Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1129 Is your brother mad at you?

In the afternoon, Dao Lei was left in the hospital.

This guy was lucky, he stayed all afternoon and didn't even come back for dinner in the evening!

Unexpectedly, as soon as he came back, he would be attacked!

Who is so bold as to come to the Sovereign Hotel to cause trouble?

Could it be that he is from the He family in Waigang?

After waiting, I found out that it was not the Grand Hotel, but the Peninsula Cafe!

When I opened the door and walked in, I saw a booth by the window from a distance. This guy was drinking coffee with two women!

Was he being attacked?

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman both had dark faces.

Both of them felt that it was necessary to emphasize organizational discipline to this idiot.

Use fists and kicks to tell the consequences of telling lies.

Walking over with a dark face, Xiao Qin saw the two of them first, stood up quickly and said: "Boss, Brother Man, you are here!"

The two nodded and snorted at Dao Lei, who was lying on the table with his head lowered and his face covered.

Luo Xiaoman squinted his eyes and said, "Dalei, what's wrong? Are you too embarrassed to see anyone? Come on, raise your head and show me where you were attacked?"

Dao Lei shook his head and twisted, not letting Luo Xiaoman touch him.

Luo Xiaoman didn't have the patience to follow him, so he grabbed his ears and lifted him up hard!

Then he and Chen Xinan burst into laughter!

No wonder this guy buried his head, his feelings were really attacked!

He stared at a pair of panda eyes, his nose was swollen, and the corners of his mouth were blue. He had been beaten!

Luo Xiaoman pointed at Dao Lei and asked Xiao Qin: "He teased you and beat you like this?"

Xiao Qin shook her head and said helplessly: "It's not me, it's her!"

She pointed to the person sitting across from her. Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman turned around and looked at the people sitting across from them.

It's an old acquaintance.

Fujino Karin's bodyguard, Hanako!

She was currently wearing a very unisex outfit, a wig, and obviously makeup to make her look like a man.

If it weren't for such a close distance, I really wouldn't be able to recognize her!

Luo Xiaoman lowered his face, looked at Fujino Xiangling with squinted eyes and asked: "Did Leizi let you be beaten like this?

You are very skilled. Can we compete? "

If someone else had done it, Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman would definitely not take it seriously, and would even make some sarcastic remarks about Dao Lei.

But if it was the bodyguard of this Da Ying woman who took action, then my brother would not suffer in vain.

This place must be found for him!

Hanako explained nervously: "I'm sorry, this is a misunderstanding, who let him touch it..."


Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman looked at each other, there was actually an inside story?

Dao Lei said with an aggrieved look: "You followed us all the way, and I found out..."

"I discovered it, okay?" Xiao Qin pouted.

Dao Lei blushed and said: "Aren't they all the same! Anyway, I just found her, so of course I asked her why she followed us?

She said she wanted to find the boss. I asked her who she was, and she said she was the female bodyguard next to the Japanese woman.

Do you think she looks like a female bodyguard?

Just to be safe, I touched it.

She beat me to such a degree that I couldn’t even hold me back! "

You didn’t believe she was a female bodyguard, so you touched her?

Even if he is not beaten to death, it is considered merciless!

Even if you really want to check, can you let Xiao Qin do it?

If you do it yourself, you are acting like a hooligan!

This shameless guy still has the nerve to call and shake people off?

Seeing the undisguised disdain on Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman's faces, Xiao Qin quickly explained:

"I asked Brother Lei to make the call. This woman wants to see the boss!"

Although it is not a secret that Chen Xin'an and her relatives and friends are staying at the Grand Hotel, there is no need to let everyone know.

So everyone will arrange meetings with strangers outside the hotel.

Of course Xiao Qin knew this default rule, so he asked Dao Lei to call Chen Xin'an out.

This girl is getting better and better at what she does.

Chen Xin'an nodded, sat down directly next to Hanako, looked at her and asked: "You are looking for me? What do you want?"

Hanako hurriedly leaned inside, but her way was blocked by Chen Xin'an and the table in front of her.

Luo Xiaoman also wanted to imitate Chen Xin'an's movements and wanted to sit next to Xiao Qin.

But Xiao Qin ignored him at all.

After all, it's a two-person seat, so having one more seat would seem a bit cramped.

There was no other way, so Luo Xiaoman had no choice but to pull a chair over.

Huazi took a deep breath and said to Chen Xin'an: "My name is not Huazi, my name is Yan Chunhua.

Lingnan Wing Chun Yan family! "

"Wing Chun Yan Family?" Luo Xiaoman seemed a little surprised. He looked at Yan Chunhua and said, "Who are you Yan Kaishun?"

Yan Chunhua's eyes turned red and she said, "It's my dad!"

Luo Xiaoman nodded as if he suddenly realized something, looked at Yan Chunhua with a sarcastic look and said:

"She is indeed a queen from a famous family!

Then Yan Chunqiao should be your eldest brother?

I met him when I was young, how is he now? "

"Dead!" Yan Chunhua said lightly.

Luo Xiaoman was stunned for a moment, frowned, and said expressionlessly: "Are you so mad at me?"

Yan Chunhua grabbed the coffee cup with her right hand, and veins popped out on the back of her hand.

Luo Xiaoman sneered coldly, looked at her and said, "What, you want to do something to me?

You can try!

Let's see if I will be beaten black and blue by you like Da Leizi?

Or if you have the ability, you can just kill me!

Don’t worry, you can still walk out of here with a swagger, no one will stop you!

As long as you have the ability! "

Yan Chunhua shook her head and said without raising her head: "You are Luo Xiaoman, the youngest son of Uncle Luo Lie.

Do you just remember that my dad took my brother to visit Robert and forgot about the little girl following behind? "

Luo Xiaoman looked at her coldly, tilted his head and said, "Are you worthy of letting me remember you?

Are you afraid that you have forgotten how your father died? "

Yan Chunhua was silent, her eyes red.

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked, "Aman, what's going on?"

Luo Xiaoman took a deep breath, tapped the table with his hand and said, "The Yan family of Lingnan Wing Chun are family friends of my Luo family.

At that time, the Chinese Wushu Exchange Group also included members of the Yan Family Wing Chun and went to Daying and Tailan for touring performances.

Mr. Yan had a conflict with the local martial arts group in Daying and held a private martial arts competition.

There was no way around it. In the war a hundred years ago, almost ten people of the Yan family died at the hands of the Da Ying people. They had a blood feud with them!

Yan Lao defeated the Japanese warriors and brought glory to the country, but he was also seriously injured.

He died soon after returning to China.

Mr. Yan probably never dreamed that the blood feud between the Yan family and the Da Ying people would be settled in his daughter's generation.

You, Yan Chunhua, transformed into the bodyguard of the Ying people.

Use your life to protect the lives of the Japanese people.

He also changed his name to Daying's name.

This talent simply blinded my titanium alloy dog ​​eyes!

How can I remember who you are?

I don’t deserve it either!

You think so, Ms. Hanako?

By the way, how did your brother die?

I'm not really mad at you, are you? "

Yan Chunhua lowered her head and said word by word: "He was beaten to death by the Japanese!"

The sneer on Luo Xiaoman's face froze, his expression turned cold, he looked at Yan Chunhua and said, "What the hell are you talking about?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head at Luo Xiaoman, turned to Yan Chunhua and asked, "What on earth are you doing?"

Yan Chunhua covered her eyes with a tissue and said in a deep voice:

"My father was killed by the Ying people. The Ying people cheated in the ring and injured my father with poisonous needles.

Not long after I came back, my dad died of poison.

My brother went to Da Ying to kill the murderer.

But on the streets of Da Ying, he was regarded as a robber and shot to death randomly!

I tried my best to find out that the murderer who killed my father and my brother was the same person!

I went to Daying to avenge my father and my brother! "

"Who is that person?" Luo Xiaoman gritted his teeth and asked Yan Chunhua.

Yan Chunhua raised her head and said with tears, "Kazuo Yamasuke!"

The president of Sakura Club!

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman were stunned at the same time.

Daolei said inexplicably: "Then why did you become Fujino Xiangling's bodyguard?"

Yan Chunhua shook her head and said: "Because Fujino Xiangling's real name is Yamasuke Haruko.

She is the daughter of Kazuo Yamasuke! "


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