Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1159 Do you still feel sorry for them now?

With a strong man like Chen Xin'an joining the team, the Dongchao coaches were even more defeated.

Luo Xiaoman punched a coach in the face, causing him to squirt blood and go into shock on the spot!

He turned to Chen Xin'an and asked, "Where is the curator with a very pure name? Didn't he go in with you?"

Chen Xin'an said calmly: "He found a gun left by Cui Yucheng and wanted to kill me when I wasn't prepared, but I threw him downstairs!"

He said it in an understatement, and the coach next to him was frightened.

A coach turned around and ran inside. After a while, he ran back and shouted to everyone: "The curator is dead!"

Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they even lost their fighting spirit. They were rounded up by Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman, who knocked them to the ground with three punches and two kicks!

More than thirty coaches and gym staff were all beaten to the ground at this moment!

Until they fell down, they still had incredible expressions on their faces.

So many black belt masters were beaten so badly even though they had an absolute advantage in numbers!

Is Taekwondo, the quintessence of Dongchao's national culture, so vulnerable to ancient Chinese martial arts?

Luo Xiaoman walked into the corridor and kicked open a door at will.

After a while, he came out carrying a cardboard box. Still at his feet, he took out mineral water and white towels and threw them to everyone.

After washing the blood on his hands with mineral water and drying them with a white towel, Luo Xiaoman asked Chen Xin'an, "What should I say?"

Just as Chen Xin'an was about to open her mouth, a coach's screams came from the side.

Dao Lei dragged this guy, put his right leg on the high cushion, then jumped up and sat down!

Almost a dozen of the people lying on the ground had their arms and legs broken, all of which were the work of this guy.

Chen Xin'an looked helpless and ignored him. She turned to Luo Xiaoman and said, "Found it, in Imperial Concubine City!"

Luo Xiaoman's eyes lit up and he grinned: "That boy knows how to play! I've been to that place. It's in Zhengyang District. Let's go there now?"

Chen Xin'an nodded, clapped his hands and said to everyone: "Okay, let's go!

Big Leizi, have you had enough fun?

Let's play somewhere else! "

Dao Lei chuckled, pulled out a knife from his body, and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, wait for me for five minutes!"

Chen Xin'an looked helpless, but still nodded to him.

Dao Lei pointed at the coaches on the ground and said: "You are lucky, we are leaving.

Otherwise I will break the legs of all of you tonight!

Now you are enjoying the blessing, you can have some fun and it won’t be so painful! "

As he spoke, he walked up to a coach, grabbed one of his legs, and swung the knife neatly!

With a shrill scream, a cloud of blood spurted out from the coach's right ankle, and his hamstring was severed!

Letting go of this guy, Dao Lei walked to the side and did the same to other coaches!

The blood-curdling screams continued, and Dao Lei was like a ghost emerging from the blood pool.

His whole body was stained red with blood. He showed no mercy and never tired of doing it, cutting off the hamstrings of everyone on the ground. Even those whose legs had been broken by him were not spared.

The smell of blood was disgusting. Luo Qianhe raised the rolling shutter and walked out first. He said with a straight face to Chen Xin'an who followed behind: "Brother, this is wrong..."

He wanted to say something, but he hesitated.

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, looked at him and said, "You want to say that what Daleizi did was a bit cruel?"

Luo Qianhe took a deep breath and said, "I don't have a problem with that Park Jae-chang even if he is cut to pieces with a thousand knives.

But these Dongchao people are not necessarily all bad people. Some of them actually come to China to teach Taekwondo.

Doing this is tantamount to ending someone's career. Isn't that a bit much? "

Luo Xiaoman grinned and said, "Little pigeon, aren't you too loving?

None of these people are good!

Do you really think they come to China to teach Taekwondo sincerely?

People are here to make money.

You treat us Chinese people as idiots with lots of money, and you still say good things for them? Still pity them? "

Xiao Zhang came over and patted him on the shoulder, and said with a sneer: "Geve, these people are not worthy of pity.

If it were us who were defeated tonight, do you think any of them would pity us?

Will you be merciful and let us go?

How many people are there who would not do anything to us? Not torture?

Maybe the fate of the rest of us will be even worse than theirs now! "

Chen Xin'an wanted to say something, but he frowned and shouted to the person next to him: "Who is he? What are you doing!"

Everyone turned their heads and saw a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old, carrying a canvas bag and hiding in the shadows.

His eyes were looking into the Taekwondo gym, but his face was filled with tears and his whole body was shaking with excitement.

Luo Xiaoman stood beside him, squinting at him and asked, "Who are you? Are you also the coach here?"

Dao Lei walked out covered in blood with a knife in hand. He saw Luo Xiaoman questioning a young man. He smiled, as if he still had something to say, and strode over.

Unexpectedly, the young man knelt on the ground with a pop, cried to Dao Lei and said, "Thank you!"

Then kowtow to Chen Xin'an and everyone!

"Thank you! Thank you all! I, Jiang Xiaoran, am a great benefactor and will repay you with all my hard work in this life!"

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing why.

An idea flashed in Chen Xin'an's mind, she looked at the young man and said, "Are you a family member of the mother and daughter who fell tonight?"

The young man cried loudly, knelt on the ground and said, "Those are my mother and my sister!

My sister is only fifteen years old, so..."

Luo Qianhe walked over with red eyes, helped him up and said, "Get up and speak! Please forgive me! What are you..."

He felt something was wrong with the bag on the other person's body, so he took it off his neck and opened it, which shocked everyone!

Good guy, there are some wine bottles inside, but they are all filled with liquid.

You don’t need anyone to identify it, you can smell it yourself.

Either gasoline or alcohol, seven or eight bottles in total!

It turns out that this kid wanted to come here and use these things to take revenge!

Chen Xin'an quickly asked Luo Qianhe to lift the satchel aside and said to Jiang Xiaoran, "It's a good thing you haven't done this yet!"

Jiang Xiaoran wiped away her tears, gritted her teeth and said to Chen Xin'an: "I'm not afraid of death! I originally planned to die with these beasts!"

Chen Xin'an said with a dark face: "Don't have such thoughts or do such stupid things in the future!"

The key point is that you will die together, and my building will also be finished!

There is no advanced fire-fighting equipment like the Junhao Building here. Once a fire breaks out, the consequences will be disastrous!

Jiang Xiaoran thought Chen Xin'an was caring about him, so he nodded vigorously and said, "Okay, I will listen to my benefactor! I..."

He suddenly put his hand into his trouser pocket, took out a mobile phone, pressed the answer button, and said in a low tone:

"Second aunt, you don't need to persuade me...what?

Why don't you think highly of him?

I'll go back right now!

I must save my dad!

Please, save my dad! "

He turned around and was about to run away, but Luo Qianhe grabbed him and asked, "What happened?"

Jiang Xiaoran cried loudly and said: "My dad is out of his mind and drank pesticide at home when no one was paying attention!"

Everyone’s expressions changed drastically!

This family is really...

Chen Xin'an looked gloomily and asked Luo Qianhe, "Junior brother, do you still feel sorry for those guys inside?"

Luo Qianhe's eyes were red and he said to him: "Senior brother, I have to follow you and have a look!"

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an nodded and said to Xiao Zhang: "Old Xiao, you go back with Pigeon and Xiao Jiang!"


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