Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1157 Take two steps if you are not sick

Want to die, isn't that easy?

Park Jae-chang showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth. If he hit the opponent with these five consecutive kicks, even if the guy didn't die, he would become a real idiot!

But before his feet touched the opponent, he was shocked to find that there was another person next to Luo Qianhe!

At this moment, Park Jae-chang was shocked and broke out in a cold sweat!

The guy who looked like their leader came to the opponent at some point and was looking at him with a sarcastic look!

At the same time, the guy kicked with a high kick and met his foot!

He could be sure that this person was not there at the moment when he raised his leg to attack.

The opponent stood beside the opponent after he attacked.

Then he raised his leg to block his attack.

He was the first to arrive and blocked his five consecutive kicks with one kick.

He kicked him out and fell heavily to the ground!

What kind of attack speed is this?

It has exceeded the limit of the human body, right?

As a first-class warrior with first-class leg skills, he has a deeper understanding of speed than ordinary people.

So he realized the horror of Chen Xin'an's speed!

Park Jae-chang stood up with a somersault.

I don't believe I can't be faster than you!

He leaned forward, kicked his feet on the ground, and shot towards Chen Xin'an like an arrow!

He kicked Chen Xin'an's head with a flying side kick.

After Chen Xin'an dodged it by leaning back, he kicked back with a back kick, followed by a whirlwind kick.

Then there were two butterfly kicks and back kicks!

What he wanted was to make his opponent dodge one kick, but not the series of offensive kicks that continued and varied!

A true Taekwondo master may not be able to break a stone with one kick.

It's all about mastering and using all kinds of cool kicks.

Make the opponent defenseless, not knowing how to resist your kick, and helplessly turning into a human sandbag!

There is no doubt that Park Jae-chang is such a master!

His kicks are ever-changing, dazzling his opponents, and they can't block or dodge at all!

It's a pity that he met Chen Xin'an!

Facing this group of sharp attacks, Chen Xinan only used one move to break it!

After dodging two moves, he stopped dodging and rushed forward!

It was like a knife that hit the big moth flying in the wind.

Chen Xinan hit Park Jae-chang's left waist with a flying knee.

All Park Jae-chang's movements stopped in an instant.

Chen Xinan sneered and said disdainfully: "Fancy, useless!"

As Park Jae-chang flew out, he felt very clearly that one of his kidneys was broken with the perception of a professional Taekwondo master!


He fell heavily to the ground, and the severe pain made him unable to breathe and couldn't get up.

But the look in his eyes when he looked at Chen Xinan was full of resentment and unyielding!

Although I was defeated by you, I will not want you to admit defeat!

My brothers will avenge me!

But he collapsed directly in the next second!

That damn fake doctor was running over with his medicine box and his eyes shining with excitement, as if he had found some treasure!

In Park Zaichang's eyes at this moment, Luo Qianhe was much more terrifying than Chen Xin'an!

He knew what this guy was going to do!

Even if he died, he would not take that damn pill!

Luo Qianhe squatted beside Park Zaichang, and while checking his body, he asked with concern: "Are you injured? Is it painful?"

"Go away! Don't touch me!" Park Zaichang's hair stood up, and he cursed Luo Qianhe:

"I don't need your concern, stay away from me!

I'm not injured, and I'm not in pain, don't care about it!"

Luo Qianhe was stunned for a moment, looked at him curiously and asked: "Not injured? No pain? Then get up and walk a few steps! Walk a few steps if you are not sick!"

Park Zaichang was so angry that he vomited blood.

My kidneys are broken, how can I get up?

The key is why should I listen to you?

What's wrong with not walking?

Seeing that he was motionless, Luo Qianhe smiled and said, "I knew you couldn't get up, I'll feed you medicine!"

I won't eat it even if I die here!

Park Zaichang made up his mind and closed his mouth tightly.

Luo Qianhe had taken out the medicine and put it to his mouth.

He pinched his chin with one hand, shook it from side to side, and pulled it down, and Park Zaichang felt his mouth open.

And Zhang's boss was dislocated because his jaw was directly removed by this guy!

He was scared to death!

He didn't expect this guy to be more terrible than he thought!

Just when he was about to be fed medicine, Chen Xinan came over and said, "Wait! Let me ask where he is first!"

Luo Qianhe was not in a hurry, and squatted beside him with the medicine box.

Chen Xinan kicked Park Zaichang on the chin, and he cried out in pain, but the dislocated part was restored.

"Now you should have the patience to listen to me!" Chen Xinan stood beside him, squinting at him and asked, "Where is Cui Yucheng?"

Park Jaechang's face changed, but he immediately frowned and asked Chen Xinan, "Who? I don't know the person you are talking about at all!"

However, how could his expression change in this instant escape Chen Xinan's eyes?

Seeing that he was not honest, Chen Xinan grinned and said to Luo Qianhe, "Didn't you always want to learn my Bu Tian Que technique?

Look, I will show you once!"

Eighteen needles on the top of the head, thirty-six on the heart, plus eight needles on the palms and soles of the feet, is the complete needle layout of the Bu Tian Que technique.

It has the effect of bringing the dead back to life. Even if you only have one breath, as long as you can survive the pain during the injection process, you have the possibility of living.

The key is to be able to hold on!

Grandpa Wu Sheng held on, so he had at least twenty more years of life.

Park Zaichang couldn't hold on, and he fainted twice after four injections.

Chen Xin'an had no choice but to stop.

Once the Bu Tian Que technique is performed, it cannot be stopped in the middle. Fortunately, Chen Xin'an does it backwards.

He injected the needle into the sole of the opponent's foot first, so his life was not in danger.

Five or six coaches were lying on the ground.

When Chen Xin'an was injecting the needle, Park Zaichang cried like a ghost and howled like a wolf, which did not sound like a human voice, which attracted the coaches to come over to save him at all costs.

However, Chen Xin'an kicked a child and threw him to the ground!

This is the most help they can spare.

The remaining ones were either knocked down or entangled by those three guys, and they were completely distracted!

Park Zaichang really wants to die now, it would be better than suffering this kind of torture.

I originally thought that the fake doctor was a pervert, more terrifying than the other four!

Now I realize that compared to the guy in sportswear in front of me, the fake doctor is very gentle.

This sportswear is the real devil!

"Who are you? Why do you do this? Why do you want to find that person?" Park Zaichang looked at Chen Xin'an with tears in his eyes.

"Haha!" Chen Xin'an smiled, twisted a silver needle with his hand, and said to him:

"My name is Chen Xin'an. Do you know now why I am looking for this person?"

"Chen Xin'an?" Park Zaichang's heart trembled.

He has heard of this name and knows this person!

The most influential figure in Kyoto City is now in front of him. There is no need to ask the remaining few. They must be the Four Pests of Kyoto!

Park Jaichang stretched his neck and swallowed, his face turned pale.

He looked at Chen Xin'an fearfully, wanting to say something to show weakness.

Chen Xin'an didn't give him a chance and directly inserted the silver needle into his palm!

Park Zaichang felt that his entire right arm was penetrated by a red-hot iron rod.

He screamed loudly in pain and shouted: "He is not here tonight, he went to see his friends!"

Chen Xin'an squinted her eyes and asked, "What friend?"

Park Jae-chang said: “We don’t know, the president of Tulong Society called and gave instructions.

Let him stay here temporarily, and we won't have to interfere too much.

All he knew was that the person he met tonight was named Lu! "


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