Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 132 Park God of War

Is this person sick?

He surrounded more than thirty of us by himself?

How to fight this? Is he Avalokitesvara with Thousand Arms and Thousand Legs?

The thugs looked at each other in confusion. Brother Ming's face was deformed in pain, and he gritted his teeth and cursed: "Don't listen to his nonsense here, let's hack him to death together!"

Everyone shouted and rushed forward with a roar!

Chen Xin'an also pushed away the two of them and ran forward. Everyone was afraid that he would lead them to sprint for 400 meters like before, so they blocked him.

Brother Ming shouted loudly: "Hold him! Hold him! Don't let him run away!"

Chen Xin'an was rushing towards Brother Ming, as if he wanted to capture the thief first, but his intention was too obvious, and when someone saw through it, a golden-haired thug flew forward and threw him to the ground!

The two people who were supporting Brother Ming were also knocked down, and they fell over for a while!

The golden-haired thug who threw Chen Xin'an down tightly hugged the man in his arms, shouting: "Stab in my arms! I hugged him!"

Sure enough, someone stabbed him under the body with a knife. He was so frightened that he yelled: "Watch it, don't hurt me!"

A group of people rushed up, slashing with machetes. Jin Mao had already let go of Chen Xin'an, and everyone's machetes fell on Chen Xin'an on the ground like raindrops!

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of knives were chopped down, and the person on the ground turned into a bloody gourd!

The golden retriever snorted and said with a proud look on his face: "I thought I had to put in some effort, but I didn't expect it to be solved so easily!

You are so awesome, do you really think you can deal with so many of us brothers by yourself? Do you think you are God?

Remember, I was the one who brought this person down. I will take at least half of the 300,000! "

Although everyone was a little unconvinced, there was nothing they could do. After all, it was this kid who jumped on me, and he risked his life, so the credit is real.

Someone shouted to him: "Don't worry yet! See if that kid is dead or alive. If he's still alive, you're going to make another fortune!"

"Yes!" Jin Mao's eyes lit up. He was worth 300,000 when he was dead, but he was worth 500,000 when he was alive!

He quickly bent down and looked at the bloody man on the ground, felt his breath, and felt a sense of surprise in his heart, shouting loudly: "He's alive! He's still alive!"

Everyone also cheered, the bonus increased by 200,000, which was certainly worth celebrating.

I heard someone tsk-tsk and say, "That's awesome! He's been chopped like this and he's still alive. He's such a tough guy!"

"What kind of tough guy is he!" Jin Mao curled his lips with disdain and said, "Compared with Brother Ming..."

No, this voice doesn’t sound like Brother Ming!

The two thugs supporting Brother Ming also felt strange. They turned their heads and glanced, then screamed at the same time and jumped to the side!

Chen Xin'an stood where Brother Ming had stood just now, looking at the bloody man on the ground and shaking his head.

"Why are you here!" Jin Mao pointed at Chen Xin'an and then at the bloody man on the ground.

The person standing here is Chen Xin'an. Who is lying on the ground?

Everyone was stunned. Then everyone seemed to have thought of this problem and ran to the bloody man, carefully identifying his appearance!

"Turn on the cell phone light!" The street lights in the park were not bright enough to see clearly. Someone shouted, then took out his cell phone and shined the cell phone light on the bloody man's face.

Seeing the familiar facial features and the half-dead look, everyone took a breath of air and cried sadly: "Brother Ming! What's wrong with you, Brother Ming? Why were you chopped like this!"

One person kicked Jin Mao in the stomach, pointed a machete at him and yelled: "Jin Mao, why did you fall to the ground? Why did you harm Brother Ming like this?"

"This bastard has been spying on the boss's position. He just wants to find an opportunity to kill Brother Ming and then make him the boss!"

"I said something was wrong just now, but I didn't take action! I didn't take action just now. Brother Ming's injuries have nothing to do with me!"

The heroic golden retriever who was the envy of everyone just now has become the sinner of the whole people in the blink of an eye! He defended with a pale face:

"No! I'm not! I didn't know it was Brother Ming that I was hugging! I've obviously..."

His eyes fell on Chen Xin'an, as if he saw a ghost, he pointed at Chen Xin'an and shouted:

"There's something wrong with this guy! It was him who I hugged just now! If it was Brother Ming that I hugged, why didn't he scream?"

Yes, from the moment he was hugged and then chopped into a bloody man, Brother Ming didn't seem to say a word. Why is this?

Chen Xin'an bent down and took out a silver needle from Brother Ming's neck on the ground.

Brother Ming took a long breath and said, "I surpass your whole family!" Then he kicked his legs and passed out!

Everyone looked at each other and shrank their necks with guilt.

Jin Mao grabbed the machete, gritted his teeth and looked at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "It was you who caused Brother Ming to do this! I can't forgive you!"

Chen Xin'an said with an innocent face: "You obviously cut it yourself, why do you blame me? I have warned you a long time ago to be careful of the people around you, but you just don't listen..."

A group of thugs shrank their necks, looked at the brothers around them, and subconsciously distanced themselves again.

Jin Mao was eager to distance himself, pointed a machete at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "Don't listen to his nonsense!

Anyway, everyone on the left and right wants to chop this guy to death, don’t let him get away!

I'll go first to avenge Brother Ming! "

Before he could raise his machete, Chen Xin'an suddenly appeared in front of him and shouted softly: "I'll fight!"

A fist hit him in the face, knocking him to the ground! Chen Xinan jumped back and forth on his left and right feet, waved to the people around him, pressed his nose with his thumb and said: "Why are you running? Did I say I would let you go? Do you think anyone can run to my house in the middle of the night and steal a few pounds of cow dung and leave? I paid for it! I told you that you are all surrounded by me. Don't think of running away. Come here and get beaten!" The two guys who stepped on the landmine were ashamed and angry. This black history might be circulated among the bastards around them for a long time. So they didn't plan to let Chen Xinan go. They shouted angrily and rushed over with machetes! "Don't let him run away again! Block his retreat!" "Be careful that he will find someone else as a substitute, keep your eyes open!" "Don't be alone, don't give him a chance to take advantage of it!" A group of thugs shouted loudly, fearing that Chen Xinan would repeat the same trick again. Only this time, this guy seemed to be a different person. He had no conspiracy at all and was just fighting head-on with everyone!

Waves of screams came from the crowd. The people in front were almost knocked down as soon as they met. No one could fight with this guy!

Until this moment, everyone was horrified to find that even if they didn't run, Chen Xin'an was not at all inferior in a one-on-many situation!

It was the first time that everyone saw such a capable fighter. They couldn't see his moves at all, but he was so powerful that as long as he touched them, the only outcome was to fall down!

It turned out that he surrounded everyone alone, not a joke, but a fact!

Everyone was horrified to find that no matter who was away from the standing circle, he was inexplicably substituted into it and became the primary target of attack!

There were fewer and fewer people standing, and more and more people fell down, but there was no one who could stand up after being knocked down!

Soon everything was quiet, and the only person who could still stand in the entire street park was Chen Xin'an himself!

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