Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1316 Everyone, come with me to save the boss

It has to be said that when fired at close range, the power of a local gun is even more terrifying than a standard rifle.

Branches as thick as an arm were broken by a single shot.

If Chen Xin'an hadn't been able to hide quickly, he would have been beaten into a hornet's nest long ago!

It's just that they have to reload every time they shoot, which is very troublesome.

If he could fire continuously, even Chen Xin'an wouldn't be able to dodge.

What's more, there are mercenaries with accurate shooting and rich experience, who are also a great danger to Chen Xin'an.

He was pinned behind a thick branch and couldn't move. If he raised his head even slightly, he would be knocked down!

"Stop!" Holden raised his right hand and looked around with alert eyes.

Everyone around them also stopped shooting, and the forest became quiet.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the tree.

The trees that had been damaged by bullets like a storm seemed much sparse at the moment.

But there was still no sign of the enemy.

The person just now disappeared out of thin air like a ghost!

Many people whined and whined. The steel needles piercing their faces were so painful. Some even had their eyes blinded and lay on the ground wailing in pain.

Suddenly, there was a commotion overhead, and then a black shadow fell down!

"Where is it!" Jonagin was the first to find the trace, quickly changed the magazine, and pulled the trigger!

Suddenly, there was another round of gunfire!

Broken branches and leaves flew across the sky, and the black shadow was obviously shot and fell to the ground!

Following Holden's signal, the gunfire stopped again, and a mercenary ran over and picked up a camouflage uniform that was shaped like a fishing net from the ground!

"Shet! Boss, we've been fooled!" The mercenary threw away his camouflage uniform angrily.

But Holden’s eyes widened and he shouted to him in horror: “Be careful!”

The mercenary was stunned for a moment, his back suddenly tightened, and he wanted to turn around, but it was too late!

A short knife was thrust into the back of his neck and exited in front of his throat.

A lot of blood poured out of his mouth, and life was passing quickly!

Unfortunately, he never saw what the person who took his life looked like until his death!

"Go to hell!" A mercenary yelled, picked up the gun and pulled the trigger at his companion who was still spitting blood.

The unlucky guy was killed in an instant, but he didn't reach the bottom. He was pushed forward two steps by the people behind him, and with a bang, his head was blown open by a bullet.

It was only then that the body fell to the ground with a bang, but there was no one behind him!

After taking a sip of water, Bian Hu turned his head and looked deep into the old forest, muttering: "Why hasn't the boss come back yet?"

Zhu Shanluo snorted coldly and said: "A novice is a novice, and it takes a long time to observe the enemy's situation before he can remember the information.

This is unqualified to be a commander and will kill your teammates! "

Bian Hu glanced at him, curled his lips and said, "Instructors, don't forget that our boss has only been in the army for less than a month, so of course he is a novice among novices.

But that doesn’t mean he’s jerky in what he does, which will kill everyone!

Don't forget, your leader Chuan Yunlong nodded in agreement to let our boss lead the team.

According to you, the chief deliberately asked our boss to lead our group to die? "

Zhu Shanluo frowned, glanced at him and said, "I didn't say that.

I just said he was slow.

This can easily delay fighter opportunities and unnecessarily increase combat difficulties! "

Xiang Sifan coughed lightly and said to everyone: "Do you think there is a possibility that the team leader left us and went alone?"

Dai Wugang sneered coldly, curled his lips and said, "He's not that impulsive, is he?

He just said it casually, you don't really take it seriously, do you?

There are so many people on the other side and so many guns. Why go and save the hostages by yourself?

Isn't this just sending death?

It's not like the team leader didn't expect this. He shouldn't do such a stupid thing, right? "

Everyone on Montenegro Tiger's side looked at him with strange expressions.

Brother, you lack understanding of our Instructor Chen!

He can really do such a thing!

At this moment, a burst of gunfire suddenly appeared in the forest ahead!

Everyone suddenly stood up.

Zhu Shanluo screamed: "Oh no, he really went by himself!

How can this person...

He's just fooling around!


Disregarding military discipline!

Everyone will be killed by him!

Our captured brothers are the first to bear the brunt!

Everyone is ready to fight, we will go over to respond! "

"Yes!" Everyone responded in unison and quickly organized their equipment.

When the time comes for battle, everyone is in their best fighting condition.

There is no unnecessary nonsense, everything follows the command of the supreme leader present.

As Zhu Shanluo made continuous gestures with his hands, everyone quickly moved forward in a three-person combat team.

Dai Wugang was at the front and could feel the intense gunfire in front the most.

Hey guys, are these two companies fighting?

The beating was too brutal!

Instructor Chen went to fight with such firepower alone. What was the difference between that and going to die?

What's even more irritating is that even if you die yourself, you will also harm our captured comrades!

It was the most frustrating thing to be able to rescue them, but to be ruined by a confused commander!

"There's a situation!" Dai Wugang suddenly raised his right arm, and the nine people behind him quickly stopped.

A group of three people hid behind a tree in an inverted triangle formation, with their guns aimed forward and all lights turned off.

Soon, there was a rustling sound, and a strange sound came from Dai Wugang's mouth, like the sound of a bird.

Surprisingly, there was a response from the front!

Dai Wugang was overjoyed and said into the collar headset: "It's our people! It's them!"

Sure enough, those people approaching were none other than the Chuan Yunlong team members who had been captured and tortured by those mercenaries!

"Old Shi!" Zhu Shanluo stepped out and shouted excitedly.

Shi Jianfeng put Liu Sanpao down on his back, saluted Zhu Shanluo with a bang, and said in a trembling voice:

"Shi Jianfeng, the third detachment of Chuanyunlong Special Forces, reports to the instructor leader!

Sorry instructor, we have embarrassed Chuan Yunlong! "

Zhu Shanluo said with tears in his eyes: "As long as you are still alive! Captain Shi, I have made you suffer!"

Dai Wugang asked excitedly: "How did you get out?"

Gao Jiyong also put Li Tianmeng down and said to him: "Captain of the First Division, it was the people of your rescue team who saved us!

Can you tell me who that person is?

It’s so fierce!

One person pestered everyone else and bought us time to leave!

I have never seen such agility, like a god in the jungle! "

Sure enough it was him!

That guy really went alone!

Bian Hu suppressed his excitement and looked at the few Yunchuanlong warriors who had just escaped and said:

"Remember his name!

He is the combat instructor newly hired by our Black Mountain Tiger Special Forces, Chen Xin'an!

He is also the team leader and commander-in-chief of our rescue operation.

He gave his own life in exchange for all of our lives!

What's ridiculous is that just now, our instructors and Captain Dai were still complaining about the team leader, ignoring military discipline and killing everyone!

Now I want to ask, has our boss done what you think is impossible?

Are the casualties magnified?

If this operation were to be directed by any one of you, would the result be like this? "

Zhu Shanluo and Dai Wugang were blushing and speechless.

Xiang Sifan said in a deep voice: "Now is not the time to talk about this!

The boss is in danger now, we need to rescue him as soon as possible! "

Zhu Shanluo immediately said to Dai Wugang: "Old Dai, you, Xiong Wandong, and Ma Jinglun are here to take care of Captain Shi and others for the time being!

Be sure to hide your figure and don't meet the enemy!

The rest of you, come with me to save the boss! "


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