Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1402 I was told to be careful about you

The helicopter left the Montenegro Tiger Base and gradually disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Hua Youlin wiped the tears from his eyes, turned around and said to Chen Xin'an: "Instructor, I didn't disappoint you, did I?"

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and cursed with a straight face: "I don't even have hope for you, how can I be disappointed?

It's just a little strange. Don't you kid always dream about your family coming to pick you up?

Now that the opportunity has come, why was it wasted? "

Hua Youlin didn't know why he did this.

Chen Xin'an was right. He even dreamed about his mother last night.

Come take him home and continue living your comfortable life as a young master.

You can play as much as you want every day, and sleep as late as you want.

So when he saw his mother standing in front of him today, he was shocked. This dream actually came true!

But when his mother really wanted to take him away from here, he hesitated.

There was even some resistance.

He was a little shocked to find that he actually liked the life he was living now!

I've never felt like I do now, and every day has been so fulfilling.

The days before were indeed comfortable, but also a bit decadent.

After getting used to comfortable days, people like to seek excitement, which means they start to do evil things.

After all, he gets whatever he wants, and ordinary life no longer allows him to experience any fun!

But after being here for nearly a month, he went from being uncomfortable at first to getting used to it.

From the initial rejection, it has become a habit now, and even a bit addicted!

I am very tired every day, and I feel like I can’t hold on anymore, and I will definitely become a deserter the next day.

But when the wake-up call sounded, he got dressed as quickly as possible.

Then he rushed downstairs to line up, and rushed to the training ground again with great passion!

This is the life he wants!

He didn't lose weight, he just got stronger.

The wounds on the body are very painful, but the instructor said that how can a man be without injuries?

Scars are a man’s best military medal!

Enjoying pain and learning to understand pain is the best way for a man to grow!

Looking at the sky where there was no longer any shadow of the helicopter, Hua Youlin said softly:

"I won't leave. Maybe it's because I already like this place and you, the instructor!"


Chen Xin'an kicked him hard on the butt and scolded him: "Don't be so stupid with me here!

You can't learn from those dead rabbits like Bian Hu and Zhu Shanluo!

I don't need you rough guys to like me.

I wasted half an hour to do 500 push-ups and 300 squats.

Get back to training quickly! "

Hua Youlin was kicked so hard that he screamed and ran while explaining!

"Instructor, why are you like this?

Is my liking different from Captain Bian and the instructors’ liking?

They like to covet your body!

What I like is your charisma..."

"I'll give you your body! I'll give you your personality!" Chen Xin'an drew out his vine whip and chased Hua Youlin.

Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun looked at the retreating figures of these two guys and smiled at each other.

Mr. Long is right, only Chen Xin'an can control these princes!

Lu Huan ran over anxiously and said to Tang Peng: "Chief, there is a call coming in, saying that someone has entered the mountain.

They may come to the base and ask for our cooperation.

And I specifically told you not to let Instructor Chen conflict with those people! "

Tang Peng frowned and glanced at Meng Jianjun.

Meng Jianjun didn't get the news in advance, so he looked baffled.

Who wants to go into the mountains?

Do you need to be especially careful about Chen Xin'an?

He asked Lu Huan: "Didn't you ask clearly about the other party's unit and name?"

Lu Huan shook his head and said: "The other party refused to say anything. He just reported a number, 003!"

Tang Peng's eyes widened and he said in surprise: "Dragon shield?"

China has numbered some units directly controlled by the state.

For example, the Grand Palace is 001.

The total military area is 002.

Dragon Shield is 003.

The five special forces are distinguished from other ordinary grassroots units and enjoy direct numbering.

Chuan Yunlong is 008, Montenegro Tiger is 009.

Meng Jianjun said with a puzzled look on his face: "Isn't that right? The relationship between Long Dun and Chen Xin'an is unusual. Why did you leave such a meaningless sentence?"

"Why do you think so much? Why don't you just ask?" Tang Peng curled his lips and said to Lu Huan: "Go and call Chen Xin'an over!"

Soon Chen Xin'an came back cursing, and scolded Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun with dissatisfaction:

“It’s endless, right?

Do you still want others to train?

Whose mother is here this time?

Don't call me on this matter from now on, just call her son over.

Don't stop anyone who can take it away, tell them to get lost!

I have nothing else to do every day, right?

Just help you wipe this kind of ass? "

Tang Peng snorted and said, "It's not someone's mother who's here, but someone from Longdun!"

"Who's coming from Longdun?" Chen Xin'an was also stunned, looking at Tang Peng with a puzzled face and asked, "What are they doing here at Black Mountain Tiger?"

Agents and the military have never had much contact. Both parties have their own responsibilities, and there is rarely any overlapping of tasks.

But once there is a real intersection, after all, everyone is doing it for the country, so everyone who can help will not be stingy.

In this regard, the local security bureau does a very poor job, it is incomparable.

Meng Jianjun shrugged and said: "We don't know yet.

But they specifically told you to be on guard against you and not to cause conflicts with them.

Chen Xin'an, have you done anything to feel sorry for Long Dun?

Why do people care so much about it? "

"This is purely made up of nothing!" Chen Xin'an became anxious and cursed with his eyes wide open:

"It was Gongsun Busheng, the old thief who came here, right?

Old man, give me your cell phone. Now I’m going to call him and ask him what his intentions are!

Doesn’t this ruin my reputation? "

You have a shitty reputation!

Tang Peng and Meng Jianjun both had dark faces.

The only person in the world who dares to call Mr. Gongsun, the leader of Longdun, is Chen Xinan!

Of course, the two of them would not be stupid enough to give Chen Xin'an their mobile phones and ask him to make calls.

Quan Dang didn't hear what he said!

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked the two of them, "They are already here? Are they going to enter the base?"

Meng Jianjun shook his head and said: "Probably not.

Dragon Shield just said that some of their people were on a mission near the base.

Report it to us.

Then I specifically tell you not to meddle in other people's business and start arguments with others! "

"Why should I argue with them when I have nothing to do!" Chen Xin'an cursed angrily. Did the Longdun people have convulsions?

Do you regard him as Chen Xin'an as a big troublemaker?

Thanks to me for helping you so much before, now I am helping a bunch of white-eyed wolves!

You guys are on a mission to try and take advantage of me. I’m so full that I’m going to take care of you...

Suddenly, Chen Xin'an's expression changed, and he frowned and asked the two of them, "Have you seen the second pole?"

"No!" Meng Jianjun shook his head and said, "I went to the team doctor's office just now and didn't see it.

Maybe he ran away again? "

"Fuck!" Chen Xin'an ran away and said without looking back, "I'm asking for an hour's leave!"

Tang Peng scolded angrily: "Where's the leave note! You stinky brat, you're always making false claims!"

Chen Xin'an ran away early and disappeared.

Meng Jianjun glanced at the angry Tang Peng and advised: "Old Tang, forget it!

Chen Xin'an didn't ask for leave every day. This guy only asked for leave once in total, right? "

Tang Peng cursed angrily: "It's just a fake overlord for once! But Lao Meng, Long Dun, are you really here for this monkey?

What secret does this little guy have?

Why do people seem to be grabbing it everywhere? "

Meng Jianjun shook his head and said: "I don't know!

I knew that as long as Chen Xin'an was here, no one could take him away! "


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