Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1153 The most dangerous place is the safest place

The faces of the leaders sitting in the front row turned dark!

Shame on you!

It's embarrassing for an outsider to come to an internal meeting and beat up a staff member.

The hero who wants to be commended is actually a coward, which is even more shameful.

The most important thing is that being exposed in front of so many colleagues is simply embarrassing!

Fang Bonian pointed at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "Chen Xin'an, you are simply lawless!

If you have any dissatisfaction with our staff or work.

You can complain to the relevant departments, and we are willing to accept investigation and supervision.

Now you come to our conference room unscrupulously and beat up our colleagues.

Do you still take our security bureau seriously?

Do you really think you can do whatever you want?

Come on, help me cuff him!

If there is resistance, any coercive means can be used! "


Almost everyone in the venue stood up, glared at Chen Xin'an, and prepared to take action.

At this moment, Hua Yizhu on the big stage shouted: "Stop it!"

Everyone knew her identity, so even Fang Bonian didn't dare not listen to her words.

Hua Yizhu had a stern face, looked at Ma Guochang and Qian Feng who were being helped up, and said in a serious tone:

"Chen Xin'an was invited by me.

He said that regarding the case of a foreign killer ambushing Sanjiangtan, there is information that is very different from the facts we currently have.

So I asked him to come and identify me face to face.

He may have acted irrationally due to excitement, but it was also excusable.

The Security Bureau needs to re-investigate this matter.

If someone commits fraud, I hope Director Fang will punish him severely!

Our security team will never allow the existence of scum who are trying to find tricks, refuse to save others, deceive superiors and hide from subordinates, and are greedy for life and fear of death! "

Ma Guochang and Qian Feng looked ashen and despaired in their hearts. They knew that their commendation was completely gone!

Fang Bonian also had a gloomy face, knowing that Hua Yizhu was trying to exonerate Chen Xin'an, but there was nothing he could do.

I also felt a little more afraid of Chen Xin'an.

Hua Yizhu's attitude towards Chen Xin'an is the same as Mr. Hua's attitude towards this guy.

This guy is so lucky, even the Grand Palace favors him!

A good commendation meeting was ruined like this.

The truth about the matter between Ma Guochang and Qian Feng was quickly revealed without any investigation.

Both men were stripped of all positions and demoted to rank-and-file investigators.

What's even more unfortunate is that when Chen Xin'an kicked them off the big stage, he used considerable force.

So one of the two broke two ribs, and the other injured his pelvis and sciatic nerve, and they both had to be hospitalized!

The matter was so big that Hua Yizhu originally wanted to take Chen Xin'an and leave the security bureau immediately.

Unexpectedly, this guy didn't care whether he had become a public enemy of the Security Bureau.

I have to meet the surviving killer imprisoned here, Cha Hongtu!

Fang Bonian gritted his teeth and cursed at Chen Xin'an:

"Chen Xin'an, don't push yourself too far!

That's a first-level custody target of the Security Bureau. Why do you see him?

If something goes wrong, can you afford the consequences? "

Chen Xin'an narrowed her eyes and looked at him, and said coldly: "I caught you, the so-called first-level custody subject.

I agree to bring your man back so he can be imprisoned here.

If I didn't agree, he would be a dead man now!

Or, he'll be at the Dragon Shield base!

Director Fang, when it comes to picking up what's already available, don't be too obedient if you get an advantage.

Otherwise, what is the point of drinking water until you are full and watching out for well diggers?

This is called repaying kindness with hatred!

Why is it that the bad habits of your security bureau are all inherited from you? "

These words were so destructive that they made Fang Bo Nian's anger go up in smoke!

Hua Yizhu quickly intervened and said a lot of good things to Fang Bonian.

Finally he agreed and agreed to Chen Xin'an going to see Cha Hongtu, but he only had ten minutes.

Sitting in the prepared interrogation room, Chen Xin'an ignored the accompanying Security Bureau investigators and took the microphone to Zha Hongtu behind the bulletproof glass window and asked:

"Tell me where Cui Yucheng is. If you can't tell me, I'll turn you into a corpse right now!"

The three investigators standing behind him cursed at Chen Xin'an:

"Chen Xin'an, don't be so arrogant here!

If you have anything to ask, please ask immediately.

After you finish asking, leave immediately! "

“Don’t threaten our prisoners here, otherwise don’t blame me for being rude to you!

Warning, don't mess around here!

I don't have the good temper of the director! "

"I've already seen that you're a displeased kid!

Just because you have a good relationship with Sister Zhu, you treat this place as your home?

Just do whatever you want?

If Sister Zhu hadn't been here, I would have dealt with you long ago!

Who the hell is spoiling you? "

Zha Hongtu looked at Chen Xin'an in horror, with a look of hesitation in his eyes.

Chen Xin'an ignored the three people behind him and roared at Zha Hongtu: "You dare to hide it from me, are you looking for death?"

"Sit down!" An investigator behind him reached out to hold down Chen Xin'an's shoulders.

Regardless of who was right or wrong about what happened at the commendation meeting just now, if this guy dared to beat up his colleagues in front of nearly a thousand Security Bureau employees, it already showed that he didn't take these nearly a thousand people seriously!

How can this be tolerated by a bunch of hot-blooded investigators who usually don't even look down on Dragon Shield agents?

They are already ready to deal with this guy!

There is just such an opportunity now.

If Chen Xin'an doesn't know what's interesting, he will have to find setbacks on his own.

They don't mind teaching this kid a lesson.

Let him calm down and understand where this is!

Just when the investigator's hand was about to slap Chen Xin'an on the shoulder, Chen Xin'an suddenly punched out without warning!

When others punch, their hands move before their shoulders move, and there are traces to follow.

But Chen Xin'an didn't move his shoulders and attacked with his right fist.

With a bang, his fist hit the thick glass in front of him!


There was a punch hole in the thick glass that could withstand even bullets.

With the fist pit as the center, fine spider web cracks quickly opened in all directions.

The front glass has become as brittle as cicada wings and breaks when touched!

Everyone in the room was stunned and looked at the glass in surprise. Was it punched out by someone?

If you give each of these investigators a hammer and let them smash it here for a long time, I'm afraid they won't be able to achieve this effect, right?

If this punch falls on someone...

The investigator who wanted to pat Chen Xin'an on the shoulder retracted his hand tremblingly, and immediately gave up the idea of ​​teaching him a lesson!

Several other companions had the same thoughts as him, and they all took two steps back, trying to keep as far away from Chen Xin'an as possible.

Chen Xin'an glared at the stunned Cha Hongtu and shouted: "Speak!"

With a loud shout, the shattered glass in front of him fell down!

Zha Hongtu was so frightened that he almost screamed and said to Chen Xin'an:

“He once took me to a place before, I guess it was one of his places to stay.

It’s just that he took me there alone. If that place is exposed, it will be 100% my fault..."

"Where!" Chen Xin'an heard his verbosity and shouted sharply.

Chahongtu didn't dare to hide it and said quickly: "Slaying Dragon Taekwondo Gym!"

Chen Xin'an was stunned!

What the hell...

This Tulong Taekwondo Gym is actually on the fifteenth floor of Xialong Office Building!

The He family built the Xialong Office Building, half for their own use and half for rent.

Now the self-used part has been removed, and those rented out have also changed their lease contracts.

What he never expected was that that bastard Cui Yucheng would be hiding under his nose, Chen Xin'an!

Is the most dangerous place the safest place?

Chen Xin'an turned and left with a gloomy face.

The security bureau investigators next to him were all silent.

Don't talk to me, don't even dare to breathe!


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