expression changed and she glared at Zhang Xinmin, but she was helpless.

It is better for the county magistrate to take charge now. The person in front of her is her immediate boss. Even if she is given small shoes, there is nothing she can do!

Turning his head and looking at his subordinate Lao Li who was slumped on the ground and finally fainted, Zhang Xinmin asked coldly: "Who did it?"

Several people from the Health Bureau pointed at Chen Xin'an.

Zhang Xinmin glanced at Chen Xin'an and said to Zhu Tong beside him:

“Go and take him to the police station!

If you resist...

When you send it over, you just need to be alive, you know what I mean? "

Zhu Tong smiled ferociously and said, "Brother, I understand, don't worry!"


Dao Lei on the side actually laughed.

He turned his head and said to the pale-faced mother and daughter Xiao Cuihua and Mo Ling:

"Don't worry, the boss and I are here, no one can touch you!"

Xiao Qin also nodded and said to the two of them: "Sister-in-law, sister, the boss will protect us!"

Zhu Tong rubbed his hands, looked at Dao Lei with a ferocious smile and said:

"Is your boss so awesome?

You don’t even give me Brother Zhang face?

Why don't I recognize this person?

Dao Lei, don’t you want to introduce me?

Can I have a drink with this big shot some time? "

Dao Lei pinched his nostrils and waved to him, and when he came closer, he twisted his fingers into his mouth.

"What the hell!" Zhu Tong didn't expect this guy to be so presumptuous and was unprepared for the moment.

There was a salty taste in his mouth, which made him so disgusted that he almost spit it out!

Dao Lei scolded him: "My boss's name is Chen Xin'an, do you deserve to have a drink with him? You only deserve to eat my boogers!"

Chen Xin'an? !

Zhu Tong's smile froze on his face.

The group of people behind him all looked shocked.

Even Zhang Xinmin's expression changed and he stared at Chen Xin'an, looking him up and down.

He had heard this name more than once, but he didn't expect to see it in person now!

"No wonder even my lover, Zhang Xinmin, doesn't take him seriously.

It turns out to be the famous Chen Xin'an!

Okay, I took note of this.

Walk! "

Zhang Xinmin is not a fool. Knowing that this person is here, today's affairs will be difficult to deal with, so he will find an opportunity to settle the score slowly in the future!

Zhu Tong and his men had naturally heard of Chen Xin'an's evil reputation, and they were unwilling to fight him head-on. They laughed dryly and said to Dao Lei:

"It turns out that the backer of Zhongyi Hall is Chen Xin'an!

No wonder the people of the Dao family are becoming more and more arrogant!

Okay, since I, Brother Zhang, said to let you go, let's just wait and see.

There will be plenty of opportunities to play in the future! "

They were about to turn around and leave when behind them Chen Xin'an said coldly: "Should I let you go?"

The other group of people all stopped. Zhang Xinmin glared at Chen Xin'an and shouted:

"Chen, what do you want to do?

Isn't he just a bastard?

Do you dare to speak in such a tone in front of me?

Do you really think I'm afraid of you?

I just……"

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an had already rushed over!

Kick him in the stomach and knock him to the ground!

He sneered and said: "You are just a stick!

You know that I am Chen Xin'an, but you still dare to put on airs in front of me. Do you want to die? "


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