Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1422 There is no next time

The president's office on the fifth floor of Dekla.

Doyle punched Agarye on the chin, and blood splattered.

As Agarye raised his upper body, he kicked Doyle in the stomach with a high kick!

Sacre roared and rushed towards Agarye.

But at the same time, Lahar and Jamu also rushed up and blocked Sacre!

The round-faced middle-aged man sitting in the boss chair waved his hand quickly, and a group of young guys wearing baseball caps rushed up and hugged all five people who started the fight.

The middle-aged man said helplessly: "Why are you fighting among yourselves? If you have something to say, just talk it out!

Mr. Bu Lin will be here soon, don't let him see you like this!"

The five foreigners didn't take the middle-aged man seriously.

But when they heard the name Bu Lin, their faces all changed, and they snorted and let go.

"Get out!" Doyle cursed the Chinese young man who was holding his arm.

The man was so scared that he quickly let go.

Doyle patted his sleeves and said to Agarye with a gloomy face:

"Damn it, listen to me, I said I would kill you if I had the chance!

If it weren't for your stupidity, we wouldn't have left Kyoto in such a mess!"

Agarye cursed: "It's your stupidity that exposed your identity too early!

Wasting energy on some insignificant people made us so passive later!

If it weren't for the fact that the higher-ups asked us to cooperate, do you think I would work with you two idiots?

Don't think that you are so great just because you are a jungle wolf.

We, the Jackal Squadron, have never had any intersection with you jungle wolves and other idiots!"

The middle-aged man said with a smile: "We are all family, so don't fight at this time!

Everyone, bear with it tonight, I will arrange for you to leave the North tomorrow!"

"Who said I want to go back!" Sacre roared, staring at the middle-aged man with wide eyes, walked in front of him, and saliva almost sprayed on his face!

"I'm going back to Kyoto, catch that woman, and let her have a taste of life worse than death!

I'm also going to use her to lure out that ghost from Moshan.

Shave him clean piece by piece!

My brother Tugrev died at the hands of this bastard!

I'll never leave China unless I kill this guy and avenge my brother!"

Agarye also snorted coldly and said to the middle-aged man: "We can't leave China without completing the mission.

Mr. Cui, I need you to help me get a few handy things.

We'll return to Kyoto in a few days!"

The middle-aged man laughed and said: "Okay! By the way, you guys are tired from the journey, are you hungry? I'll ask someone to get you some food!

Since you don't want to leave China, I'll arrange another place for you to hide tomorrow morning.

Don't underestimate these Chinese people. This incident may spread to Guanbei tomorrow.

It's not safe for you to stay here!"

He waved his hand and asked the young people to go out.

After closing the office door, he waved and said with a smile: "Please take a rest here, let's discuss the arrangements for the next few days.

How to deal with those damn Chinese people!

They are very troublesome and like to hold on tightly!

If we are not careful, our Dekla will also be implicated!"

Doyle sat on the sofa, looked at the middle-aged man with sarcasm and said: "Mr. Cui, after all, you are also a Chinese.

It's not good to say damn it all the time, right?"

Everyone around laughed.

Even Agarye looked at the middle-aged man with undisguised contempt.

The middle-aged man stood up as if insulted and said:

"I want to make a statement!

My name is Cui Jingzhi, and I am from Dachao.

I married a Chinese woman and became a Chinese citizen.

It's just that this is a task assigned to me by the higher-ups.

That stupid Chinese woman was poisoned to death by me five years ago!

My son and daughter have already become citizens of the Eagle Flag Country.

I retain my Chinese citizenship only because it allows Dekla to avoid paying a lot of taxes.

But I am not a Chinese from the beginning to the end!"

Doyle pouted and said, "Anyway, you Orientals all look the same!

Mr. Cui, what we want, you How much can you get? "

"I can't guarantee it now!" Cui Jingzhi shook his head and said helplessly:

"The processing plant in Guanbei has been shut down!

By the way, it was that damned ghost Chen Xin'an in Moshan who did it!

All the actions of our Dekla were destroyed by him!

This damned guy is very difficult to deal with.

Now our Dekla has been targeted by the Guanbei officials and dare not mess around.

I can only try my best to satisfy you.

The most important thing is to rely on Mr. Yu!

And it won't be available immediately. It will probably take a few days!"

"Damn Chen Xin'an!" Sacre punched the coffee table.

The marble coffee table was split in two with a crash!

Cui Jingzhi was startled. This guy has such a hard fist and such great strength!

Sacre's face was full of anger. He clenched his fist and cursed: "I really want to pull this guy in front of me now.

Humiliate him, ravage him, and torture him!

I want him to know the consequences of killing my brother.

Let him understand the consequences of irritating me, Thackeray!

Mr. Cui, can the medicine I ordered be given to me now?

When I go to kill this hateful Desert Mountain ghost, I must use this batch of medicine! "

Cui Jingzhi nodded and said: "Okay, I will ask the R\u0026D department to hurry up!

As you also know, our experimental subject escaped.

Therefore, there are great troubles in the research and development of new drugs.

Now, we can only purify it based on the old medicine..."


All five people on the sofa stood up and looked directly at Cui Jingzhi.

"Mr. Cui, what do you mean is that there are no new drugs now, they are all old drugs?"

"We waited so long and wasted our time?"

“Don’t forget, our Jackal Squadron paid.

Mr. Bolin has also promised us to give us the latest medicine.

You charge money for new medicines but give us old medicines. Are you deceiving us? "

At this moment, Dang Dang Dang. Someone is knocking on the door outside.

Cui Jingzhi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Mr. Bolin is here! Let him explain to you!"

The office door opened, and a man with a hooked nose wearing a white coat, silver hair, and glasses walked in.

At first glance, it looks like those foreign scientists in movies.

In fact, this person is really a scientist and the real boss behind Dekra, Mike Berling.

He was holding a silver password box in his hand. He saw the fragments of the coffee table on the ground at a glance. He immediately frowned and asked in a deep voice, "What's going on?"

Thackeray, who was arrogant and unyielding just now, was like a mouse meeting a cat. He stood up, lowered his head, and said timidly:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Bolin. I was too reckless. I will compensate you!"

Bulin glanced at him, took out a syringe from his trouser pocket, and stabbed Thackeray hard on the arm!

The long and thin pillow was almost completely pierced into the muscles of Thackeray's thick arm. As Bulin turned his wrist, blood poured out from the place where Thackeray was stabbed.

Although Thackeray's eyes were throbbing with pain, he did not dare to move. He just lowered his head and endured it with all his strength.


The needle was disconnected, and Bullin let go of his hand angrily, and said to Thackeray with a gloomy face: "There will be no next time!"

Thackeray responded with a trembling voice: "Yes! Dear Mr. Pulin!"


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