Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1377 Don’t beat him to death

Chao Tongguang, lying on the bed, gasped for air, which eased the pain in his stomach a little.

But his heartbeat was still as fast as a drum.

He seemed to have not recovered from the shock yet!

He almost succeeded!

Just a little bit!

He didn't expect this guy to be so strong that he blocked his attack with one hand!

But how could he know in advance that he was going to attack him?

There is no such thing as tipping off, he didn't tell anyone!

Where did he reveal his flaws?

Or does this guy have the ability to predict the future?

Chao Tongguang felt the blood vessels on his forehead throbbing.

He couldn't hear any sound in his ears, only his heavy breathing.

He could even hear the blood flowing in his blood vessels and the sound of his heartbeat.

This is the performance of a person under high tension.

No, breathing!

Chao Tongguang suddenly realized a problem.

With a master like Chen Xinan, how could he not hear if there was something wrong with the breathing rhythm of a person sleeping next to him?

So, it was this damn breathing sound that betrayed his actions.

Chao Tongguang found the problem, laid himself flat on the bed, and began to consciously adjust his breathing.

After a while, he calmed down and his breathing became smooth. Under deliberate suppression, it became inaudible.

His right hand was still holding the chopsticks that Chen Xinan stuffed back to him, but he didn't do it.

Because he knew very well that it was not the right time yet.

To deal with a master like Chen Xinan, if he didn't attack him unexpectedly, there would be no chance of hurting him at all.

So he had to wait!

As long as Chen Xinan completely let down his guard, he could hit him with one shot!

As for being caught once and learning a lesson?

This didn't exist.

How could he give up so easily when the goal hadn't been achieved!

This time he waited long enough, and even felt that everyone in the dormitory except him was asleep!

Even Chen Xin'an, who was beside him, was snoring!

He picked up the chopsticks, tried to suppress his breathing, and listened to Chen Xin'an's breathing at the same time. There was no abnormality.

Then he raised the chopsticks and aimed at Chen Xin'an's stomach, ready to stab it with all his strength!

But at this moment, a sharp whistle suddenly sounded in the corridor!

Chao Tongguang, who was already highly nervous, was so scared that he almost threw the chopsticks out!

It was another emergency assembly!

At the same time, the whole building shook again.

The people in the dormitory also began to put on their clothes quickly!

Chao Tongguang, who had no choice but to hide the chopsticks and put on his clothes quickly.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but he seemed to hear Chen Xin'an next to him sneer in contempt!

What are you laughing at!

If it weren't for the whistle that saved you, you would have been carried to the team doctor now!

Chao Tongguang was annoyed, but he didn't dare to say much.

He could only put on his clothes and shoes with everyone, jump off the bed, and run out quickly!

Still, I couldn't even see the backs of the veterans.

When everyone gathered downstairs, the veterans had already lined up neatly.

Standing at attention, taking a rest, and calling the roll, Lei Ming saluted Chen Xinan: "Report to the instructor, the training team should have said 20 people, and the actual number is 20. Please give instructions!"

Chen Xinan glanced at the watch on his wrist and said coldly: "Three minutes and 40 seconds!

Is this an emergency assembly?

All training teams, 100 push-ups!

Check the uniforms, and those who are not in compliance will be fined 50!"

A group of princes wailed!

Is it obvious that they have made progress?

It's okay if they don't get praise, but they are punished to do push-ups!

Usually, these princes can barely do 100 push-ups, let alone 100 push-ups.

Now my arms are still sore, and I'm doing it again. Who can bear this?

What's more annoying is that it's hard to fall asleep tonight.

But every time I just fall asleep, I'm woken up!

If this were at home, whoever dared to make such a noise to them would be simply asking for death!

But there was no other way. Under the whip of the monitor and the deputy monitor, they had to do it obediently no matter how unwilling they were!

In the open space in front of the building, there were only these twenty princes left.

They lay on the ground one by one, sticking their buttocks out, doing push-ups in great pain.

After more than an hour of tossing, they finally completed the task.

They dragged their tired bodies back to the dormitory.

When going upstairs, several people looked at Chao Tongguang.

Although no one spoke, they understood each other's meaning.

Let's find an opportunity later and do it together!

Who can live like this?

They toss during the day and at night.

When have these pampered princes ever been tortured like this?

After killing you or seriously injuring you, it will end all this, right?

Then it's as you wish!

Everyone returned to the dormitory in tacit understanding, took off their clothes and went to bed.

No one said a word from beginning to end.

Chen Xinan was even more silent. After returning to the dormitory, he took off his clothes, went to bed, and fell asleep.

Everyone opened their eyes in the dark, waiting for Chao Tongguang's move.

As long as he made a move, many people would rush over!

But the strange thing was that after waiting for a long time, Chao Tongguang did not make a move.

Could it be that this guy had fallen asleep?

After waiting for a while, everyone fell asleep.

Because they were too tired.

But Chao Tongguang never fell asleep.

He is waiting for the best opportunity!

Two unsuccessful assassinations had already made Chen Xin'an wary.

So even if he did fall asleep, it was only a very light sleep.

As soon as there is any movement, he will react immediately!

Therefore, we must wait until he enters deep sleep to do it!

Chao Tongguang is not stupid. Since Chen Xin'an dares to say such big words, he will definitely take precautions.

But he also understands that people are always negligent and cannot always keep themselves on alert.

More importantly, these capable people are very arrogant, and it is their common fault to underestimate the enemy.

As long as you seize this weakness, it is not impossible to take advantage of him and cause him to suffer a big loss.

Grandpa told stories about his war deeds when he was young.

Sometimes in order to complete a task, it is common to lurk in extremely harsh environments for several hours, or even more than ten hours, before waiting for the opportunity to take action.

So whatever you do, you must be patient.

He didn't understand before, but now he finally understands.

This wait was almost two hours!

It was almost dawn, Chao Tongguang actually slept for a while, but finally woke up!

Listening to the almost inaudible breathing of the people around him, Chao Tongguang took out his chopsticks and stabbed Chen Xin'an hard!

He didn't give himself a chance to regret, let alone Chen Xin'an a chance to react!

But when he started, he still inevitably pressed against the bed board and made a squeaking sound.

At this moment, Chen Xin'an suddenly opened his eyes, and with his right hand like lightning, he grabbed the chopsticks in his hand again!

Chao Tongguang made a quick decision, broke off the chopsticks with a click, held half of the chopsticks in his hand, and stabbed Chen Xin'an in the head!

With a bang, Chao Tongguang was kicked down on the bed next to him!

At the same time, everyone was awakened. At the same time, seven or eight people rushed over from the side and rushed towards Chen Xin'an at all costs!

After waiting all night, I finally took action!

Xia Hongfeng and Li Nianbei hugged the quilt and rushed towards Chen Xin'an desperately!

No matter how powerful a person is, if his hands and feet are trapped, he is still a tiger in a cage and cannot cause any harm to anyone!

Chen Xin'an's head was covered, and before she could struggle, she was covered with another quilt.

Li Nianbei kicked the person in the quilt to the ground.

Then everyone swarmed up and punched and kicked the person in the quilt!


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