Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1382 Here, we don’t fight for daddy

When everyone saw Chen Xin'an coming over, they all stood still.

The princes who had been so rebellious just now now lowered their heads one by one.

Chen Xinan looked at Longsheng expressionlessly and said, "You have guts!

A newcomer hits an old soldier, and slaps him in the face!

This has never happened in the history of the Black Mountain Tigers. You are awesome!"

Longsheng stood up with gritted teeth, as if he had given up everything, and said to Chen Xinan:

"Instructor Chen!

I know you are not simple and your strength is strong.

I can't afford to offend you!

But how many people in the entire Black Mountain Tigers can't I afford to offend?

We are already frustrated enough to come here.

But these local old men dare to laugh at us!

Are they worthy?

We let you beat us and scold us, that's because you are strong enough!

Even our parents respect you, we admit defeat!

But who are they?

Are they worthy of kicking us when we are down?

To insult us is to insult our surname and our parents!

Believe it or not, even if they are wearing this green uniform, I can make them kneel in front of us and kowtow one by one to admit their mistakes?"?

A group of princes raised their heads and looked at the special forces members with cold eyes, as if remembering their appearance.

Long Sheng gritted his teeth and said with a grim smile: "Instructor Chen, you have only trained us for two months!

Grit your teeth and it will be over.

Today I beat this guy, you are the instructor, you can punish me.

But what about two months later?

Can you protect him for life?

I want to take revenge on him, even if I have to wait for two months?

I am standing in front of you now, under your pressure, I say sorry to him.

The question is, can he bear it?"

Long Sheng stood up, walked in front of Cun Lei, pointed at him, his finger almost poked his nose, and said with a grim smile on his face:

"Tell me yourself, do you deserve to let me say sorry!"

Cun Lei's face was pale, and fear and sadness were revealed in his eyes.

This tough guy who sacrificed himself on countless battlefields and never knew what fear was was actually trembling slightly at this moment, and did not dare to look Long Sheng in the eye!

A group of princes squinted their eyes and looked at the special forces members sinisterly.

A group of special forces members all lowered their heads, like children who had done something wrong, and did not dare to look at them.

Chen Xinan strode to Cun Lei and looked at him with burning eyes.

"Look up and look at me!"

Cun Lei raised his head and looked at Chen Xinan, his eyes showing deep regret and self-blame.

If he hadn't said that, he wouldn't have caused so much trouble for everyone.

Chen Xinan clenched his fist, punched him on the chest, and said sternly: "Remember! You don't need to bow to anyone! No matter who the other party is or what his identity is!" Turning around, Chen Xinan looked at Longsheng and said, "Don't worry, I won't hit you! Not because I'm afraid of your revenge, but because I want you to understand a truth!" He turned around and looked at the princes and said, "Do you think that you can look down on anyone just because you are born into a good family? Even so, in your eyes, the special forces are just comrades-in-arms for two months. You don't even know their names, and there is no need to know them! I tell you, you don't have to know their names. You don't have to take the initiative to get to know them. But you must respect them enough! Because without them, you won't have a good day! I ask you, do you know what I took ten of them to do a few days ago?" Cun Lei's back straightened up at this moment! Going on missions with the boss and fighting together, this experience is enough for him to brag about for the rest of his life, and this is also what he is most proud of. These princes didn't go, but they heard about it, so they were so afraid and admired Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an looked at everyone and said, "Fights like that, or even more cruel and dangerous than that, happen nearly 400 times every year on the Chinese border!

You can understand that fighting happens every day!

People die and get injured every day!

These comrades around you may never come back tomorrow because of an action!"

He pointed at Cun Lei and said to Long Sheng, "He is three years older than you.

But while you were doing whatever you wanted with your family background, he had been fighting on the battlefield for five years!

He personally arranged a thousand-meter minefield that scared the Inca soldiers.

The Inca didn't dare to cross the line for five years!

He cleared 2,645 mines alone in five years!

No one in the army can break this record!"

Long Sheng's face changed, and he looked at Cun Lei with shock.

He didn't expect that this seemingly stupid big guy was actually a tough guy!

Chen Xinan snorted and continued, "These are very far away from you, you can't understand them.

Then I will tell you a personal story!"

He pointed at Long Sheng and said, "Your father's name is Long Guoyun, and he is the Chinese ambassador to Xinlun. Am I right?"

"Yes!" Long Sheng nodded.

Everyone in his Long family is of noble status, and it is common for them to appear on TV. It is not difficult to know this.

Chen Xin'an looked at Long Sheng and asked, "Then you should know what happened in the Xinlun Parade the year before last!"

Long Sheng's expression changed.

Of course he knew that if Huaxia hadn't rescued him in time, his father Long Guoyun might never have come back!

Chen Xin'an pointed at Cun Lei and said: "He was one of the participants in that rescue mission. There are eight other people in the team standing in front of you with him!

His finger was blown away when he threw a grenade that landed next to your father! "

Long Sheng was stunned and was so shocked that he couldn't speak at all!

Chen Xin'an turned around, looked at the group of special operators and shouted: "All of them are here, take off your shirts!"

Without any hesitation, a group of special operations team members quickly took off their shirts, not even leaving the vests underneath, revealing their dark, muscular upper bodies.

If there were girls here, there would definitely be another burst of crazy screaming.

Chen Xin'an shouted at the princes in the training class: "Go over and count the scars on their bodies! Go!

Long Sheng, go take a look at the bullet holes on Cun Lei's back.

That was to cover your father. He used his body to block your father in the car and was shot at close range!

Fortunately, the opponent was using a counterfeit. If it were a real m16, he would be dead! "

For a while, Chen Xin'an often went to the team history exhibition room.

The purpose is to understand the past and present of the Montenegrin tiger, and to understand the people he faces all day long.

Therefore, he knew everything about these brothers who had been with him day and night, what they had done, how many battles they had fought, and how many injuries they had suffered.

A group of princes walked up to the group of special operators and were shocked to find that none of them had scars!

Bullet holes, knife scars, and suture scars left by shrapnel can be seen literally everywhere!

Long Sheng looked at Cun Lei's back in horror. It was covered with large and small scars. It didn't look like the skin of a man in his twenties. It looked shocking!

His eyes were already moist, and the look in his eyes when he looked at Cun Lei was no longer as domineering as before.

This person is his father's savior!

Chen Xin'an said to everyone in a deep voice: "Without the sacrifices of these people, how could you sing and dance in peace?

Now I ask you, are they qualified to teach you a lesson?

Let me tell you, this is a Montenegrin tiger.

We don’t fight for our father, we only fight for our strength!

If you are not as strong as others, you deserve to be laughed at!

do you understand? "


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