Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1162: Close the door and beat the dog


The box door behind Tang Lei made a soft sound.

It was like something hard hit the door.

But because he didn't have enough strength, even the glass didn't break.

Ordinarily, in a place like this, the box door must be equipped with transparent glass so that you can see inside.

However, the Royal Concubine City is installed with frosted glass, which is opaque inside and out.

No one outside knows what happened inside!

Tang Lei glanced at the two security guards, and all three had strange looks on their faces.

Chen Xin'an looked at Tang Lei coldly and said, "Get out of the way!"

A security guard scolded Chen Xin'an: "Who the hell did you ask to get out of the way!

Do you think this is your home?

Get out of here!

If you dare to cause trouble in Imperial Concubine City, how many brains do you have..."

"Be careful!" Tang Lei suddenly shouted and pressed on the security guard's shoulder!

I originally wanted to push the security guard away, but I didn't expect that the other party's attack was too fast!

As soon as he put his hand on the security guard's shoulder, the other party kicked the security guard in the stomach!

He pushed forward before he could pull away. The security guard screamed and was kicked and fell to the ground!

Chen Xin'an and Tang Lei frowned at the same time.

In fact, if Tang Lei hadn't pushed him, Chen Xin'an would have just kicked the security guard into the box.

It seems to be quite powerful, but it won't hurt him.

But with Tang Lei's push, the security guard stepped forward to bear the force.

Chen Xin'an's kick broke his intestines!

Separated by one person, the two also tested each other's strength. They are both masters of internal strength!

"No wonder you dare to be so arrogant, he turns out to be a master of ancient martial arts!" Tang Lei laughed evilly and shouted to another security guard who wanted to rush forward:

"You are no match for me!

Let the security team bring the guys up, I'll guard here, they can't get in! "

The security guard quickly took out his walkie-talkie to contact his companions below.

Luo Xiaoman punched him and cursed at him: "Why are you so mean!

If I ask you to get out of the way, just get out of the way. You have to be blocking the door here like a loyal dog. Are you a dog? "

"Fuck your mother!" Tang Lei cursed angrily and punched Luo Xiaoman in return.

The two fists faced each other, and they collided hard, each taking a step back.

Both of them were a little frightened at the same time.

Luo Xiaoman didn't expect that the floor manager of a bathing center was also a master of internal energy.

Tang Lei didn't expect that the legendary martial arts madman Luo Xiaoman would be so powerful in kung fu, and seemed to be even better than him!

Chen Xin'an took a step forward, and Tang Lei cursed: "I told you, you can't enter!"


How could Chen Xin'an listen to him? He kicked him!

Tang Lei snorted coldly and raised his leg to fight back!

Luo Sanshao is good at martial arts, it's a family tradition.

After all, he is the son of the president of the martial arts association.

Who do you think you are, you dare to touch me?

Isn’t it easy to seek death?

But as soon as he lifted his legs halfway, the opponent kicked him in the stomach and kicked him directly into the box!

The box door opened wide, and the man and woman inside were startled!

Cui Yucheng's eyes were red and he was breathing heavily. He put Chen Duoduo on the bed and tore her clothes.

I didn't expect that this little girl who looked weak and weak could be so strong!

Even if he has been severely punished, he has already accepted his fate and will accept it.

Unexpectedly, just when Cui Yucheng thought he had succeeded, this girl actually picked up the glass bottle containing massage oil and smashed it on his head!

If he hadn't escaped in time, he would have suffered enough this time!

Instead of being angry, he was even more excited.

If a woman is too obedient, she loses a lot of fun.

Just like his wife, as soon as you lie down on the bed, you can do whatever you want, do whatever you want, and you are extremely cooperative.

But what the hell is the difference between this and a dead body?

More importantly, he knew that his marriage to Zhang Jiayu was just the result of everyone getting what they wanted.

As for love, there is none!

He knew very well that Zhang Jiayu had had countless men before marrying him.

And he was originally a playboy, so naturally he was not a fuel-efficient lamp.

That's why he was obsessed with school girls and felt extremely pure and clean.

The more the girl resists in front of her, the harder he will play with her later!

Watching her throw away everything she could, there was no weapon in her hand.

Cui Yucheng laughed excitedly and pushed forward step by step!

Chen Duoduo could no longer shed tears. She knew it was useless to cry.

Looking at the man approaching step by step, Chen Duoduo's eyes were determined, and he suddenly mustered up his last strength and slammed into the massage table next to him!

The solid solid wood bed made a dull sound. There was a hole in Chen Duoduo's head, and his face was covered with blood.

But after all, it was a wooden bed, not an iron bed. She failed to commit suicide. Instead, she felt dizzy and lay weakly on the ground.

Looking at the man laughing and pressing on her, she closed her eyes in despair!

At this moment, there was a bang, the box door was knocked open, and someone rolled in like a ball!

The furious Cui Yucheng yelled: "Get out of here!"

But when he saw the person who came in later, he was stunned!

He has never met Chen Xin'an, but his intuition tells him that the person in front of him is Chen Xin'an!

On the triangular beach, Zhang Jiayu was so frightened that he ran away when he heard that this man was coming.

He heard Zhang Jiayu say that he should try not to meet this person face to face.

Unexpectedly, the two of them would meet here, in this environment.

The strange thing is, how does this guy know he is here?

Can you find him accurately?

Did that bastard Lu Feifan betray him?

After thinking about it, this guess is impossible!

Lu Feifan and this man were originally mortal enemies and would not betray him to please Chen Xin'an because it would be useless.


He suddenly remembered the phone call he had just received.

Although neither party spoke, it still gave him a very bad premonition.

Was that phone call made by Chen Xin'an?

But how did he find this place with just a phone call that didn't even speak to anyone?

Now is not the time to dwell on this.

Cui Yucheng got up in a hurry, completely losing the leisurely feeling of being confident of victory and having everything under control when he faced the little girl just now.

He glanced at the bedside, rushed over, hugged his handbag, and rummaged through it!

His face became pale little by little.

But Chen Xin'an took out a pistol, threw it in front of him, and said coldly: "Are you looking for this?"

By the way, the pistol is in the Taekwondo gym!

Because it’s not convenient to bring a pistol with you when you come here.

At the same time, Cui Yucheng also confirmed that the guest Park Zaichang from the Taekwondo Hall mentioned on the phone just now should be Chen Xin'an!

Now this guy actually threw the pistol to him?

Are there such stupid people in this world?

Cui Yucheng rolled over, grabbed the pistol on the ground, then stood up and half knelt, pointed the gun at Chen Xin'an with both hands, and pulled the trigger one after another!

Click, click, click!

The pistol made a soft sound as the firing pin struck, but there was no bullet in the magazine!

Cui Yucheng held the pistol in shock, his face losing all color.

Chen Xin'an ignored him, but lifted up a sheet, threw it on Chen Duoduo, and said to her: "Wrap it up!"

Chen Duoduo felt that he had narrowly escaped death. He glanced at Chen Xin'an and wrapped the sheet tightly.

Then he turned around and kicked Cui Yucheng hard between the legs!


Cui Yucheng's eyes turned white, he covered his crotch and fell to the ground.

Tang Lei gritted his teeth and cursed: "You are Chen Xin'an, I think you are looking for death!"

Chen Xin'an shouted without looking back: "Aman, Da Lei, come in, close the door and beat the dog!"


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