Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1301 Your gun is so ugly

It was already a bright moon in the sky, and the streets were lit up with lanterns.

The traffic on both sides of the Wuxuan River is bustling and lively.

However, compared to the night market stalls across the street, the North Bank side is still a lot deserted.

In the shadow of the street lamp, some people gathered together furtively, seeming to be conducting some kind of transaction.

A black Jaguar was parked in the riverside garden.

No one around here came close, and there were no street lights in this area.

Two people got out of the black Jaguar, one of whom was carrying a long package.

The other person was a tall and thin man, it was Guan Xinran whom Chen Xin'an had met at the stables.

Seeing the license plate of this car, which ended in 759, Chen Xin'an felt a little strange, so he followed it.

Guan Xinran did something very strange.

He pointed to the package on his companion and said to the air: "I have brought the things over, Nqima, where is the money?"

Not far in front of him, a big white tooth suddenly appeared, opening and closing it and said:

"Don't worry my friend, let me see the goods!"

This tone is a bit strange, it must be a foreigner.

You have to look carefully to see that there are two black people standing next to the flower bed in front of Guan Xinran!

Good guy, this guy is so dark, so even!

The same color as the surrounding environment.

If you don't look carefully, you won't be able to see that there are two big living people standing here!

That is to say, Chen Xin'an is very brave. If it were another person, he would probably be scared away on the spot, and he would shout while running:

"Everyone, come and see, whose teeth are turning into sperm! They flew out on their own!"

A foreigner named Nqima took the package with his companions, opened the zipper and took a look at the contents.

Just when they were about to open the package completely for inspection, Guan Xinran pressed it on and said to them:

"Dude, are you crazy?

Just take a look at it, but you still want to take it out?

I'm afraid you don't think you have a long life!

Now how sensitive this thing is, you know?

If we let others see it, all four of our heads will fall off!

This is not an ordinary product, an authentic one, do you understand? "

The two foreigners looked at each other and zipped up the package.

Nqima laughed and said to Guan Xinran: "Okay, the money will be transferred to your account in five minutes.

Friends, happy cooperation! "

Guan Xinran shook hands with him and asked strangely: "How do you transport these things out?

Our security checks in China are quite strict! "

"You don't have to worry about it!" Nqima said with a smile: "Of course we have our own methods to ensure that nothing goes wrong!"

Guan Xinran curled his lips with disdain on his face, but didn't say anything.

He just took out his phone and stared at his bank account page.

At this moment, the companion next to him suddenly bent down and shouted at the place where Chen Xin'an was hiding: "Who is it? Get out!"

Chen Xin'an, who took the initiative to reveal his figure, walked out from behind the flowers and stood beside the four people.

He pointed to the package and asked the foreigner, "What's in this?"

All four people looked frightened and alert. Guan Xinran stared at him and cursed: "Who are you? The police?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said truthfully: "No!"

All four of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Since it’s not the police, there’s no need to be afraid!

Guan Xinran looked around and winked at his companions.

The companion understood and immediately circled the flower bed. When he came back, he shook his head at Guan Xinran.

There was no one around anymore.

Guan Xinran walked up to Chen Xin'an with squinted eyes, looked at him and asked:

"What did you just see? What are you doing here? Who are you?"

His right hand was placed on the waist behind his back, as if he was about to take out something at any moment.

The two foreigners, one on the left and one on the right, blocked Chen Xin'an's escape route from behind.

They also took out a dagger with a cold light in their hands, and they would pounce at any time.

The companion kicked Chen Xin'an in the stomach and cursed: "What the hell are you asking me?

If you dare to be dishonest, I will let you die here today, do you understand? "

Chen Xin'an bent down and hugged Fang's foot, looking as if he had been kicked by him.

"Let go!" His companion cursed and struggled hard to break free from Chen Xin'an's hand.

Guan Xinran waved his right hand, whipped out a pistol, and pointed it at Chen Xin'an's head.

Chen Xin'an looked at the dark muzzle of the gun, the corner of his mouth twitched, then he let out a chuckle and laughed!

He let go of the kid's feet, covered his stomach with his hands, and bent over with a smile.

Everyone around was a little confused. How could someone still smile so happily with a gun pointed at their head?

Is this guy a fool?

"Why are you laughing? Do you believe that I will shoot you in the head?" Guan Xinran narrowed his eyes and said harshly to Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an looked at his gun and said with a smile: "Sorry, I couldn't hold it back!

Did you process this gun yourself?

To be honest, it's really ugly!

I have never seen such an ugly gun!

If you hadn't told me, I would have thought it was the leftover waste products processed by the machinery factory!

This is called a concept gun, right? "

Guan Xinran's face turned dark.

What he hates most is when people say the gun he made is ugly!

The Guan family has been making guns for more than 40 years.

In the past, people in Guanbei liked hunting the most, and almost all men were hunters.

What he was most proud of was owning a gun made by the Guan family!

Later, China banned guns, and he only learned half of this craft before it was lost.

But privately, he never stopped making this.

And he also made a lot of money from it.

It's just that the gun he made is easy to use, but... it's a little bit ugly, and looks weird.

This is also Guan Xinran's taboo.

He hates people saying that the gun he made is ugly!

Clicking the safety, Guan Xinran gritted his teeth and looked at Chen Xinan and said:

"I'm going to shoot you to death now, let's see if you can still laugh!"

But at this moment, several car lights and flashlights suddenly lit up not far away, shining on the four people.

A foreigner quickly hid the package behind him, but it was still seen by others.

Five or six people rushed over and shouted, "Don't move, raise your hands! We are the police of Xuecheng!"

The two foreigners turned their heads, looked at Chen Xin'an, and then looked at Guan Xinran, cursing, "Fuck! Are you trying to trick me?"

Guan Xinran turned pale and shouted, "Bullshit! I'm guilty of a capital crime, there's no benefit in calling the police!

This guy looks familiar to me, is he a policeman?

Don't mess around, or I'll kill him!"

A policeman rushed over and shouted at Guan Xinran, "Put down the gun! I'm officially..."

Chen Xin'an's brows were wrinkled into a lump.

Say this at this time, isn't this courting death?

Sure enough, Guan Xinran's companion beside him also took out a gun, aimed at the policeman who was in the front and fired a shot!

At the same time, the muzzle that was originally aimed at Chen Xin'an's head also pointed forward at the policeman, and fired several shots at Chen Xin'an's ears!

The gun is ugly, but it is quite powerful.

The bullet hit the policeman's chest, knocking his feet off the ground and flying backwards, with a large puff of blood mist gushing out of his chest!

"Damn, someone is plotting against me! Who told the secret?" Guan Xinran pushed Chen Xinan, shot and retreated to the car, shouting to his companions: "Ako, take this kid in the car as a hostage!"

The two foreigners also wanted to take advantage of the chaos to escape. Guan Xinran shot one of them in front of him and snorted coldly, saying:

"I haven't got my money yet, you can't leave yet, get in the car with me!"

The foreigner did not refuse. After all, it was impossible to break through the police's encirclement with his legs!


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