Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1282 If You Dare to Run, I'll Cripple All Your Limbs

They were separated by a big tree and both were injured.

On one side is the Chinese Yunchuanlong warrior Hao Jiayong, and on the other side is the Blackstone mercenary Powell.

Powell's tall and majestic physical advantage as a foreigner was fully exposed.

Standing in front of him, Hao Jiayong looked small and frail, like a child.

But neither side underestimated the other.

They all regard each other as their most powerful enemy.

Both of them were injured, and Hao Jiayong's injury was more serious in comparison.

Powell's right shoulder was still bleeding and he could no longer lift his entire right arm.

Hao Jiayong's shot shattered his shoulder blade!

And Hao Jiayong's whole body was stained red with blood.

There were three gunshot wounds to his upper body alone.

There were also lacerations on his arms from the bite of a wolf dog.

Even Powell thought it was a miracle that he could continue to stand up!

Powell gritted his teeth and said in broken Chinese to Hao Jiayong on the other side of the tree:

"Gref wants you to live, but I want to kill you with my own hands!

Because you killed Rob! "

Hao Jiayong sneered coldly and said disdainfully: "I even killed Onion! If you want to fight, just fight, what nonsense!"

What the hell are onions?

Powell was stunned for a long time and couldn't figure it out, so he didn't bother to think about it.

Holding a pistol, he gritted his teeth and said: "Rob is the person I love most, and I want to avenge him!"

After working for a long time, his opponent turned out to be a dead rabbit!

Hao Jiayong felt indescribably disgusted. He picked up the gun in his hand and fired a burst at the tree in front of him.

Of course, bullets cannot penetrate a tree trunk that is large enough for four people to hug each other. This shot just tells Powell that the war can begin!

Powell also moved, ran around the tree, and fired two shots at the back of the tree!

Hao Jiayong was no longer where he was. He endured the pain and walked around the tree to track the opponent's position.

The two chased each other around the big tree and kept shooting, but they failed to hit each other.

But when one person stops, the other person stops immediately.

No one will take the initiative to run towards each other, because that would be to die!

"Hi!" Powell took a deep breath and said to Hao Jiayong who was separated by the big tree: "Don't waste your energy, let's solve the battle like men!"

As he spoke, he threw the pistol far away to the ground so that Hao Jiayong could see it.

Hao Jiayong understood what he meant, and he threw away the gun in his hand. He also took off his own gun from his back and carefully placed it under the tree.

Powell came out from behind the tree, holding a strange-looking short knife in his hand.

Hao Jiayong did not dare to underestimate it, because this was the famous Wolf Leg Knife, the favorite standard equipment of foreign mercenaries.

He also slowly pulled out a slender short knife from his waist, the standard equipment of Chuan Yunlong, and the Dragon Tooth Blade, which is as famous as the Tiger Tooth Knife.

Wolf leg knife versus dragon tooth blade, who is sharper?

With two shouts, the two rushed towards each other without hesitation!

The killing move was to cut the throat. The two blades collided in the air, splashing out sparks!

This kind of life-and-death struggle tests not only fighting skills and courage, but also brains and eyesight.

It was dark in the forest, and only the torches thrown by the dead people on the ground were burning, and the light they emitted could be used.

Therefore, it relies more on one's own hearing and prediction of danger.

This is the result of daily training.

Every time the two fight, they are hovering on the edge of life and death.

If you are not careful, you will die immediately!

But Hao Jiayong could hardly lift his arm.

His injuries were too severe and his physical strength was exhausted quickly.

It is already difficult to compete with opponents like Powell in terms of strength and speed.

Now only the power to parry is left, and there is no power to fight back!

Powell clearly sees this, too.

With a ferocious smile on his face, he attacked even more ferociously!

The damn Chinese soldiers have been so seriously injured and turned into this half-dead state, but they can still fight him for such a long time!

Do these people have no pain nerves?

Or don’t you know you are tired at all?

If it were any other opponent, he would have been unable to defeat him.

Either wait for death, or kneel down and beg for mercy!

Fortunately, this guy finally couldn't hold on any longer and moved much slower!

Then work hard and send you to see God!

Powell twirled the wolf's leg knife in his hand, changing from an overhand grip to a reverse grip, and used the groove of the wolf's leg knife to slash the opponent's neck!

As expected, the opponent's reaction was slow, and his body moved a little slower. He tried to hide but failed.

With a puff, the knife slashed back into the opponent's right shoulder, and the blade sank into his body instantly!

Even Powell felt the dull sensation of the blade cutting off the opponent's shoulder bone.

At this moment, the opponent's head tilted, his body hunched, and Powell's wolf-leg knife tightened and could not be pulled out!

The opponent actually used his head and shoulders to form an angle.

He used the blade to get stuck in the bones of his shoulder, clamping his knife so that he couldn't pull it out!

Bad, fell into a trap!

At this moment, there was only one thought left in Powell's mind.

In the next second, the opponent's left hand was raised, and the dragon's tooth blade was slashed under his armpit.

Powell felt as if his left arm no longer belonged to him.

His fingers involuntarily let go of the handle of the knife, and his arm dropped.

I can no longer exert any strength at all, and all the ligaments are broken!

His face turned pale, and he turned around to run away, but the opponent stabbed him again, with the Dragon Tooth Blade stabbing into the root of his left thigh!

"Ah!" Powell finally screamed loudly and fell to the ground with a thud!

At this moment, his hands were completely disabled, his left leg was injured, and only one right leg could still move, but it could no longer drag his tall body of two hundred pounds!

"You lunatic! How could you do this! Chinese soldiers are all a bunch of devils who don't care about their lives!"

Powell, who was in severe pain, shouted hoarsely, looking at his opponent with eyes full of fear!

It was obviously a competition in which he had the advantage, but he didn't expect that he would be the first to fall!

I never dreamed that the opponent would use such a method to win.

Doesn't he know that the price of this is that the entire arm will become disabled?

And after enduring such pain, he could still make such a precise counterattack, which is simply not something that humans can accomplish.

After finally dealing with his opponent, Hao Jiayong, who was completely exhausted, collapsed on the ground, leaning against a big tree.

He gasped and said to Powell: “Don’t worry, I won’t kill you!

But if you want to run away, I will cut off your right leg too! "

"I won't run away! I am your prisoner, you are my nightmare!" Powell shouted in horror.

With only one leg left to move, where else could he run?

This place is deep in the mountains and old forests. As he is now, running away would be tantamount to committing suicide and would be eaten away by wild beasts.

Hao Jiayong ignored him and looked deep into the woods.

The sound of gunfire continued in my ears, but it was far away.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

The sound of gunshots can prove that instructor Chen is still alive.

Sorry, Instructor Chen, I can't help you now!

A gunner from the Lancers held a torch in one hand and a rifle in the other, walking forward cautiously.

A person suddenly appeared from behind a big tree not far away. The gunman screamed in fright, picked up his rifle, and pulled the trigger crazily at the figure!

The man's body was like chaff, shaking constantly from the impact of the bullets.

After a magazine was finished, the gunman released his fingers from holding the class.

He walked over cautiously and held the torch forward, but what he saw was a man bleeding from seven holes!

His hair stood on end, but he recognized the face.

Not that elusive opponent, but one of his brothers from the Spear Club!

"Big dog!" the gunman screamed in disbelief, but the other party had already been out of breath for a long time.

At this moment, a "Hi" sound suddenly came from above his head.

He subconsciously looked up and saw a spear piercing his mouth instantly, penetrating him!


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