Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1236 Master is here

At the same time, both of them raised their swords and learned about the life of the beast in front of them!

"Remember! How dare you kick me? When you go back, I will wait for you!" Hu Bing cursed at Lei Ming through gritted teeth.

Lei Ming didn't even look back, and said with a cold scoff: "If I have the chance to go back, I'll let you kick me!"

A group of wolves made a terrifying grunting sound and rushed towards Lei Ming and Hu Bing.

At this moment, the two of them had no time to speak. Each of them had a knife and stabbed wildly at the rushing wolves!

Wolf corpses fell to the ground one after another, each with their heads stabbed through or their disembowels disemboweled.

Both of them were also covered in wounds and dripping with blood.

The smell of blood is very strong, but there are more and more blue spots around it.

Hu Bing wiped the blood from his face and cursed: "I didn't expect that I would die with you in the end!

What a shame!

In all my life, I have never even touched a girl’s hand! "

He was already dying anyway, so Lei Ming ignored the captain and deputy captain and scolded coldly:

"Do you think I am willing to die here with you?

People say that when a fellow villager meets a fellow villager, his eyes well up with tears.

You're such a shit fellow, you're just targeting me and Kaizi! "

"Huh! I'm targeting you!" Hu Bing spat out the blood in his mouth and said with disdain:

"In my heart, fellow villagers are just for training!

Since you are my fellow countryman, you have to work harder than others!

I just want everyone in the Montenegrin Tigers to know that we Haidong people, no matter which region we are from, are all gentlemen, and none of us are cowards! "

Lei Ming was so angry that he couldn't speak. He rolled his eyes and cursed: "You damn, you are so perverted!"

Hu Bing grinned, laughed, and wiped two knives on his chest in reverse and one direction, wiping away the blood.

He mumbled and said: "Those bastards of Montenegro Tiger, who are not perverts!

Come on, you beasts, you want to eat me, right?

Come on, let's see who of you can bite my first piece of meat first! "

The wolves around them looked at the two people with dark eyes, and when stimulated by the blood on the ground, they showed their fierce looks. They bared their teeth and howled in the sky, and then rushed towards the two of them!

Both of them knew that after this fight, they might never stand up again!

There are too many of these beasts!

Moreover, they are thick-skinned and hard to deal with. The two of them only have one knife. Even if these beasts stand still and let them cut at will, they will be exhausted to death!

But there was no trace of fear on either of their faces.

At least three comrades can survive, which is enough!

Wang Lewen and Li Tiejun in the tree placed Fang Kai on the branch and settled him down.

Looking at the blue eyes below that were like stars in the sky, both of them were a little frightened.

There was also a tangled look on their faces.

Seeing the two people below looking at death, they also wanted to jump down and fight alongside them.

But when they heard the terrifying wolf howls, they hesitated and flinched.

After all, they had only received a few months of training and had just transformed from an ordinary citizen into a green suit.

Not everyone is born with that powerful aura to face death calmly.

During the past few months of training, they were not convinced by Lei Ming, and they even found fault with that guy in private.

But it wasn't until now that they truly understood the gap between themselves and others.

I'm also glad that I didn't really fall out with the other party, otherwise it would definitely not end well.

How could a person who was not even afraid of death take a small fish like them seriously?

He is a good seedling who should stay in the Montenegro Tigers!

But now, this good seedling is going to die!

The pack of wolves had already launched an attack, and the roars and howls were mixed together, spreading along with the howls and the greater smell of blood.

At this moment, both of them heard a muffled thud.

He turned around and looked around, only to find that Fang Kai, who they had placed on the branch of a tree, woke up at some point and even jumped down!

Originally, he was holding the tiger-tooth knife in his mouth, holding the big tree with both hands and sliding down.

But my body was too weak and I couldn't hold on until halfway through the slide.

The whole person fell under the tree, and his body hit a wolf hard, startling the wolves.

"Come up! You don't want your life!" Wang Lewen and Li Tiejun shouted at the same time.

But Fang Kai didn't seem to hear it and got up from the ground.

Holding a tiger-toothed knife in one hand, he walked towards Lei Ming step by step, ignoring the wolves beside him!

A wolf stared at Fang Kai with white eyes and pounced on him, biting Fang Kai's shoulder.

This place was originally an old wound, bitten by the wolf king.

Now the injury was getting worse, Fang Kai was shaking with pain, gritted his teeth and stabbed the wolf in the stomach.

But his body was too weak at the moment, so the knife only broke through a layer of skin and did not cause much damage.

Because of the pain, the wolf shook its head vigorously.

Fang Kai was thrown so hard that he almost flew up, and other wolves also rushed up, trying to tear Fang Kai apart!

Following Fang Kai's roar, the tiger-toothed knife in his hand stabbed into the wolf's belly!

Then he pushed the tiger-toothed knife forward with both hands, and one man and one wolf fell to the ground and rolled into a ball!

"Kaizi!" Lei Ming felt anxious when he saw the situation on Fang Kai's side.

Without paying attention, the wolf claws clawed at his face!

Unable to dodge, Lei Ming felt that his entire face was torn apart by wolf claws, as if a large piece of flesh had been ripped off!

But his tiger-toothed knife also penetrated the heart of the wolf, and then stirred it up hard!

The wolf was killed instantly.

But several more wolves rushed over together!

At this moment, a burst of gunshots came!

The sound of gunshots came from far away, and even faster than the sound of gunshots, a long line of bright light passed between the trees in the distance!

Without this light, no one would believe that someone could use the elasticity of branches to jump between trees and get close to them quickly like an ape!

The wolf tide began to cause commotion. Countless wolves stood under the tree and howled at the leaping black shadow on the tree, but they were just howling!

Although these wolves are not slow in running, they cannot climb trees and their jumping ability is very average!

Facing the figure on the tree, they were helpless!

This is one of the few scenes where Chen Xin'an uses firearms.

And it's an assault rifle.

He held the branch with one hand and made flying and leaping movements.

Holding a gun in one hand, keep shooting!

At first, the recoil almost sent the bullet flying into the sky.

However, Chen Xin'an instinctively suppressed this power and quickly found the trick.

Even if the gun is held with one hand, the muzzle can be pressed firmly.

I am afraid that not many members of the Montenegrin Tiger special operations team, even those who have been using guns for several years, can do this!

Of course, whether it is accurate or not is another matter, after all, there is no one who can practice it.

It's just that in such an environment, as long as you are shooting at the wolf tide, it is more difficult to shoot accurately than to shoot accurately!

After all, there are too many wolves down there. Even if you shoot with your eyes closed, you can kill countless of them!

After all the bullets in the magazine were fired, Chen Xin'an was already above Lei Ming and Hu Bing.

At a height of seven or eight meters above the ground, Chen Xin'an fell from the sky.


He trampled the two wolves' spines violently, breaking their stomachs.

Then he flicked his right hand and shouted at Hu Bing: "Go on!"

Hu Bing subconsciously reached out and grabbed the rifle in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xin'an pulled out a magazine from his backpack and threw it over.

There was no need to deliberately pick it up. Relying on the muscle memory engraved deep in his soul, Hu Bing tilted the butt of the gun and inserted the magazine firmly into the slot.

A flash of fire flashed, and the assault rifle roared angrily!

This thing is much more useful in Hu Bing's hands than in Chen Xin'an's hands!

Chen Xin'an grabbed a wolf that was biting Lei Ming's arm and swung it aside.

He smashed the wolf against the tree trunk, causing blood and flesh to fly everywhere.

Looking at the apprentice with tears in his eyes, Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to him: "Don't be afraid, the master is here!"

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