Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1176 I have a three-month-old baby in my belly


Lao Tao grabbed Luo Qianxue's collar and pulled down hard.

Looking at the snow-white and delicate skin in front of him, Lao Tao's mouth started to water!

"This is Chen Xin'an's wife, it's worth it even if I die once.

This skin is so dewy! "

"It's just that my belly is big and I'm pregnant!" Lao Sha looked regretful, then said with a wretched smile:

“If only the child were mine!

It’s okay, it’s not too late to add another one now! "

Luo Qianxue still had a cowhide bag on her head, so she couldn't see her surroundings, and her eyes were still pitch black.

But this made her feel even more scared inside.

She wanted to shout that she was not Chen Xin'an's wife.

But it could only make a whining sound.

She felt that the hands of those two people were like monsters covered with scales.

Crawling all over her, it’s disgusting and scary!

Goosebumps appeared on her body, causing her body to tremble violently out of fear!

Are you going to be defiled by these two bastards today?

Who can come and save me?

Damn Aman, smelly Aman, where are you!

Just when she was desperate, a cold voice suddenly came from not far away: "What are you doing?"

Lao Sha and Lao Tao paused their hands on Luo Qianxue but did not take them away.

Lao Tao smiled and said, "I'm not doing anything. I'm just bored. Let's have some fun! Do you want to come with us?"

Lao Sha next to him chuckled, raised his eyebrows, and said lewdly: "This skin is so smooth!"

The man walked straight over, suddenly raised his foot, and kicked Lao Sha and Lao Tao to the ground with two bangs!

"What the hell are you doing! Are you sick? We didn't even say thank you for helping you bring this person back, and why are you attacking us?"

"It's not your wife, why are you so nervous? What's wrong with Wanwan? You're not in the way, can you care?"

The man said coldly: "This woman is only used to lure Chen Xin'an to appear.

When Chen Xin'an came, he let her go.

If you dare to do anything like roosters, dogs, thieves, or bullying women and children, I will kill you! "

When Lao Sha and Lao Tao heard this, they were furious.

"Oh, after doing this for a long time, you are still a saint!

Then don't use women as bait!

Go directly to the Sovereign Hotel to find Chen Xin'an! "

“It’s time to stand up!

It’s so funny!

Let us help you get someone here and pick it up yourself.

Even if you don’t even say a word of thanks, why are you here preaching to us!

Who do you think you are?

We all work for the young master, don’t think you are superior to us! "

boom! boom!

There were two more muffled sounds, and Lao Sha and Lao Tao were kicked again. Their bodies slid several meters away on the rough concrete floor, screaming in pain.

"Listen!" the man said in a cold voice: "We just accepted a task, we are not doing anything for anyone!

I asked you to bring her here because we cannot appear in public places.

Our mission is to kill Chen Xin'an.

We will not do anything that is not related to this task.

So if you dare to do such a thing in front of me, I will kill you without hesitation, no matter who you are working for! "

Lao Sha and Lao Tao looked extremely ugly, but they had already seen that this person was very powerful and it was best not to provoke him.

The two of them looked at the man angrily and said nothing else to avoid getting beaten.

The man stood beside Luo Qianxue and pulled open the cowhide bag on her head.

Looking over, Luo Qianxue tilted her head.

He squinted his eyes and looked around. He was shocked when he saw the man in front of him!

This man was actually wearing a mask, and it had a hideous and terrifying face!

The man stared at her for a while, then stood up and said to Lao Sha and Lao Tao: "This is not the person!"

"Impossible!" Lao Sha and Lao Tao got up from the ground and walked over.

Lao Sha took out the photo and said, "Look carefully, why is it not the same?"

Lao Tao squinted his eyes and said, "You have to taste it carefully! Women nowadays are all cheating..."

Before he could finish speaking, a grimace suddenly rubbed under Luo Qianxue's chin.

Then he lifted it up suddenly and peeled off the entire dough!

Underneath the face is a face covered in black and red medicines and potions, and its original appearance is no longer visible.

But it's obvious that she is not Chen Xin'an's wife Ning Xiruo!

After spending a long time, the person caught was not that person?

Lao Sha and Lao Tao were both confused.

Doesn't the information say that Chen Xin'an's wife is running the winery?

When we arrested this woman, didn't we compare the photos to look similar?

What about cheating as promised?

How did you become another person?

Ghostface pulled the ball of cloth from Luo Qianxue's mouth and asked coldly: "Who are you?"

Luo Qianxue said in a trembling voice: "I am Luo Qianxue, who are you? What do you want to do?"

"Luo Qianxue? Why does this name sound so familiar?" Lao Sha frowned and thought for a while.

His eyes lit up and he shouted loudly: "The most beautiful woman in Kyoto?!"

Lao Tao also remembered it, looked at Luo Qianxue in disbelief and said, "Is it really her?

I heard that I was injured and disfigured, but I didn't expect it to become like this?

Hahaha, can this be called a beauty? This guy has turned into a monster!

Any girl I can find for two to three hundred yuan is prettier than her, right? "

"What is this on your face? Is it pus? It's so disgusting!" Lao Sha covered his nose, looked at Luo Qianxue with disgust and said:

"If I were a woman and turned into such a ghost, I might as well die!"

Even after being disfigured, Luo Qianxue felt that she was used to being pointed out and laughed at.

After hearing these words, I still couldn't hold back the shame in my heart and burst into tears!

Ghostface stood up and said to Lao Sha and Lao Tao: "Let her go and find another opportunity to arrest her!"

"Let it go?" Lao Sha and Lao Tao looked at each other, and then said to Ghost Face, "Are you kidding me?"

Lao Sha pointed at Luo Qianxue and said, "Even if she is not Chen Xin'an's wife, we can't let her go like this!

We have already alerted the snake. After letting her go, we will be in trouble! "

Lao Tao nodded and said, "That's right! We must not let her go unless..."

He stretched out his hand and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

This time, Ghostface did not object. He said coldly to the two of them:

“I don’t care what to do with this woman, it’s not my task.

But if you mess up this matter, either you will make up for it, or I will kill you two.

When this thing calms down, I'll look for opportunities to take action again! "

"You dare!" Lao Sha became anxious, waiting for a grimace to curse: "We are the young master's people, you dare to attack us?"

Ghostface said nothing, but gave him a sidelong glance.

The eyes hidden behind the grimace mask were full of sarcasm and disdain.

Lao Tao pulled Lao Sha and said to Ghost Face: "Anyway, it's to lure Chen Xin'an here, no matter what method is used, right?

Okay, we'll do it right away, you wait! "

The two hurried out.

Ghostface turned around, walked to Luo Qianxue, lowered his head and looked at her coldly.

Luo Qianxue shed tears, feeling the murderous aura, and was so scared that her teeth were chattering.

Ghostface looked at her without any emotion and said: "If you die in my hands, at least you can still have a clean body! And it won't be so painful!

If you fall into the hands of those two people just now, they have no principles and bottom lines. Even if you die, you will not die cleanly!

I'll give you a ride! "

He raised his hand and slapped Luo Qianxue on the head hard!

Luo Qianxue's tears flowed down her eyes, and she cried: "I have a three-month-old baby in my belly!"

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