Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1296 Let the brothers disperse

Chen Xin'an's cell phone rang. She took it out and saw that it was Guan Qi's number.

"Brother Seven is here, right? Okay, come in, I'll be waiting for you by the runway!"

Chen Xin'an hung up the phone and watched a minibus drive from the direction of the gate and stop in front of it.

Several people jumped out of the car, and the leader opened his arms and hugged Chen Xin'an.

"Everything is in the car. Come up and see if it fits. Is there anything else you can add?

The house has been opened, and there is a shuttle bus to the racecourse on the fifteenth floor of the Green Grass Hotel.

It just so happened that the International Triathlon Competition held in Syracuse was held during this time.

I have already applied for a pass for you and you can get it in the evening.

At that time, you can go in and out of the racecourse at will, it is also the competition venue! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to the people behind him: "Get in the car first and change clothes!"

This green outfit is too conspicuous, so it would be more casual to change into casual clothes.

Everyone got on the minibus, quickly changed into the clothes and shoes that Guan Qi had brought, and put all their equipment into their travel bags.

In this way, everyone looks like athletes participating in the competition and will not attract any attention.

Guan Qi pointed at the young man driving the car and said to Chen Xin'an: "Guan Lei, I've seen you before, follow me now!"

Guan Lei turned his head, blushed and shouted: "Hello, uncle!"

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, looked at him and nodded, looked at Guan Qi sideways and asked, "Have you stabilized?"

Guan Qi chuckled, neither nodding nor shaking her head, she just said: "Almost!"

Chen Xin'an frowned.

Guan Lei represents the Guan Family Law Enforcement Hall.

Since Guan Lei can be with Guan Qi, it means that the Guan Family Law Enforcement Hall is now on Guan Qi's side.

Then Guan Qi's position as the head of the family should be stable.

Now Guan Qi says it's almost the same, which means that he hasn't fully become the head of the family yet.

There are still troubles and obstructions.

"Brother Qi, do you want some help? Can I help you clear out the garbage?" Chen Xin'an looked at Guan Qi with a smile and asked.

Guan Qi shook her head and said, "No! There's no point in killing a chicken with a bull's-eye! Just concentrate on your business, my uncle. It's drizzle here, so there's no need for you to worry about it."

Since he said this, Chen Xin'an stopped talking.

Guan Qi took out a long scroll of paper from under the seat, handed it to Chen Xin'an and said:

"Xiao Lei and the caretaker of the racecourse are chess friends. He exchanged a cigarette for the floor plan of the racecourse. Do you think it will be useful to you?"

Chen Xin'an took it and handed it directly to Eagle Eye.

Spreading out the floor plan, Hawkeye's eyes lit up, he clapped his hands excitedly and said:

"It's great! This thing came so timely! Boss, this thing is useful!"

I am the team leader, how did I become the boss?

Chen Xin'an glared at Eagle Eye, but didn't care too much, nodded and said:

"Okay, let's study it right away! Ah Lei, please send us to the hotel! Thank you for this!"

Guan Lei excitedly said to Chen Xin'an: "Uncle, as long as I can help you. If you don't be polite to Brother Seven, you don't have to be polite to me!"

He had been to Kyoto before and had dealings with Chen Xin'an.

I really have a deep impression on this uncle of Seventh Brother and Ninth Sister!

So after coming back, his attitude towards Guan Qi also changed a lot.

Under his lobbying, the Law Enforcement Hall sided with Guan Qi.

Because he knew very well that with Chen Xin'an as Guan Qi's backer, no one in the Guan family could compete with Guan Qi.

These people who are jumping out now will definitely not last long.

Chen Xin'an chuckled and nodded to him.

The members of the action team gathered together and studied the floor plan of the racecourse, looking for the most likely place to hold the hostages.

The entire racecourse covers more than 200 acres. It is a large place and there are not many buildings.

According to the floor plan, there is only a three-story office building and a huge stable that can accommodate nearly a thousand horses.

Of course, these are only the buildings on the surface, and some are hidden underground and cannot be seen on the plan.

Guanbei people like to dig cellars, and almost every household in the countryside has one.

So no one knows whether there is a cellar in the racecourse.

Moreover, the racecourse is connected to the Wuxuan River in Guanbei, which is also the venue for triathlon competitions. Although it is not part of the racecourse, it is connected to the racecourse without any obstacles.

At this moment, domestic and foreign tourists and athletes are mixed together. It is still unclear whether the hostages were controlled and hidden there.

When the car arrived at Qingcao Hotel, Guan Qi went to the service desk to get the room card, handed it to Chen Xin'an and said:

"There are two rooms left in total. If it's not enough, I'll think of other ways!"

"That's enough!" Chen Xin'an waved his hand and said to him: "Brother Qi, go about your business. If you need anything else, I will call you!"

Guan Qi nodded and said: "Xiao Lei stays here.

Twenty brothers from the Guan family are nearby, and only he can mobilize them.

Whatever you want to do, uncle, if you don’t show up personally, just let them do it! "

Chen Xin'an didn't say anything, just patted Guan Qi on the shoulder.

Guan Qi greeted everyone and turned to leave.

Chen Xin'an led everyone to the elevator when her cell phone rang.

Guan Lei spoke to his cell phone from behind: "Uncle, I'm in the lobby.

If anything happens, just make this call from above! "

Chen Xin'an turned around, gave a thumbs up to Guan Lei sitting on the sofa in the lobby, and made an OK sign.

There are two rooms, 1503 and 1505.

Chen Xin'an gave Zhu Shanluo a room card and said to him: "Put your things down and meet at 1503!"

"Yes!" Zhu Shanluo nodded and took the room card without any nonsense.

The previous dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction had long since disappeared.

Chen Xin'an took such a step, thinking that it was unreliable and a waste of time.

But after truly seeing the efficiency of these local people, these arrogant Chuanyunlong special operators had no choice but to accept it.

If these things were done by green equipment, they would definitely not be so meticulous.

More importantly, it's too conspicuous.

I'm afraid that as soon as it appears, it will have been discovered and alerted.

The floor plan was laid out on the bed, with Chen Xin'an and all ten team members surrounding it.

Zhu Shanluo pointed at the location of the office building with his hand and said to everyone: "It is unlikely that this is an office building after all.

Unless everyone is black, it will be difficult to cover up.


Zhu Shanluo drew circles on the floor plan with his fingers and said solemnly:

“With such a big stable, it’s too easy to hide a few people.

I think we have to find a way to get in here. "

Bian Hu scratched his head and said helplessly: "It's too conspicuous! It's a prairie and there's not even a bunker!

If we break in, we will easily attract attention! "

Everyone nodded. It was very difficult to get close to someone's stable without a good excuse.

If there is any slight abnormality, it will alert the snake!

"I'll think of a way!" Chen Xin'an frowned and said to everyone, "I'll try to bring two people in.

When you are investigating, you must seize the time! "

Zhu Shanluo frowned and said to Chen Xin'an: "Team leader, what can you think of?

But don't do it forcefully. Once the local authorities find out, we will be too passive.

And hostages can become very dangerous! "

Chen Xin'an shook his head, took out his cell phone, and dialed a number:

"Xiao Lei, send all the brothers out and help me do a few things!

First, help me find out the rules for feeding horses at the racecourse!

Second, please help me find out who the veterinarian at the racecourse is?

Third, help me find the largest herbal shop in Snow City. I want to grab some herbs..."

The people around him listened quietly, and no one understood what the team leader was doing.


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