Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1394 The house leaked and it rained all night

Seeing everyone's listless looks, Chen Xin'an frowned.

After hesitating for a while, he decided to tell everyone the truth.

“No matter how exhausted we are now, we must rush to a safe place before dawn.

Otherwise, all of us will die here! "

Seeing everyone's eyes widening, as if they were joking, Chen Xin'an shook his head and said:

"I didn't lie to you!

We are likely to encounter the most widespread and most toxic forest miasma in the history of Moshan!

Once trapped in it, we will only die!

I'm not kidding, there is no solution to this miasma under my current conditions!

Now everyone has been poisoned, but this is the mildest.

When the poisonous miasma forms, none of us will be able to escape! "

Everyone's expressions changed.

No wonder I can't seem to exert any strength in my whole body now.

Moreover, I always feel blocked in my chest and abdomen, making me feel nauseous and want to vomit.

It turns out he was poisoned!

Hua Youlin said tremblingly: "Instructor, how far are we from the base now? How long will it take to get there?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "I can't see it now! We have deviated from the original route.

Therefore, we must first enter the warning area of ​​the base to have any hope of escape! "

Everyone already knew how terrible the situation was, and they didn't want to die here, so they all held on and supported each other to move forward.

As Fang Kai walked, he asked Chen Xin'an: "Instructor, why do we have to go around?

Wouldn't it be faster to just walk? "

Chen Xin'an frowned and said: "Those beasts rushed to the base and had two choices.

One is the camp area and the other is the Emerald Lake.

I had planned to speed up to the camp area.

But in this case, we are bound to encounter these beasts.

At that time, the camp will have to deal with the wild beasts on the one hand, and support us on the other. The operation may not be too timely.

For us, it is dangerous.

It would be safer to go to Emerald Lake, as long as there is water, it can detoxify! "

Upon hearing this, everyone understood the instructor's plan.

The instructor has considered it more comprehensively. Everyone only needs to abide by his decision silently and there is no need to question it at all.

Because it was a life-threatening action, everyone moved much faster.

Chen Xin'an carried Yin Xiangming, who was the most seriously injured, on his back and led the way.

Now everyone is in groups of two, with each group no more than five steps apart.

In this way, we can look after each other and leave no one behind.

But the miasma came up very quickly. Just a moment ago, there was just a slight smoke, but now it seems like a layer of morning fog has fallen, making it difficult to see people five steps away!

What follows is an increase in toxicity.

Everyone felt extremely uncomfortable and wanted to vomit but couldn't.

The most terrifying thing is the dizziness, which is getting worse and worse, making people unable to stand still!


Finally someone couldn't hold on anymore and fell to the ground!

It is Hua Youlin who is the youngest, and his resistance is also the weakest!

His partner was Xia Hongfeng. He was still holding his breath. When Hua Youlin fell, the breath in Xia Hongfeng's stomach was released and he fell to the ground.

Chen Xin'an turned around and said to them: "Don't stop! You have to keep walking! When the sun comes out later, you won't be able to leave even if you want to!"

Xia Hongfeng didn't even have the strength to wave her hands. She gasped for breath and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Instructor, instructor, you go first! I'll catch my breath and follow you!"

How could Chen Xin'an not see their state?

If we stop now, they won't even have a chance to breathe!

Chen Xin'an said angrily: "No, we can't stop! Once we stop now, we will never get up again!"

But Hua Youlin and Xia Hongfeng were already lying on the ground, as if they couldn't hear him!

Chen Xin'an gritted her teeth and was about to walk over.

Lei Ming and Fang Kai said to him: "Instructor, let's go there! You lead everyone and continue walking!"

Chen Xin'an glanced at the two of them and nodded.

Yin Xiangming was already asleep on his back, and his life was hanging by a thread.

The second pole was not poisoned because the toxicity did not threaten its life.

There are more powerful toxins in its body.

But that doesn't mean that it doesn't care about it at all. It has become very lethargic now!

Chen Xin'an can only rely on himself to lead the way, and he does not dare to deviate, otherwise the end will be catastrophic!

Lei Ming and Fang Kai had already walked to Hua Youlin and Xia Hongfeng.

Help them up, put their arms on your shoulders, and keep walking.

The others also gathered their strength and followed closely behind Chen Xin'an.

Just watching the miasma in front of me getting thicker and thicker, and the people behind me moving slower and slower.

Chen Xin'an was anxious and said to Er Pangzi: "Er Pangzi, I will give you a few more needles, but this time you can't lose the silver needles.

You have to find the way to Emerald Lake as soon as possible.

The lives of these brothers depend on you! "

He stopped, supported Yin Xiangming with one hand, took out the silver needle with the other hand, and started to needle the two poles.

The last needle was still stuck on the tip of Er Zhuozhi's tongue.

The second rod screamed in pain and woke up instantly!

He grinned at Chen Xin'an, as if he wanted to fall out with him.

However, Chen Xin'an pressed its head and urged: "Go quickly, time waits for no one!"

Erzhanzi was stunned for a moment, then turned around angrily and quickly disappeared into the jungle.

At this moment, Chen Xin'an stopped again, and a group of red eyes appeared around him!

This is not a wolverine, but a desert wolf.

There were about a dozen of them, all waiting to look at them with a pair of red eyes!

I was hungry after running all night and wanted to prepare for hunting.

Wait until your stomach is full before you go on your way!

It’s really raining all night when the house leaks!

At this time, we can't afford to delay.

And everyone no longer has the strength to fight against the wolves!

But these desert wolves don't want to walk away on their own like the wolverines.

Watching them stretch their necks and raise their tails high, you know they are ready to hunt!

Everyone stopped and looked at the desert wolves around them with ashen faces.

A shadow of death hangs over everyone's mind.

If it were normal times, everyone would still be able to fight these wolves.

But now, let alone a wolf, even a rabbit can knock them back when it jumps!

Lei Ming and Fang Kai didn't hesitate at all and shouted to the people next to them: "Chao Tongguang, Shao Yang, come here and pick me up!"

When the two came over and helped Hua Youlin and Xia Hongfeng, Lei Ming ordered again:

"Li Nianbei, Zhang Jinlin, you two will be responsible for everyone leaving here later. Leave as soon as you get the chance and leave us alone!"

"Squad leader!" Li Nianbei and Zhang Jinlin shouted at the same time.

Chen Xin'an said in a deep voice: "Listen to your squad leader!"

Li Nianbei and Zhang Jinlin stopped talking and just nodded with red eyes.


A tall desert mountain wolf raised its neck and howled loudly!

Chen Xin'an suddenly rushed forward, cold light flashing in his hands.

The tiger-toothed knife was like a poisonous snake, fiercely punching several bloody holes in the wolf's neck!

The howling of wolves stopped suddenly!

With blood splattering, the Desert Mountain Wolf fell heavily to the ground.

The other wolves looked fierce and rushed over at the same time.

Chen Xin'an came forward with a tiger-tooth knife and her eyes were sharp.

At this time, he has to call his companions, so it’s no wonder that he wants to strike first!

If another pack of wolves comes, none of these twenty people will be able to leave!


Lei Ming turned his head to avoid the bite of the wolf's fangs, but was bitten on the shoulder, tearing off a piece of flesh!

At the same time, he stabbed the wolf's belly several times with his tiger-toothed knife.

When the wolf fell to the ground, he was already dead!


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