Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1386 The Second Attack of the Monkey Group

In a small-scale human-monkey contact, everyone except Chen Xin'an was injured!

It's just that Lei Ming and Fang Kai were injured because of saving people.

The others were all scratched and injured during head-on confrontations with the monkeys.

Chen Xin'an pinched Hua Youlin's chin, asked him to look up, frowned and asked:

"Didn't I ask you to chew those herbs and stuff the residue into your nostrils?

Why didn't you do it? "

Not only this kid, but eight others also disobeyed orders.

Hua Youlin said with a cry: "I thought it was just a general rancid smell, and it would be fine if I tolerated it for a while! Those herbs were too bitter to chew, so..."

Chen Xin'an scolded unceremoniously: "No matter how hard it is, it is better than losing your life!

Why don’t you listen to those of you who are telling me to detoxify?

If you are on the battlefield, if you don't obey orders, you can be killed directly! "

The group of people were all silent. Now they have truly felt that this outdoor training trip is not as comfortable as they imagined.

If you're not careful, you could risk your life here!

Xia Hongfeng angrily yelled at Hua Youlin: "I believed your ghost!

Is your nose a dog nose?

How many ways are you leaving the instructor behind?

Where do you get the confidence to compare with the instructor?

I told you it was poisonous gas, but you just didn’t listen.

You must also believe your evil deeds!

That stupid nose of yours!

The instructor’s is the real dog nose! "

Chen Xin'an staggered him with one slap.

That's very good, don't say it again next time!

Lei Ming and Fang Kai took out the iodine and anti-inflammatory drugs in their backpacks and cleaned everyone's wounds.

Seeing the guilty looks on their faces, Chen Xin'an knew that they were blaming themselves for not taking care of everyone and causing everyone to get hurt.

He patted the two of them on the shoulders and said, "Don't blame yourself, you have done what you can do.

But if Zhang Jian were here, he would criticize you.

Because you are commanders, you cannot put yourself in danger just because you want to save someone.

It even drags most people into danger.

So sometimes, you have to learn to be cruel and learn to take the overall situation into consideration.

And it must be strictly prohibited.

After giving orders to everyone, you must ensure that everyone obeys the orders.

Anyone who resists the order will be severely punished! "

Lei Ming and Fang Kai nodded together.

Although they are only the captain and deputy squad leader of the training class, after two months, they will return to their own team and continue to be newcomers.

But a soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier.

Of course they want to be squad leaders or even squad leaders in Montenegro.

After all, I want to become a commander.

So what Chen Xin'an is saying now is very useful to them.

When Chen Xin'an turned around, Fang Kai asked Lei Ming in a low voice: "Naruko, why did Brother An say that if Instructor Zhang was here, he would say such things?

Didn't the instructor think so? "

Lei Ming shook his head and whispered: "My master will never give up on anyone!

Whether it’s for the greater good or whatever.

He will do his best to save everyone!

Therefore, those false propositions such as sacrificing one person to save a hundred people have never been established by my master.

Only those who are incompetent take the choice, and those who are capable want both! "

Fang Kai thought about it, An Geer's temper was really like this!

Chen Xin'an took out the herbs from his backpack and distributed them to everyone, asking everyone to chew them up and stuff the dregs into their nostrils.

Everyone's wounds were carefully examined.

Only Yin Xiangming was bitten on the shoulder, and the other injuries were scratches.

At this moment, there were some bruises around the wound on Yin Xiangming's right shoulder.

Chen Xin'an took out the tiger-tooth knife and said to him: "Be patient, it hurts a little!"

The tip of the knife made a cross on each of the two blood holes, and then Chen Xin'an put his mouth up and sucked out the poisonous blood inside.

"Instructor..." Yin Xiangming looked at Chen Xin'an with tears in his eyes.

This saved him twice.

No matter how arrogant and unpleasant he was when he first came here, he no longer has that hostile mood now.

Chen Xin'an nodded to him, then turned to look at everyone, all of whom looked frustrated, and laughed out loud.

Yin Xiangming asked with a puzzled look on his face: "Instructor, we are all injured like this, why are you still laughing?"

"Otherwise?" Chen Xin'an glanced at him and said angrily: "You want me to cry?"

"No..." Yin Xiangming scratched his head with his other arm, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Chen Xin'an said with a smile: "I think you are usually more arrogant than the other, and you have the character that I am the best in the world and no one will accept it.

Once you encounter danger, there will be no guards and bodyguards around you.

So what is your fighting capacity?

Actually, worse than a monkey! "

Everyone was so ashamed that they all lowered their heads.

The instructor was right and did not deliberately mock them.

They were indeed completely defeated in the human-monkey war just now!

It turns out that I am so useless!

For the first time, they saw how powerful they were without the blessing of family background.

It's so terrible that they can't even defeat a monkey!

Chen Xin'an continued: "But are you really so weak that you can't even deal with a monkey?

I don’t think so!

Hua Youlin's knife still has monkey's blood on it, which means you have hurt your opponent.

Although what happened later that caused the result to be reversed, I did not see it with my own eyes.

But I can imagine it.

Because you are afraid!

I told you, no matter how many opponents you fight, no matter how fierce they are.

When fighting, don't close your eyes, don't show your cowardice!

It is necessary to observe six directions with eyes and listen to all directions.

Use everything available around you to attack your opponent.

Or create favorable conditions for yourself!

Always pay attention to your teammates and listen to command orders.

Pay attention to mutual coordination to help your teammates and deal with the dangers from behind.

Because of the danger behind you, your teammates and brothers will help you solve it! "

This time, everyone listened quietly to Chen Xin'an's words, and no one was absent-minded or impatient.

At this time, they had realized that what the instructor said was a wise saying.

It is also an experience that allows them to reduce casualties and save their lives on the battlefield.

Everyone's wounds were simply treated, and Lei Ming said to everyone: "Instructor, shall we continue to move forward?"

Chen Xin'an glanced at everyone and asked, "Are you scared now?"

Everyone's chests puffed up and they shouted in unison: "Don't be afraid!"

Chen Xin'an grinned and asked everyone: "When you encounter those monkeys again, will you be so scared that you panic and become a mess?"

Everyone shouted in unison: "No!"

Chen Xin'an nodded, and just when he opened his mouth, there was a rushing sound above his head.

Then two flaming poles jumped down from the tree, landed on his shoulders, and screamed at him!

Chen Xin'an's expression changed and she said to everyone, "Those monkeys are back again!"

With a thunderous swish, he pulled out the tiger-tooth knife and held it in his hand, shouting to everyone: "Everyone has it, draw the knife!"

Everyone quickly pulled out their sabers, held them tightly in their hands, and puffed out their chests, looking generous as if they were ready to die.

Lei Ming took a deep breath and said to Chen Xin'an: "Instructor, give the order, let's attack!"

Chen Xin'an turned around and ran away, cursing: "Fuck you, run away!"


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