Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1299 Don’t pry if you shouldn’t pry

It's just that the people at the racecourse don't know this, and they can't wait for such a long time.

The horse cannot fall down, even if it sleeps it will stand up.

Once he collapses, it is likely to be a serious illness.

The staff at the racecourse couldn't bear this responsibility, so they immediately called the veterinarian.

Chen Xinzhi looked at it pretendingly for a while, and then said to Cui Wancheng: "Bring those medicines over here!"

Cui Wancheng, who was observing the surroundings, handed the bag to Chen Xin'an.

Glancing at Wang Guangchen next to him, Chen Xin'an showed a smile and said to him: "Let me talk about Lao Wang..."

Wang Guangchen's face turned dark, he glared at him and said, "You can just call me Lao Wang, but don't call me after me!"

"Old Wang doesn't have a handle?" Chen Xin'an muttered.

Seeing that Wang Guangchen was getting anxious, he put the bag of herbs in front of him and said lightly: "Chew!"

"Ah?" Wang Guangchen was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Chen Xin'an meant.

Chen Xin'an reached into the bag, grabbed a handful of herbs, handed it to Wang Guangchen's hand and said:

"Put it in your mouth and chew it until it's completely chewy!"

Seeing Wang Guangchen's dark face and wanting to refuse, Chen Xin'an snorted and said:

“Do you want to save these horses?

They must have been poisoned, and this is the antidote.

If you don't chew it up, let these horses be poisoned! "

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Guangchen grabbed the herbs in his hand, stuffed them all into his mouth, and chewed them hard!

After just two chews, his face turned into a big "囧" character, and all his facial features were squeezed together!

This taste is amazing!

Bitter, astringent, sour and numb.

The energy is quite strong, and I keep pushing it against my forehead, which is really too high.

Wang Guangchen felt that the most disgusting thing he had ever eaten in his life was a hundred times more delicious than the taste in his mouth now!

He resisted the feeling of vomiting, and finally chewed the stuff in his mouth into crumbs, and said vaguely to Chen Xin'an: "Are you ready?"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "Spit it out, no juice, just medicine residue, stuff it into the horse's two nostrils!"

Wang Guangchen suppressed his nausea and followed the instructions, stuffing the chewed medicine residue into the horse's nostrils.

After a while, the horse lying on the ground sneezed a few times, then twisted his neck and stood up!

However, it was obvious that the effect of the medicine had not been completely eliminated, and he was still unsteady and staggering.

"Okay!" Wang Guangchen looked in surprise, gave Chen Xin'an a thumbs up and said:

"Okay, Dr. Xiao Zhu, it's amazing! It's cured so quickly!"

Chen Xin'an pouted and said, "It's not healed yet, it's not that easy.

Just by standing up, the toxins have not been eliminated.

You have to wait until they come out with diarrhea to be completely cured!

Come on, chew these! "

"Chewed them all?!" Wang Guangchen's legs felt weak as he looked at the bag full of herbs.

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "Those horses are treated according to this method.

The remaining medicinal residue is mixed into the feed and allowed to be eaten by the horse. "

Wang Guangchen's face turned green. If he finished chewing these herbs, he could die here!

Looking at his men who were still busy not far away, he rolled his eyes and said loudly: "You all come here!"

A group of staff came to him after being greeted, and when they saw the horse that had stood up, they all exclaimed.

Wang Guangchen threw the bag in front of everyone and said, "These herbs are good medicine for our baby.

Each person divides some, puts it into his mouth, chews it into medicine residue, and stuffs it into the horse's nostrils. "

This guy is not stupid.

Chen Xin'an raised the corner of his mouth, turned to Xiang Sifan and Cui Wancheng and said, "Go check it out. If there are any more poisoned horses, mark them and let me know immediately!"

Xiang Sifan and Cui Wancheng looked at each other and were about to stand up and shout "yes" when Chen Xin'an already had quick eyesight and pushed them.

If you really shout it out, it will inevitably make people suspicious!

Wang Guangchen wanted to tell them not to run around in the stables, but he was chewing herbs and couldn't speak.

Soon the two people disappeared, and Wang Guangchen couldn't stop them even if he wanted to.

Xiang Sifan and Cui Wancheng were running quickly along the passage in the stable.

Even though it was like a maze in all directions, it was the first time for the two of them to come here, but neither of them lost their way, nor did they repeat the same path they had taken before.

Suddenly, Xiang Sifan stopped.

Outside a window in the stable, it seemed that several people were helping others get on to a parked bus!

The strange thing is that there are no lights on in the bus even though there are people on board.

Xiang Sifan was about to chase him out to check, but the car had already started driving away!

Next to the manger, there is a hay house, and people have left here.

Is this where the hostages are being held?

Are the people who were taken into the car just now the hostages?

Xiang Sifan ran to the door of the hay house.

There was originally a big lock here, but the contents were already empty, and there was no need to lock an empty wooden shed, so the door was left ajar.

Opening the door, a pungent smell came out, which was very unpleasant.

Xiang Sifan frowned and walked in, slowly adapting to the light and smell. After a while, he finally saw his surroundings clearly.

There is nothing here except some haystacks.

It's impossible to tell whether anyone was once imprisoned, let alone the identities of those people.

Xiang Sifan shook his head in disappointment and prepared to leave.

Just as he reached the door, he suddenly stopped.

Turning around, he walked to a haystack, bent down and pulled away the hay on the ground, revealing the blood stains that seeped into the soil below!

Not just here, Xiang Sifan found several traces of blood under the nearby haystacks.

Horses don't come here, so the blood is human blood.

Did the hostages escape?

Xiang Sifan feels it is very possible!

He turned around and walked out, quickly running towards Chen Xin'an.

Seeing Xiang Sifan coming back, Chen Xin'an exchanged glances with him and stood up knowing that he had discovered something.

A group of staff members all had bitter faces and wanted to spit out what was in their mouths.

But Wang Guangchen forced them to chew it, and then they separated to give medicine to the poisoned horses.

As for himself, he has always been by Chen Xin'an's side and never left.

"I can't believe that Xiao Zhu, you are very clever! The medicine can cure the disease!" Wang Guangchen patted Chen Xin'an on the shoulder and said:

"Don't worry, I'll go back and say a nice word to the owner of the venue, and I'll definitely give you a big red envelope! The owner of the venue is not a stingy person!"

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and asked him, "What is the name of your owner?"

Wang Guangchen was stunned for a moment, suddenly quieted down, and turned his head to look at Chen Xin'an without blinking.

Being stared at by him like this, Chen Xin'an also realized that he had said the wrong thing.

It seems that Dr. Wang is a regular veterinarian at the racecourse and has a close relationship with the owner.

As Dr. Wang's apprentice, there is no way that he doesn't even know the name of the owner.

Even if the master really didn't tell him, the Wuxuan Racecourse is quite famous in Syracuse, and it's impossible for the locals not to know who the boss is here.

If he said that he was a foreigner, then the relationship between the disciples would not be valid.

Wang Guangchen squinted at Chen Xin'an and said with a half-smile, "Xiao Zhu, you don't even know Director Dong's name, do you?"

Chen Xin'an curled her lips and said: "I mean the real big boss, not the superficial boss like Director Dong!"

In fact, Mr. Chen took a gamble, betting that Director Dong was not the real big boss.

Sure enough, after hearing these words, Wang Guangchen's face relaxed, but his eyes were full of contempt.

"Xiao Zhu, it's not your position to worry about, so don't worry blindly!

Don't let others make noises just because you are spreading the word outside.

The Qu family is not someone to be trifled with, so be sure not to get into trouble! "

At this moment, there was a quarrel in front, and someone ran over and said:

"Manager Wang, that doctor and Mr. Guan got into a fight!"


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