Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1143 I am an honest person

Who just said so brazenly that if the price of 40 billion continues to increase, he will give it to you immediately?

What does this mean to give in?

Ten billion to ten billion, let alone He Huican, even the richest man in the world can't do such a thing, right?

A total of 90 billion!

Photographed the Maoping New District, which was originally worth no more than 40 billion!

Chen Xin'an is no longer a fool, she is a lunatic!

Who in their right mind could do this?

This is a super high price that is twice the highest price!

It has completely exceeded the value of this land!

"Fifty billion for the first time!"

The host could no longer suppress his inner excitement, and even his voice was obviously trembling.

Everyone in the auction hall looked at Chen Xin'an with shocked eyes, including Ning Xiruo and Li Zecheng!

Ning Xiruo, in particular, looked at Chen Xin'an with helpless eyes.

Husband, we have 90 billion.

After all, Sakura Club just gave 60 billion.

Plus your usual savings, it's enough to pay for the land.

But if we hand it over, it will be gone, and we will become paupers.

For the follow-up planning and construction, even more expensive projects, we can't spend any money, we can only burn paper!

Even if the entire Liangmao Group is sold, it won't be able to fill this hole!

"Fifty billion for the second time!" The host's voice became even more excited. Soon the record for the highest single transaction in this auction house will be set. This is the most exciting thing!

Huo Qingyu lost her usual cleverness and did not dare to make any decisions. She just turned her head and looked at He Huican.

The He family can afford 50 billion, even if it is 60 billion or 70 billion, the He family can afford it!

The question is, if the price is increased, who knows if that lunatic will increase the price by another 10 billion?

This is terrible.

But what's even more terrifying is, what if he doesn't join?

Spending 60 to 70 billion to buy this land, the He family will become a big joke across the country and even the world!

As the host said in a trembling voice: "Fifty billion for the third time! The planned land of Canal Beach in Maoping New District, with 60-year development rights, belongs to Anhao Real Estate!"

Then the hammer fell heavily, like a thunderbolt, hitting He Huican in the heart!

He stared at the host and asked, "Sixty years? Isn't it only forty years? Why sixty years? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

The right to use a piece of land for forty years and sixty years are two different concepts.

If He Huican had known the right to use this land for twenty years, he would have dared to shoot it even if it was 60 billion, not to mention 50 billion!

The host glanced at him and said, "After re-examination by the Municipal Construction Committee, adjustments were made two days ago and a new document was issued. Didn't you receive it?"

He Huican's face turned pale. He really hadn't received this notification.

Obviously, he was deliberately concealed!

Someone at the top is meddling in this matter and doesn't want him to get this land!

Then Chen Xin'an's crazy behavior becomes reasonable!

It turned out that he was instructed by the higher-ups?

Who is this high-level person?

The Long family?

At this moment, Wang Cheng left his seat, ran to Chen Xin'an with a ferocious expression, pointed at him and cursed:

"Are you crazy?

Have you forgotten the dragon...have you forgotten what the prince said to you?

You can’t afford this piece of land!

Do you want to die if you dare to ruin his plan?

When I get the authorization later, you can sell it to me for 30 billion, and this matter can be remedied.

Otherwise, even if your wife sleeps with him for three years, it will not calm his anger! "


As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Xin'an jumped up from his seat and kicked Wang Cheng in the crotch.

Wang was kicked up like a ball and let out a shrill scream in mid-air.

Before he landed, Chen Xin'an had already held down his head and hit the back of the chair next to him!

There was a cracking sound, and Wang Cheng's mouth opened. The back of the chair opened his mouth, his cheeks were torn, and almost all the teeth in his mouth were knocked out. The jaw bone was obviously shattered, and his chin drooped.

Wang Cheng rolled his eyes, fell to the ground with his mouth wide open, and passed out!

"You're a piece of trash like a dog, how dare you bark in front of me?"

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly, bent down and pinched his neck, picked him up like a dead dog, and threw him into the aisle.

“Everyone has seen it, it’s not my fault!

This guy ran up to me and barked like a mad dog.

I was just beating the dog in self-defense, not bullying anyone!

As you all know, I, Chen Xin'an, am an honest, simple and kind person!

Live a responsible life and never take the initiative to make grudges with others.

But if someone thinks that I am easy to bully and insults me, but also insults my family, then I will definitely not agree to it!

I will reason with him properly!

Therefore, I implore everyone, please don’t bully me.

Don't even insult me ​​and my family, otherwise even honest people will get angry! "

Everyone's mouths twitched.

The words "honest and honest" and "simple and kind" came from this guy's mouth, which really ruined these two good words!

And it is even more ironic to describe myself!

Chen Xin'an, when you say these words, do you believe it?

Doesn't your conscience hurt?

You don’t know what kind of disaster you have caused to the city of Kyoto?

Are you the only one who never gets grudged against anyone?

If your enemies line up, do you believe they can stand from here all the way to Guanbei?

What do you mean by trying to reason with others?

You didn't even say a word, and you just beat him up and killed half of his life, okay?

Of course, this person on the ground is also in debt.

He dared to talk to Chen Xin'an in this tone, and he was lucky enough not to be beaten to death on the spot!

The pale-faced host called the auction house staff and took Wang Cheng out to the hospital urgently.

He was also annoyed.

The name of the official auction is good enough to scare others.

For Chen Xin'an, it is of no use at all!

Even He Huican looked shocked.

He knew that Chen Xin'an was crazy, but he didn't expect him to be so crazy!

It is very likely that his nephew Jiahao died in his hands!

Even if he didn't kill him, it still had a lot to do with him!

In the past few days, the third child was crying and shouting for revenge against Chen Xin'an, but he forced him to suppress it.

It's all about this sale.

But I never thought that in the end it would be all in vain!

How could this guy Chen Xin'an be so capable?

Who is his backstage?

I originally thought he was a pawn of the Long family.

But seeing Wang Cheng being beaten like this, He Huican was also confused.

Aren't they in the same group?

He Huican turned his head and stared at Chen Xin'an.

But I found that I really couldn’t see through this young man!

The auction ended and everyone dispersed.

The tough talker was still laughing at Chen Xin'an's stupidity. He spent more than twice the amount of money to photograph the entire Maoping New District, and he was afraid that he would go bankrupt.

But more people chose to remain silent.

Chen Xin'an can get 90 billion, which is enough to rank among the top three richest people in Kyoto!

But just some time ago, he was the eighth richest person in Kyoto!

It seems that either there is a deviation in his ranking, or his ranking has risen in just a few days.

Of course everyone believes there is something wrong with the list.

Otherwise, if he rose seven or eight places in just a few days, would this guy be a walking money printing machine?

But no matter what, they cannot afford to offend someone with such strength!

On the Longqi car on the roadside outside Xialong Building, Long Xiang glanced at the ambulance driving to the door, smiled and cursed:

“Another one who can’t stand the excitement!

It seems like every time there is a big auction, someone is so excited that they want to call an ambulance! "

Ajie looked at the time and said to him: "Prince Long, it's almost time. Can I go in to meet Wang Cheng?

If Chen Xin'an cannot accept this result and becomes angry..."

"Does he dare?" Long Xiang sneered coldly and said with disdain: "What do you think I meant by bringing Wang Cheng in?

I just told them that Wang Cheng is my dog!

Beating a dog also depends on the owner.

Even if Chen Xin'an knew that I had tricked him, would he still dare to touch my dog? "


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