Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1349 That is our experiment

Sure enough, he is from Decela!

It's the same as Chen Xin'an guessed.

The previous fire was probably set by this group of people.

The purpose is to determine his location.

Then send someone over to grab the monkey directly!

But they didn't expect that this group of people would be much more difficult to deal with than they expected!

A melee broke out in the corridor.

Dekra's security guards did not use firearms, they all used electric shock batons.

The special operations team members of the action team put away their knives and used their fists to deal with them!

It’s not that everyone has good intentions and doesn’t dare to use more powerful weapons.

It's just that the security guards of Dekra underestimated the enemy and did not bring more lethal weapons.

The special forces members did not regard them as the real enemies, otherwise, one person at a time, they could kill everyone in Dekra's security department!

But even with their fists, the special forces members broke the hands and feet of many people.

No need to be polite, these guys are so lawless as to set fire to the building in order to find someone!

Once the fire truck does not arrive in time, the consequences and impact will definitely be huge!

At the top of the stairs, a group of security guards ran up, the leader holding a walkie-talkie and saying:

"Hold on, we'll be there soon!

No need to be careful, just beat me to death!

If something happens, someone will be there to take care of it, so just let go!

Now that you have determined that the thing is with that person, you must take it away, no matter what the cost! "

Putting down the walkie-talkie, the man shouted to everyone behind him: "Hurry up!

Once you go up there, guard all exits!

As long as they are not from us, I will beat anyone who dares to run away to death! "

"Yes, Brother Fire Dragon!" Everyone responded and quickened their pace.

After everyone left, the safety door next to it opened and Chen Xin'an walked out.

Looking up at the stairs above, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Avoiding the guards downstairs, Chen Xin'an walked two intersections away and stopped a taxi.

Taking out a hundred yuan and handing it to the driver, Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "Master, use your phone and I'll make a call and tell you where we are going!"

On the 15th floor of Qingcao Hotel, Brother Huolong looked at the brothers who were knocked down here, and his eyes almost popped out!

What kind of people are you provoking?

There is no opponent here at all!

There are ten people on the other side, but they are like thousands of troops.

It seems that the fights are all done with formations!

No matter how many people on his side rushed over, they would never return and would be knocked to the ground in the blink of an eye!

Looking at the frightened companions, all of them looked panicked and did not dare to rush up.

Brother Huolong was anxious. If he returned without success tonight, he would not be able to hold his head high in front of his boss in the future!

He gritted his teeth, pulled out the machete on his body, and shouted to everyone: "Use this guy! Cut me to death!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a flash of cold light, and Brother Huolong almost sat down on the ground!

Before his men showed their swords, all the ten people on the other side had drawn out their daggers!

Moreover, the shape of the knife looks very domineering, emitting a frightening cold light under the illumination of the emergency light.

There are two styles in total, but whichever one looks like it can easily cut off his head!

Before the brothers around him could react, someone from the other side rushed over!

During the flash of cold light, Brother Huolong felt a sense of danger.

He quickly stepped back and raised his knife to parry.

But after just one strike, the opponent's blade ran under his neck without anyone noticing!

Brother Huolong was stiff and did not dare to move.

He could already feel the coldness of the opponent's blade and the sting of the cut on his skin.

"Come on! What are you looking at!" Even though Brother Huolong was restrained, he still showed no fear at all and cursed at the group of companions who were standing beside him:

"Kill them and leave me alone! They don't dare to hurt me, otherwise..."

Before he finished speaking, Dao Meng's scratch on his neck suddenly caused a sharp pain!

He subconsciously wiped his neck, and his whole hand was red and covered in blood!

I go!

This guy really dares to take action!

But he was also a ruthless person, and he didn't give in even though he was like this.

With a ferocious look on his face, he raised his neck and looked at the person in front of him, gritted his teeth and said:

"If you dare, give me another stab!

Remember, if you hurt me once, I will repay you ten times!

If you are really brave, just kill me with one knife! "

The man in front of him just looked at him coldly, with a sarcastic smile on his lips.

This expression made Brother Huolong very uncomfortable.

It felt like the other party didn't care about his life or death at all, like a person looking at an ant!

Before he could react, a cold light flashed before his eyes!

The opponent's knife was like a poisonous snake, constantly appearing in front of him!

In just the blink of an eye, there were more than a dozen wounds on his body!

There was even a knife that pierced his heart!

It only took a little more penetration to hurt his heart!

As soon as the opponent stopped moving, Brother Huolong's legs softened and he collapsed on the ground with a thud!

Blood was pouring all over his body, and his body was shaking like chaff.

Zhu Shanluo sheathed his sword, stood beside him, looked at him condescendingly, and said coldly:

"Listen clearly, I will only say it once.

Whatever I ask, you should answer honestly.

If you lie, or tell me some nonsense that I don't want to hear.

I promise you that the consequences will never be something you can bear!

If you listen, I can also make you go back to where you came from!

If you want to play rogue and play tricks, I advise you to call your relatives and friends now and arrange your funeral!

Did you hear it clearly? "

Everyone looked at each other with pale faces and nodded with fear.

Early in the morning, the guests of Qingcao Hotel were awakened by the sound of sirens.

There was a fire last night, and the police are only here now?

Some sharp-eyed guests suddenly widened their eyes. They really didn't expect that it was Meng Ziqiang, the leader of the Xuecheng City Bureau, who came in person!

At the door of Room 1503, a man in his thirties wearing glasses and wearing a suit pointed to the door and said:

"Leader Meng, that person lives here. He didn't go out again after he came back at around three o'clock last night!"

Meng Ziqiang frowned, squinted at the man with glasses and said: "Director Zhang, are you spying on others? "

Director Zhang pushed the glasses on his nose and snorted coldly, saying, "Leader Meng, I'm just tracking down our experimental subjects!

Since the police can't provide us with more accurate information, is it wrong for us to investigate ourselves?"

Meng Ziqiang snorted and said, "You can investigate by yourself, but if I find out that you are operating in violation of regulations, I will not let you go!"

"Leader Meng, please tell our boss about these words!" Director Zhang said to Meng Ziqiang with a stern face, "I am inviting Leader Meng to come here to seek justice for our Dekla!"

After speaking, he turned his head and ordered a security guard beside him, "Knock on the door!"

Meng Ziqiang was about to stop him, but the security guard was already standing at the door and banged on the door a few times.

Soon the person inside opened the door, and it was Chen Xinan who was holding Erganzi.

Director Zhang pointed at Erganzi in Chen Xinan's arms and shouted, "Leader Meng, look, that's our Dekla's experimental subject!"

Chen Xinan frowned, patted Erganzi on the back, and scolded Director Zhang, "Are you sick? You came to my place early in the morning to steal a monkey?"

Director Zhang snorted coldly, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "You can't deny it!

There is a brand on the arm of our experimental subject!

Don't think you can cover it up with a bandage!

Aqi, go and untie the bandage!"

The security guard who knocked on the door walked over, pulled up Erganzi's arm, and tore off the bandage!

On the monkey's left arm, there was a scar the size of a matchbox!


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