Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1138: If you have milk, you are a mother

Everyone around looked stunned.

This is an official auction, and the biggest feature is that you have to abide by the rules.

Whoever dares to disobey the rules, regardless of your identity or background, will be directly disqualified from bidding!

Even the He family in Waigang will receive the same treatment!

Why do the provocateurs dare to be so arrogant?

Are you blatantly trying to anger Chen Xin'an?

He just didn't dare mess around if he got it right!

If you don't want to be disqualified, you have no choice but to swallow your anger.

If you can't bear to quarrel with me, then you are also the one who is embarrassed!

But he really didn't expect that this guy Chen Xin'an would be so immature.

If you take the bait so easily, you will be immediately disqualified from bidding.

Is this Chen Xin'an, who has been in the limelight in Kyoto City recently?

This is too disappointing, right?

Li Zecheng had a sullen face, glanced at the fat man who was kicked to the ground, but looked excited, and scolded with a cold scoff:

"Wei Xudong, even you have five major disputes a year.

Even the Beijing News criticized him by name.

Third-rate companies that single-handedly ruined the entire Kyoto real estate circle can participate.

How could Anhao Real Estate not be eligible to participate? "

The fat man said with a dark face and a smile: "Compared with Jun Hao, my Xuri Company is really nothing.

But compared with a small company like this that has been registered for less than a week, our Xuri company still has this qualification, right?

I just discussed the matter as it happened and felt that the official review was not rigorous.

This unknown boss beat someone in front of so many people!

What do you mean?

Are all official announcements based on farts?

Is it over when a gust of wind passes?

Director Song, you don’t care about this? "

Director Song from the registration office stood up with a dark face and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Chen Xin'an, the auction house is not your home, don't mess around!

If anything happens, you go out and solve it, and don't get into physical conflicts!

Never again! "

Chen Xin'an stamped her feet and said: "Try your best! I said your organizers are serious, at least take care of hygiene!

There are so many flies and mosquitoes that I won’t mention, there are even bed bugs!

Even if I get trampled to death under your feet, it’s not an exaggeration, right? "

Everyone in Wei Xudong was dumbfounded.

What do you mean?

Just forget it?

If you don't make an example, it will be gone?

What about the promised disqualification?

Then wouldn't my kick be in vain?

"Old Song!" Wei Xudong's face darkened and he cursed in a low voice: "Are you not awake yet?

This guy dares to hit me in front of you. He is completely ignoring the rules!

People like this still issue cancellation rules. How did you become the director? "

Director Song glanced at him and said with a sneer: "Disqualified, right?


Wei Xudong, you can get out now!

Go to the Municipal Urban Development Bureau from 3 to 5 pm tomorrow to go through the deposit refund procedures. We will not wait if you are late! "

Wei Xudong was dumbfounded, glared at Director Song and cursed: "Old Song, are you crazy? I asked you to disqualify him, why the hell did you cancel me?"

Director Song gritted his teeth and cursed: "I think you are really crazy!

Don't think that being the henchman of the He family in Waigang means you can roll your eyes upward and mess with everyone!

Still want me to disqualify Chen Xin'an?

Even if there are only two companies participating in this auction, one of them is Chen Xin'an's Anhao Real Estate!

Do you think your Xuri Company will be another one?

This is what Prince Long specially told you!

If you have breasts, you can be a mother. It’s okay to use the He family as your backer.

Don’t forget, this is inland Kyoto!

The He family is not as good as the Long family! "

Wei Xudong's face turned pale, as if he had been struck by lightning.

He took two steps back and looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief.

I never dreamed that this Chen Xin'an would be related to the Long family?

If I had known this, I would not have dared to provoke this person even if I had given him ten courages!

It's okay now. I listened to the He family's instructions and harmed myself.

He was already out of this auction before it even started!

He turned his head and looked pitifully towards a corner of the lounge.

The people from the He family are over there.

But now, they all turned their heads without even looking at him, as if they were afraid of being implicated by him!

Damn, what a bunch of beasts!

Wei Xudong cursed angrily.

He glanced at Chen Xin'an not far away and was about to say a few harsh words.

It's a way to earn some face for yourself.

A person walked over and said coldly:

"Fat Wei, I advise you to stop talking nonsense!

Let’s not talk about the fact that he is under the care of Prince Long.

Can you offend Chen Xin'an alone?

After you provoke me, will the He family help you?

Think carefully before you do anything! "

Wei Xudong's expression changed, he looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, and said with a sneer:

"Why, when did you, Wang Wenhai of Greentown, become Chen Xin'an's watchdog?"

Wang Wenhai sneered coldly, looked at him with disdain and cursed:

"You Wei Xudong are also He Huican's dog, how can you be more noble than me?

At any rate, I am a person who keeps my wealth and water from going to outsiders, so who do you think I am?

Selling the country for glory?

A traitor? "

"Wang Wenhai!" Wei Xudong shouted angrily.

"Hey!" Wang Wenhai sneered coldly and scolded him: "Stop howling, if you want to be loyal, it depends on the time!

No matter which family you are in, they just treat you as a disposable useless character.

You are still trying to be a loyal dog here to show your loyalty.

If you don't want others to take a look at it, do you think it's interesting?

I don't even think about it, you are the only one competing with Chen Xin'an, are you worthy?

How about I play with you first? "

Wei Xudong took a deep breath, looked at Wang Wenhai coldly and said, "I'll be with you anytime!"

He turned around, looked inside the lounge again, and then left angrily.

Wang Wenhai curled his lips and spat at Wei Xudong's back with disdain.

He walked up to Chen Xin'an and called out respectfully: "Hello, Mr. Chen, Mr. Li, Mr. Shen, everyone!"

I was still a little nervous when I got up this morning. I didn't expect that he didn't need to call. Someone took the initiative to call him and then escorted him all the way.

Sure enough, there were people from all over the world blocking the way.

But the people who came to pick him up were well prepared. They rushed out with four or five vans with the words Zhongyi Tang printed on them, and smashed them without saying a word to those people who were well connected to the world!

The process along the way was thrilling, but it did not cause him any harm.

Now he is really convinced of Chen Xin'an!

It’s not without reason that people were able to establish a foothold in Kyoto in such a short period of time!

Chen Xin'an nodded to him, smiled and said: "Go back from here today and eat up the Rising Sun Company as soon as possible.

Whether you need money or people, just tell me and I will provide it! "

Wang Wenhai was moved to tears.

In this way, he will not leave empty-handed today no matter what.

It doesn't even matter whether you participate in this auction or not!

"Peace of mind!" Someone called him from behind.

Chen Xin'an turned around, took a look, and said with a smile: "Prince Long, do you still have to come in person?"

The person standing in front of the registration desk is Long Xiang.

There was also a short, bald, middle-aged man standing next to him, with a somewhat lewd smile.

Long Xiang said with a smile: "There is a distant relative in my family who happens to be in this industry.

I wanted to come and see it, but I signed up late.

I'll take him here and walk around the back.

Small companies, not strong enough to bid, just come to visit and learn.

I couldn't stand being begged again and again, so I made an exception and brought him here!

Wang Cheng, this is Mr. Chen Xin'an Chen!


Long Xiang suddenly looked directly behind Chen Xin'an and was speechless.

Ning Xiruo frowned and hugged Chen Xin'an's right arm calmly.

Long Xiang laughed, took off the ring on his hand, and said with a smile:

"Is this my sister-in-law? She is indeed well-deserved, so beautiful!

I am Xin'an's friend, my name is Long Xiang!

When we met for the first time, I was not prepared.

Give this ring to your sister-in-law! "

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