Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1331 You have no way to escape


Spitting out the grass roots in his mouth, Chen Xin'an stood under the tree.

He patted the little monkey on the shoulder and said, "Second pole, go and explore!"

The little monkey squeaked twice, quickly climbed up the big tree next to it, and disappeared deep into the branches and leaves.

Chen Xin'an was not in a hurry, found an open space, sat down, and lit a fire.

After a while, the little monkey came back and squeaked at Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an held the kettle, washed the mud on her hands, and smiled at it:

"Don't worry, they are nearby, they can't go far, they are just hiding.

Don’t use bean bags as dry food!

He is a serious mercenary king, and he is very powerful!

We just take advantage of the geographical advantages and are on our own territory.

If they didn't bring in more weapons, they wouldn't be able to use their full strength.

That's why we can suppress them.

If we go to a foreign battlefield, we are no match for them! "

Er Pangzi stared at Chen Xin'an and shouted with dissatisfaction.

This guy also has a temper like Luo Xiaoman. He doesn't accept anyone and is very crazy.

After screaming for a long time, Erzhanzi's stomach growled.

Chen Xin'an smiled and scolded: "You foodie! How much did you eat in the whole morning? You just kept talking!"

Despite the scolding, Chen Xin'an took off the backpack, took out the compressed biscuits, and said to it: "This is the only pack left!"

Er Zhanzi grabbed the compressed biscuit, eagerly opened it, stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it.

Seeing Chen Xin'an turn his head and stare at it, the little monkey hesitated for a moment, his little face wrinkled together, with a tangled look on his face.

He broke off a piece and handed it to Chen Xin'an's mouth.

Chen Xin'an touched its head and said: "I won't eat it, you can eat it yourself!

It’s just left for you, you have enough to eat!

Come on, don't choke, drink some water! "

I took out the kettle and filled it with sweet mountain spring water.

Er Zhanzi took it and drank more than half of the bottle. He stuffed the remaining compressed biscuits into his mouth and looked at Chen Xin'an movedly while eating.

What a noble and selfless person!

The last rations were left for it.

Sure enough, you didn’t follow the wrong person!

"Have you eaten enough?" Chen Xin'an stroked Er Zhuanzi's head with a kind look on his face, like an old father looking at his precious son.

Er Pangzi patted his belly and screamed happily a few times, looking happy as if he had eaten and drank enough and was ready to lie down and bask in the sun.

Chen Xin'an patted the hay beside him, spread it considerately, and said with a smile:

"Go to sleep if you want. It's okay. I won't leave for a while!"

The second pole called twice.

Chen Xin'an laughed and said: "Of course I won't leave. I haven't eaten yet. You sleep, I'll cook!"

He rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "Since you are full, sorry, I can only enjoy it alone!"

I saw him using branches to stir up the fire, and then dig out a pit from underneath.

A round lump of earth was exposed in the fire pit filled with ashes.

The soil outside has been cracked by the fire.

Following the cracks, Chen Xin'an peeled off the thick layer of soil.

A pheasant that was still radiating heat was revealed inside!

The chicken feathers had been stuck to the dried clay, and the internal organs inside had already been hollowed out and thrown away by Chen Xin'an.

There was no seasoning, so Chen Xinan stuffed some picked herbs into it.

Although it is not as delicious as those baked at home, it is many times more delicious than compressed biscuits!

Chen Xin'an tore off a chicken leg, stuffed it into her mouth and ate it in big mouthfuls, saying with a face full of intoxication: "It's delicious! It's delicious! It's so fragrant!"

The second pole was anxious. He jumped up and rushed to Chen Xin'an, beating this insidious and despicable guy!

It must have done this when I sent it to reconnoiter the enemy's situation just now!

It’s so delicious that you can actually eat compressed biscuits!

I ate a whole piece and fed it half a bottle of water!

Is this something humans do?

Chen Xin'an pushed the two poles away with one hand and said with a smile: "Why are you so anxious! I didn't say I wouldn't let you eat it!

Here, there is a chicken leg left for you, eat it! "

Chen Xin'an tore off another chicken leg and handed it to Er Pangzi.

The second pole stretched out his paws and wanted to take it, but his stomach really didn't allow it.

It was so angry that it spat on the chicken legs, and with its belly full, it was about to urinate on the whole chicken, but Chen Xin'an slapped it aside.

After eating half a chicken and filling her stomach, Chen Xin'an burped and said to Er Zhuangzi:

"You really don't want to sleep? Then I'll sleep! I've been working hard for several nights, and I'm sleepy!"

The second pole barked at him with its teeth and claws bared, sticking its buttocks out and raising its tail to face him.

This guy makes such an indecent pose when he's angry.

Chen Xin'an wanted to stab it with a stick several times, but in the end she just thought about it.

It's very dangerous and will hurt this kid.

Just as he was about to lie down, he suddenly sat up again.

Chen Xin'an tilted her ears as if listening, and her left ear turned slightly like an animal!

"Let's go!" Chen Xin'an grabbed the backpack.

The two poles jumped onto his shoulders in unison, and the moment he stood up, bullets poured down like a torrential rain!

Just when Chen Xin'an ran to a big tree and wanted to climb up, there was a soft choking sound next to him.

Without even thinking about it, Chen Xin'an knew that it was the sound of a grenade pulling the ring. She made a sideways leap and rolled forward several times in succession!

The second pole had jumped off his shoulders and was running forward with him.

If Chen Xin'an doesn't stop, it won't stop either.

There was the sound of a grenade exploding behind him. Chen Xin'an picked up the two poles while rolling forward, held them in his arms, and threw himself behind a nearby tree!

The air wave from the explosion rushed over. Even though they were hiding behind a tree, it was not a very thick tree after all. One person and one monkey were still thrown away and hit hard against another big tree.

Chen Xin'an felt like his whole body was falling apart. He didn't know how many injuries he had sustained, and he grinned in pain.

But now is not the time to rest, he has to keep running!

Obviously, he has been bitten by the two wolf kings!

The other party is coming to fight him to the death!

In this high-intensity jungle hunting, both parties are hunters of each other.

Every minute and every second is a test of life and death for both sides, and it is also a competition of will and physical strength.

As long as one party slacks off, he can say goodbye to this world!

For the two wolf kings, this desert mountain ghost is very cunning!

He knew that if he lit a fire during the day he would not see the light.

Dense woods also shielded the smoke.

But he only neglected one thing.

That’s the scent!

For mercenaries with rich jungle combat experience, any small mistake can be fatal.

So they followed the smell of chicken to find the ghost's foothold.

It's just that the ghost's vigilance was beyond their expectations, and it actually allowed him to avoid this unexpected surprise attack!

But it doesn't matter, since I finally found him, I won't let him escape again!

But the embarrassing thing is that there is no ammunition...

After emptying out the last magazine, Tugrev threw the gun in his arms to the ground angrily.

Their feelings for guns are not like those of Huaxia Green Equipment, which regard them as life.

This is a fighting weapon. If there are no bullets, it is just a pile of scrap metal, worse than a fire stick.

After pulling out the wolf-leg knife from his body, Tugreev's eyes turned red and he walked calmly towards where Chen Xin'an was hiding.

Migolun also pulled out his wolf leg knife and blocked Chen Xin'an's retreat.

He pointed the knife in his hand at Chen Xin'an who was covered in blood and said, "Now, you have no way to escape!"


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