Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1384 Is there another monkey tide?

Near the Black Mountain Tiger Base, it is a popular place in the old forest.

In addition, the road heading north to Deep Water Pond can also be regarded as a field training route for the special operations team members.

Although it is difficult to walk, it has been pioneered after all.

But once you go west, east, or south, it's a deserted no man's land.

There is not even a way to move forward. To move forward, you must first open a way.

The prince, who originally thought he was just out for fun and full of novelty, soon began to complain!

This kind of journey in the deep mountains and old forests is not as pleasant and beautiful as imagined.

First of all, the ambient temperature is unbearable.

It’s so hot and humid!

He was wearing a thick camouflage uniform, and to protect himself from mosquitoes and locusts, he had to tie up his collar, cuffs, trouser waist, and trouser legs tightly.

Doing nothing but walking around with a backpack is unbearable.

Sweat has already soaked all the clothes!

This is not the most uncomfortable thing.

The trees and vines in the old forest are inseparable. The vines wrapped around some branches block everyone's way like spider webs and must be cut down.

However, these branches and vines have fine thorns on them. If you are not careful, you will draw a bloody mark on your face, neck, or arms.

Soaked in sweat, it hurts, itches, and becomes sore. The discomfort is indescribable!

Also be careful of venomous snakes and insects. A spider or centipede might kill you!

After marching for two hours, these princes were all complaining!

"Instructor, can you throw the quilt here first? You don't need it at night at this time. It's a burden to carry!"

"Monitor, can I take off my clothes? I'm almost covered, it's so uncomfortable!"

“If I had known this, I might as well have stayed at the training ground!

At least there won’t be so many bugs!

What the hell is this?

It was obviously beaten to death, but it also caused so many blisters on the back of my hands, which hurt me to death! "

Chen Xin'an remained silent, just shrugged her nose and asked Lei Ming and Fang Kai, "Did you smell anything?"

Lei Ming and Fang Kai were stunned for a moment, then all shook their heads.

Fang Kai asked: "Instructor, what's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Before Chen Xin'an could answer, the two poles on his shoulders squeaked twice.

He jumped onto a big tree nearby and quickly disappeared.

"There seems to be a very bad smell." Chen Xin'an rubbed her nose.

"Hi!" Hua Youlin said with disdain: "What did I think it was, the smell, right? I've smelled it a long time ago!"

Chen Xin'an looked at him strangely and said, "Have you smelled it a long time ago? When did it start?"

Hua Youlin nodded and said: "When I was little, my dad said I had a dog nose, Trane!

Let me tell you, that smell is rotting wood and leaves, plus bird and animal droppings.

After another fermentation, the flavor is formed.

The woods smell like this.

My dad and I used to go hunting and we are used to this smell! "

Chen Xin'an shook his head, frowned and said: "It's not just these, there should be other flavors!

It might be poisonous!

Be careful, everyone. Have you kept all the herbs I prepared for you?

Take it out of your backpack, chew some and stuff it into your nostrils! "

Hua Youlin chuckled and said: "Instructor, there is no need to be so careful!

If it was really poisonous, I wouldn't be able to stand it anymore!

You have to trust my nose.

I can't compare to you in other things, but when it comes to my nose, I can beat you a few ways! "

Chen Xin'an wanted to say something else, but just then the second pole came back.

Standing on a branch of a tree, he shouted loudly at Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an's expression changed and she said to Lei Ming: "Stop for now and rest where you are! I'll go to the front with Erzhanzi and have a look. You guys wait for orders!"

"Yes!" Lei Ming nodded.

Chen Xin'an quickly climbed up the tree and shouted to him again: "Let everyone take out the herbs and chew them, and block their noses with the grass residue!"

"Yes!" Lei Ming nodded in response and said to everyone: "Do as the instructor says!"

Hua Youlin muttered: "What a fuss. I said it's really okay, why don't you believe me?"

After all, you still have to listen to the orders of the instructors and squad leaders, because these are the rules of the army.

From the backpack, they took out a handful of herbs that the instructor asked them to put in the backpack in the cafeteria.

He picked up a handful of leaves and stuffed them into his mouth. After just two chews, Hua Youlin spit them out!

What the hell does this smell like? I almost vomited!

It's like chewing a candle, leaving your mouth full of soreness!

Hua Youlin looked around and found that many people were like him, spitting out the contents of their mouths with a grimace.

He just made a show of stuffing it into his nostrils, as if stuffing medicine dregs.

Chen Xin'an ran forward following the two poles, and the unpleasant stench became more and more obvious.

After a while, the second pole stopped, and he also stopped and looked up, his brows furrowed into a knot!

Erzhanzi told him that his group of old lovers had become very strange. They had traveled thousands of miles to look for them, but now they no longer listened to them.

Otherwise, it only needs to give an order, and a group of female monkeys will obediently follow it to the base without going deep into the old forest.

The main reason is that early in the morning, a bunch of its old lovers, as if they had agreed upon it, all came to the west.

In fact, things have started to go wrong with those female monkeys since last night.

Some of them have become irritable and aggressive, and they are no longer as obedient as before. They are even more rude to their local counterparts and will attack them if they disagree!

There were several fights last night, and it was like having a firecracker in the early morning of a few days, scratching whoever I saw.

I was so scared that I didn't even dare to get close.

Now Erpolezi finally sees them again.

But what scares it is that it no longer recognizes these old lovers!

Chen Xin'an was also shocked.

Suddenly a group of monkey corpses appeared in the woods, probably more than twenty of them.

There are male monkeys and there are female monkeys.

Most of the corpses were covered in scars, some even had missing limbs, and the state of death was extremely miserable!

The female monkeys who came from Guanbei were squatting next to the corpse.

Use your hands to open their brains and chests, stuff their brains and internal organs into your mouth, and chew them!

The second pole rushed over and screamed at a female monkey.

The female monkey suddenly turned around and looked at the second pole with a bloody face.

His eyes turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, he let out a shrill cry at the second pole, and then rushed towards it!

"Second pole is back!" Chen Xin'an saw something was wrong with these female monkeys and shouted at Er pole.

The moment the female monkey's paw was about to touch the body of Erpole, the hair all over Erpole's body exploded!

With his tail raised high, he let out a scream, jumped up and kicked the female monkey away!

Then the second pole screamed and jumped back to Chen Xin'an, dancing in front of Chen Xin'an with a sad face.

Chen Xin'an scolded helplessly: "You feel so sorry for me! You said you felt sorry for me, but you didn't show mercy at all when I started!"

The second pole gestured angrily at Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an curled her lips and cursed: "Okay, no need to explain! Explanation is just a cover-up, you are a scumbag!"

The second pole was so angry that he stood on his shoulders, raised his tail and raised his butt.

Chen Xin'an calmly took out a steel needle in his hand, and was so frightened that he immediately put his butt down!

The female monkey was kicked and rolled several times on the ground. After she got up, she looked at the second pole fiercely!

With a sharp scream that was faster than the previous one, all the female monkeys nearby gathered around and slowly approached the second pole.

At the same time, there was a rustle in the tree, and countless black shadows ran over quickly, as if thousands of monkeys were coming!

No way?

We just drove away the wolf tide, and now the monkey tide is coming again?


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