Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1228 He can do whatever he wants

In the vast mountains, without satellite positioning and communication, trying to find someone is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Fortunately, we now know the location of the main force.

Find them first, and then find a way to find the apprentice.

Chen Xin'an followed the rescue team across the mountains and traveled deep into the desert mountains.

There are twenty people in the entire rescue team.

Everyone carries a large backpack containing water and food, as well as medicine and first aid equipment.

In addition, each person also has an assault rifle and a pistol.

There is also the tiger-tooth knife, a unique melee weapon of the Montenegrin tiger.

Chen Xin'an just took a tiger-tooth knife and left weapons such as guns and grenades untouched.

He doesn't know how to use it, and he doesn't need it.

After Zhang Jian checked the firearm, he looked at Chen Xin'an expressionlessly and said:

“As a soldier, if you don’t know how to use a gun, going to the battlefield is like killing people.

What we have to face this time is a wave of ten thousand wolves.

Once the worst happens, everyone will have to fight alone, and no one will be able to take care of you! "

Chen Xin'an pouted and said, "I don't need you to take care of me.

As long as you can protect yourselves. "

Zhang Jian snorted coldly, looked at him with squinted eyes and said, "We have to march urgently in the dense forest for more than twelve hours before we can reach the area where Tianhook Peak is located.

Don't fall behind, don't push everyone back.

Otherwise I will let everyone leave you behind without hesitation!

This is me saying the ugly things first.

So regret it now before it’s too late! "

Chen Xin'an glanced at him, grinned and said, "Is your brother feeling better?

To hold you back, you, a disabled person, are the most likely candidate, right? "

Zhang Jian's face turned dark with anger.

Let me tell you seriously, why are you mentioning my younger brother in front of Dr. Tang!

Why are you so mean?

Zhang Jian didn't want to talk to him anymore, waved to the rescue team members beside him, and shouted: "Go forward!"

There were twenty people in the group, including captain Zhang Jian and deputy captain Tang Qianqian.

Plus Chen Xin'an, Bian Hu, and Han Lei.

The remaining fifteen people were all selected from each team and had outstanding physical fitness and stamina.

Each person's backpack weighs more than thirty kilograms.

Moshan is not a single mountain.

It is the northern extension of Daxiling and has six peaks. The highest one is Tiangou Peak, which is nearly two thousand meters above sea level.

There are lush trees all over the desert mountain, and all kinds of vegetation are extremely rich.

Therefore, this is also the place with the most wild animals in China, which is very dangerous.

Han Lei and Bian Hu were at the front of the team, responsible for clearing the way.

Chen Xin'an has always been outside the team, but he won't go far.

Han Lei couldn't stand his disobedience to discipline. When Chen Xin'an came over, he frowned and said:

"Instructor Chen, can you stop running around?

Don't leave the team, otherwise we will waste the rescue equipment on you before we can rescue our comrades! "

Chen Xin'an glanced at him, smiled slightly, shook his head and said, "Don't worry, I won't waste everyone's rescue equipment!

Just keep walking, I won't be left behind! "

Han Lei said angrily: "You won't do it if you say you can't?

Even if you don't, you shouldn't be running around!

You have to know that now you are a green outfit.

What we hate the most when we put on this outfit is being free and loose!

You have always been maverick and disobeyed discipline, which will bring a lot of trouble to the entire rescue team!

If something happens, we can't just ignore it!

I hope you don’t always want to be in the limelight and show off.

Everything should be done from everyone's perspective, rather than selfishly doing whatever you want! "

A sneer appeared on Zhang Jian's lips.

He knew very well that as the captain, he could control anyone but Chen Xin'an.

If he scolds this guy again in front of everyone, he might be unable to get off the stage.

But if I don’t open my mouth, no one will teach you a lesson?

The people here are all brought out by me, and they are of the same mind as me.

If I don’t like you, I dare to scold you!

What prestige can a new instructor have if he has never taken any formal classes?

When you cause public outrage, I will expel you from the team in the name of captain and for the safety of the entire team!

In the vast jungle, it is impossible for a person to get out!

Even if you have an accident, so many people have testified for me, and they all know that you did not obey discipline and the accident happened.

That is your own fault, no one can blame you!

Chen Xin'an glanced at Han Lei with an expressionless face.

If I talk to you nicely, you think I have no temper, right?

Who gave you the habit of being thorny in your words?

He looked at Han Lei and said lightly: "Are you unhappy? I am free and independent, can you control me?

I already told you that if anything happens, you don’t need to take care of it, and yet you are still mumbling. Do you think you don’t understand human language?

What are you looking at?

Are you the protagonist of this mission?

Anyway, we haven’t made it far yet. Believe it or not, I’m going to kick you right now and send you back to camp to recuperate?

I asked you to climb fifteen meters first and you fell behind for so long. How dare you rescue me?

Do you have that qualification? "

Han Lei's words made Han Lei's face turn red, and he stared at Chen Xin'an and shouted in embarrassment:

"Why do you say that?

I, I am also doing it for everyone’s good…”

"Everyone has no objection, but you talk a lot of bullshit, and you are doing this for everyone's benefit!" Chen Xin'an looked at him with disdain and cursed:

"Just take care of yourself. If you don't talk nonsense to me again, I'll let you wait here for rescue!"

Han Lei's face turned red and he was speechless.

I didn't expect Chen Xin'an to be so cruel and merciless.

He looked at the others as if asking for help.

Well, I can't beat you or be better than you.

But if everyone hates you, then why are you so arrogant?

Bian Hu glanced at him, curled his lips and said, "Assistant Coach Han doesn't have to arrange what Instructor Chen should do.

Instructor Chen has his own goals and doesn't need others to worry about him. "

Han Lei and Zhang Jian's faces turned dark. They didn't expect the captain to speak like this.

In the Montenegrin Tigers, the first team is the benchmark for the entire special operations team.

Although everyone is dissatisfied, they usually act as a team.

There is no way, he is the best in all military assessments, and his strength is also the strongest.

Therefore, what the captain of the first team said represents the entire special operations team, and is often more effective than the instructor.

After all, the instructors only arrange and teach training courses, and the squad leader is everyone's most direct leader.

Hearing what the squad leader said, a group of people also shut their mouths.

Tang Qianqian also nodded and said: "When we came here, the two chiefs explained everything.

Instructor Chen is allowed to act alone and have independent deployment rights for rescue operations.

So just do whatever he wants and don't worry about it! "

Zhang Jian was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

When did the chief say this?

I do not know how?

You have to hide such an important emotional decision from me, the captain, and only tell you, the vice-captain, right?

But he would rather offend Chen Xin'an than Tang Qianqian.

Otherwise, the end will definitely be miserable.

It's not just the old man who won't let him go.

He has provoked the goddess of the entire Montenegro tiger, and he is the public enemy of the Montenegro tiger.

All the Montenegrin Tiger special operators will strangle him to death!

Just now he thought that with his own prestige, he could get all these people to side with him.

I had the courage to confront Chen Xin'an.

He never expected that he would only have one pitiful person in his alliance. This slap in the face really hurt!

So, let that guy do whatever he wants!

Don't provoke him, otherwise you will definitely not be able to get off the stage!


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