Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1337 We are fugitives who kill without blinking an eye.

Taking aim at the approaching Moshan bear, Chen Xin'an saw the opportunity, raised the wooden stick high, and hit it hard on the head!

I felt that my hand was hurt by the shock, and this time, it hit the Moshan Bear's nose!

With a shrill roar, the Desert Mountain Bear fell down the trunk of the tree again!

With a click, the two wooden sticks erected under the tree were broken!

But the Moshan bear must have been injured, with half a wooden prong stuck in his butt.

It was rolling on the ground in pain, howling in its mouth, no longer daring to pester, wiped its head and ran away!

Chen Xin'an breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the branch of the tree.

The second pole ran to it, squeaked, and pointed at his red butt.

Chen Xin'an smiled and scolded: "Just be content! If you really get in there, this big guy will die!"

This is a first-level protected animal. It would be a pity if it really died! "

Erzhuzi pointed at himself with a look of disdain and shouted.

"You?" Chen Xin'an curled her lips, snorted and said, "You're not even a second-level person! You're worthless!"

The second pole is angry, who do you look down on?

He jumped up and tried to scratch Chen Xin'an's face, but Chen Xin'an slapped him away.

When he got angry, he stuck out his butt and raised his tail, aiming at it in this indecent posture.

Now Chen Xin'an already knew what this guy meant by doing this action.

It’s so special!

The first time I did this, nothing came out. That was because it hadn't eaten for a long time and there was no food in its stomach.

Later, it was in stock, and Chen Xin'an almost got hit by doing this action.

So now Chen Xin'an will run away when she sees it sticking its butt out.

But this time Chen Xin'an didn't run. Instead, he reached into the side pocket of his backpack and took out a needle.

This was the needle with which Tugreev injected his medication.

There's still a little bit of residue inside.

Chen Xin'an wanted to take it back and find someone to test its ingredients.

This kind of drug can instantly stimulate people's potential, improve their combat power, and turn people into beasts. If it is used on the battlefield, the consequences will be disastrous.

It's strange to say that this guy Erzhangzi is not afraid of anything. Even when facing Chen Xin'an, he is arrogant and domineering without giving any face.

This is the only thing I'm afraid of!

It was this needle. When Chen Xin'an found it and took it back and put it in his backpack, the coward Erzhanzi screamed in fright and trembled all over, as if he saw an enemy who was born to be incompatible with him!

Now when he saw Chen Xin'an taking out the needle and tube, he was so frightened that he quickly put his butt away.

He was shouting loudly, his feet were shaking, he couldn't stand firmly, and he almost fell from the tree!

Fortunately, Chen Xin'an grabbed him, put away the needle, and cursed at it: "Look at how promising you are!

What's there to fear about a finished needle?

There’s no medicine inside!

Have you had injections before, so you are afraid of them? "

Chen Xin'an has always been a little strange about the origin of the second pole.

It's not a desert monkey.

At least all the monkeys Chen Xin'an saw on Moshan Mountain looked different from Erpolezi.

And this grandson’s biggest problem is his lust!

He is full of energy and picks up countless girls.

If it disappears after a while, it must be looking for the female monkey!

Normally monkeys are not like this.

But no matter how smart this kid is, he doesn't know how to speak human words, so he couldn't figure out the reason after asking him over and over, so he simply stopped asking.

The desert mountain bear had already run away howling and disappeared without a trace.

Chen Xin'an and Erzhanzi got off the tree and walked to the place where the Moshan Bear was found just now.

Lying on the ground was a human corpse, the head chewed out beyond recognition.

Although he was wearing camouflage uniform, it looked like a replica.

The cuffs and trouser legs were tied up, and the shoes were old hiking boots that were very worn.

The hands are covered with calluses, the skin is very rough, and there are many old injuries on the body.

Less than twenty meters away from the body, there was an earthen gun, the wooden pole of which had been broken.

That gunshot should have come from this gun.

There was nothing on him that could prove this person's identity, so Chen Xin'an had no choice but to take the broken gun with him.

As for the body, Chen Xin'an dug a hole with a tiger-tooth knife, buried the person in it, and marked it.

It can be considered that he did not expose his corpse in the forest, and there was no residue left after being eaten by wild beasts.

After walking for more than two hours, Chen Xin'an and Er Zhuangzi were both hungry, so they decided to stop for a meal!

There are game everywhere in the mountains, and it is not difficult for one person and one monkey to find some ingredients.

Soon I found a nest of rabbits. I chased them one by one and caught them one by one. I got two fat mountain rabbits!

Digging a pit, lighting a fire, grilling the skin and grilling the meat, this process has become very familiar to me in the past two days!

Soon the aroma of meat filled the forest, Erzhanzi looked impatient, and his mouth watered.

After holding the rabbit head and eating half of it, the second pole suddenly stopped and called out to Chen Xin'an twice.

Chen Xin'an waved his hands, indifferent.

He threw down the rabbit's head from the second pole and jumped up to the big tree next to him.

After a while, three figures came over quietly.

Everyone held a gun in their hands, and the long barrel was pointed at Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an, who was eating meat, was still sitting on the stone, looking at the three people calmly.

One person swallowed his saliva and said to Chen Xin'an: "Don't move! If you dare to mess around, I'll shoot you to death!"

Chen Xin'an gnawed on the bone in his hand and said to the three of them, "You are the ones who want to cause trouble, right?"

The person who just spoke cursed: "Where the hell are we messing around? We won't let you mess around! We have guns!"

A person next to him yelled impatiently: "Old Jia, why are you talking nonsense to him? Get some meat!"

"Chang Shun, I really know! I have to tell this kid to be honest first and not to get in the way!" The man named Lao Jia turned around and cursed.

He reached out to grab the rabbit that was already roasting golden brown before eating it.

Are you a fool?

Chen Xin'an looked at him with wide eyes.

Lao Jia picked up the rabbit, saw Chen Xin'an's eyes, and shouted angrily:

"What the hell are you looking at? I'm hungry and want to eat, but you won't give it to me?

Fugui, look at him and kill him with one shot if you dare to stop me! "

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter what you eat, the key point...don't you feel your hands are hot?"

Lao Jia turned his head, looked at his smoking hands, and dropped the rabbit to the ground with an ouch.

He raised his left hand, looked at the blood blisters on it, and cried: "It hurts me to death!"

Chen Xin'an and the two poles on the tree all laughed!

"You are laughing at me!" Fugui and Changshun both raised their guns and pointed them at Chen Xin'an.

Fugui directly loaded the bullet, pointed it at the position of the second pole, and fired!

At this moment, Chen Xin'an's smile quickly disappeared, and murderous intent emerged!

But soon the cry of Erzhanzi came from above his head. Hearing that he was not injured, Chen Xin'an breathed a sigh of relief and his murderous aura dissipated.

At that moment, Fugui and Changshun, for no apparent reason, suddenly felt a biting chill, and the hairs on their bodies stood up.

However, it only passed away for a moment. They all thought it was their own illusion. They swallowed and did not say anything.

Changshun held the gun, pointed at Chen Xin'an and said: "Boy, don't play tricks on me!

I am a fugitive who kills without blinking an eye!

If you are not honest, I will shoot you in the head!

Your kid died in a daze in the deep mountains and old forests. His body was so rotten that no one knew about it. Do you understand? "

Chen Xin'an looked at the three of them, laughed dumbly, nodded and said, "Don't you just want to eat meat?

I can’t eat it anyway, so you can just take it.

Why did you use a gun to rob it?

No, no, no! "

The three of them were a little embarrassed, and Chang Shun scolded: "You are so long-winded! If you ask me anything, just shut up!"

Lao Jia next to him suddenly screamed, startling the two people next to him!

"You're really sick again, aren't you? You were so surprised!" Fugui scolded angrily.

Lao Jia pointed at the broken gun beside Chen Xin'an and said tremblingly: "That, that's Zhou Laizi's gun!"


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