Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1318 The consequences of betrayal and separation

Jonagin, who was already mad, rushed out with a rifle and fired wildly in Chen Xin'an's direction.

But at this moment, Chen Xin'an is hiding in the dark jungle again!

Holden's left eye widened, his mouth opened, and he was already lying on the ground face to face.

His right eye was pierced by an arrow, and the arrow penetrated deep into his head, causing him to die!

Looking at the shocked look on his face before he died, you can tell how unwilling he was to die.

Everything was planned, but in the end it was completely useless.

The enemy actually used this method to kill him.

It’s really worthless to die!

No wonder Jonagin went crazy.

After a bunch of bullets were fired cleanly, he took out the magazine from his body and yelled at the people behind him: "What are you doing?

Are they all a bunch of blind people?

Shoot me!

Kill him! "

At this moment, he suddenly felt a crisis coming from above his head.

Without the slightest hesitation, he quickly bent over and rolled over.

But he still took a step too slow and was hit in the body by a wooden arrow!

The arrow hit his shoulder and got stuck in the bone. It wasn't very deep, but it was painful enough!

Jonagin screamed loudly, holding a gun with one hand and shooting at the branches and leaves above his head!

At the same time, everyone else raised their guns and pulled the triggers against the tree!

Chen Xin'an ran quickly on the branches, constantly changing positions.

However, a tree trunk was hit by a bullet and broke with a click when he landed.

Chen Xin'an couldn't hold back his momentum and his body fell from the air.

Thanks to my quick eyes and quick hands, I grabbed a branch with both hands!

Although he did not fall down, his body was exposed in front of everyone at this time!

Almost all the lights hit him, leaving him nowhere to hide.

Chen Xin'an's heart sank.


It’s a big deal this time!

Just when he twisted his body and prepared to reduce the injured area, a gunshot rang out!

It was all the crackle of rifles, as dense as rain.

Chen Xin'an thought he was going to finish playing this time, but surprisingly found that no bullets landed on him.

And he suddenly realized that the opponent no longer had such a large number of rifles!

As several spearmen from the Lancers screamed and fell, Chen Xinxin felt at ease.

My companion is here!

These guys arrived just in time!

The gunners of the Lancers who had been tortured by Chen Xin'an, who had lost their troops and generals, and who were greatly frustrated, were still no match for these special forces members!

Even though they still have an advantage in terms of numbers, their weapons are simply not comparable to those of the special forces!

The most important thing is that they have no fighting spirit now!

Chen Xin'an killed them all by himself, and they were completely defeated and exhausted.

Now that so much has come at once, how can I still resist it?

"Hold on to me! Beat me! If we don't beat them to death, we will be beaten to death by them!"

Qu Tianfeng yelled crazily and ordered his men to fight.

Seeing one of his men keep retreating and all retreating behind him, Qu Tianfeng became angry, picked up Horton's gun from the ground, pointed it at the man and yelled:

"Yellow-haired rat, if you take another step back, I will beat you to death!"

He is very afraid of death, but he also knows very well that if what he does falls into the hands of these green-suited people, even if it falls into the hands of the Chinese police, he will die!

So now he can only fight hard and has no other choice!

The subordinate, nicknamed Huangmaoshu, looked at Qu Tianfeng in horror, with both fear and anger in his eyes.

It is impossible for the local guns in everyone's hands to compete with this kind of standard rifle, and if they encounter it, they will just lose their lives in vain.

The reason they dare to take these guns is because they have hostages in their hands. Whether they are policemen or green-suited people, they will use force to prevent them.

Now that the hostages have been rescued, everyone has nothing to rely on, and they are still charging forward stupidly with guns. Isn't this forcing everyone to die?

The yellow-haired rat glanced at Qu Tianfeng and said nothing. He did not dare to retreat any further and rushed forward bravely.

Qu Tianfeng gritted his teeth and said to everyone: "Listen to me! We can't turn back now..."


A loud noise came from in front of him, and Qu Tianfeng felt as if he was hit head-on by a truck. His hands and feet flew two meters off the ground, and then he fell heavily to the ground!

A big bloody hole had been blasted into his chest, and no one knew how much iron sand had penetrated into his flesh and blood!

But he wasn't dead yet, he was just bleeding from his mouth and nose, his eyes were wide open, and he looked in disbelief at the murderer who shot him with the gun barrel still smoking not far away!

The gunmen around were also stunned, waiting for the man to shout: "Yellow-haired rat, what the hell are you doing!"

"You shot the boss? Are you crazy?"

"Yellow-haired Rat, are you looking for death? I'll shoot you in the head!"

The yellow-haired rat looked ferocious, threw away the gun in his hand, pointed at his head and cursed:

"Fight! Either way, I'll die by your guns, or by those green-suited guns!"

It's better than being beaten to death from behind by this bastard! "

The yellow-haired rat looked at Qu Tianfeng, who was still breathing, and gnashed his teeth and cursed:

“Brothers follow you because they want to get rich!

I didn’t die for you!

You old turtle, you never treat us as human beings!

They will only deduct our salary and make us fight for you and die for you!

We have gone through life and death for you, and we still have to be beaten and scolded by you.

Let's take these crappy things and fight the regular army.

Also beware of you old turtle shooting in the back!

Our brothers were bullied, and you as the boss not only refused to help us vent our anger, but also forced us to apologize to them!

Does an old turtle like you deserve to be the boss?

If it wasn't for money, do you think I would follow someone like you?

I can’t get the money anyway, so why should I listen to you?

If you die, die, I won't fight! "

Everyone fell silent, and then Xiami also threw the gun on the ground and said:

"I won't fight either! Such a person is really not worth my life!

I don’t even want to work for those foreigners who never think highly of us!

They deserve to die! "

Someone took the lead, and the rest gave up completely. Everyone threw their guns on the ground.

When Qu Tianfeng saw this scene, a look of despair appeared on his face.

He never dreamed that the leader of the Spear Club, who once dominated the northern border and dominated the northern border, would end up like this, being shot to death by one of his own!

And when death is imminent, it will also result in betrayal and separation!

A look of despair appeared on his face and his hands moved.

It seemed that he wanted to catch something, but he couldn't catch anything.

He just collapsed weakly and breathed out his last breath.

"We surrender!" The spearmen who had thrown away their guns raised their hands high and knelt on the ground.

Several figures walked out of the woods, and they were the members of the action team led by Zhu Shanluo.

The crowd stepped forward and kicked away the guns on the ground, pointing their guns at the kneeling prisoners.

Dardun took out the rope from his backpack, and together with Kou Shanhu, tied the hands of these people behind their backs, and then strung them up with long ropes.

In this way, they cannot escape alone. If they want to escape together, their flexibility and speed are greatly restricted.

Everything they had on them was searched out and thrown into empty rucksacks.

From head to toe, they were left with only a pair of underpants, and everything else was stripped off.

In the forest, dressing like this is dangerous.

But no one will pity them, because they deserve it!

Bian Hu walked over with a frown and said to Zhu Shanluo: "The boss is not here!

There is also a mercenary who is also gone.

The boss should be chasing him! "


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