Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1427 Perfect Experience

This is not called longevity, this is called longevity!

Chen Xin'an didn't even bother to complain about this guy who used words indiscriminately.

But I finally understood the most fundamental reason for the two tragedies involving myself and my wife!

Lu Zhensheng, Zhong Hongyi.

This is the murderer who directly killed my parents back then!

After so many years, Chen Xin'an finally had the main clues about the murderer. How could he not be excited?

Bullin looked at Chen Xin'an excitedly through the glass wall and said, "Do you know how rare it is to experience a perfect experience?

Talking, walking, standing still, sleeping, the breath is gentle and cannot be heard.

His eyes are clear and he does things calmly.

The complexion is healthy and the body is intact.

In every aspect, inside and out, my eyes are like rulers, and I can tell at a glance whether someone is a good fit or not!

And you are the most suitable person!

It's perfect in every way!

The results obtained by a million subjects are not as good as the results obtained by you alone!

you help me!

I give you everything you want!

OK? "

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an nodded.

Bolin was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect the other party to be so straightforward. Instead, he didn't believe it. He looked at him and asked, "What do you want?"

Chen Xin'an looked at him expressionlessly and said: "Your life! Their life! The life of all of you involved in this matter!"

Bullin's face darkened, he glanced at Chen Xin'an and said, "Kid, now is not the time to joke. It's boring to talk like this!"

Chen Xin'an squinted at him and said, "Do you think I'm kidding you?

You will soon know that if I say I want your lives, no one can escape! "


Luo Xiaoman hit the glass wall next to Chen Xin'an hard, and then fell to the ground, leaving a large blood stain.

He stood up shakily with his back against the glass wall, wiped the blood on his face, coughed and cursed: "Old Chen, have you finished talking?

If we keep talking, I'm going to explain it here! "

The furious Thackeray rushed over again and slammed his head into Luo Xiaoman's head!


The five fingers of a hand stretched out and held Thackeray's head.

Chen Xin'an stood in front of Luo Xiaoman and said softly: "Okay, just rest here for a while, and leave the rest to me!"

He turned his head, looked at the five crazy foreigners in front of him, and said coldly:

"Beast transformation?

The last person who played this for me had grass on his grave that was two meters high!

By the way, his name is Tugreev. Is he your brother?

Are you here to avenge him?

With this little strength, you still want to take revenge?

Do you know how many knives I used when I cut his head?

I even forgot about it. Anyway, when it can’t be cut, it’s just like killing a pig, just cut it off! "

"Ah!" Thackeray let out a wild beast's roar, focused all his strength on his head, and slammed into Chen Xin'an!

He was going to break this bastard's hand and smash his chest together!

But at this moment, his eyes were empty, and the other party suddenly let go of him without any warning!

How could Thackeray stop his momentum? He slammed forward and hit the glass wall with a bang!


The entire glass wall and even the entire office were shaken!

Thackeray held his head with both hands, his eyes were full of Venus, he screamed twice, and sat down on the ground with a thud!

Chen Xin'an turned around, looked at Luo Xiaoman and said, "Did you see that? He's stupider than you!"

Luo Xiaoman's eyes widened and he scolded him: "Damn! How are you talking? Are you comparing your brother to such a fool?"

Chen Xin'an looked at him with contempt and cursed: "Do you think you are smart? If you are really smart, you will butt heads with them like cattle?

After decades of practicing Kung Fu, you have become the Bull Demon King? "

Luo Xiaoman blushed, glared at him and cursed: "What do you know! Real men never play tricks, just the simplest and most direct battle of strength...be careful!"

Lahar and Jamu rushed up at the same time, howling and punching Chen Xin'an several times!

Chen Xin'an's left and right hands seemed to be used by two people, drawing different moves and grabbing their wrists with lightning speed!

But these two guys are now full of brute strength. They can't punch, so they fight with Chen Xin'an, pushing him backwards!

Chen Xin'an took a few steps back, and there was a glass wall behind him.

But the other two were still pushing forward hard, and Chen Xin'an didn't stop either. He pushed his feet back and was pushed to walk on the glass wall!

The body is parallel to the ground, forming a right angle with the two people in front of him!

Lahar and Jamu looked at each other, roared angrily, and moved back, trying to knock Chen Xin'an out of the air!

But at this moment, Chen Xin'an stepped on the glass wall with both feet, taking three horizontal steps like a spacewalk!

He grabbed their wrists with both hands, and their bodies suddenly spun in the air!

With two clicks, Lahar and Jamu's arms were twisted off!

The two bodies also collided hard, and then sat on the ground facing each other!

Chen Xin'an rolled over and landed on the ground. Before he could stand firmly, Agarye ran over like an angry rhinoceros and bumped into Chen Xin'an hard!

Chen Xin'an couldn't dodge, and her body flew out, hitting the glass wall with a bang!

The excessive blood transfusion tonight still affected my physical strength, and my reaction speed was much slower than before.

With the energy and blood in his body churning under the strong pressure, Chen Xin'an stood up and punched out!

Agarye had also rushed over and hit Chen Xin'an hard!

The two of them leaned closely together, like lovers they hadn't seen for a long time. They looked very close.

"Do it!" Lahar and Jamu exchanged a look and rushed over at the same time!

Although my right arm is broken, my left hand can still be used!

Together, the three of them can control Chen Xin'an.

Whether they can kill this desert mountain ghost depends on those two guys from the jungle wolf!

But at this moment, Agarye in front of him suddenly took two steps back and fell to the ground!

A bloody hole appeared in his chest.

Chen Xin'an's right hand was also dripping with blood.

At the moment of contact, his fingers were like sharp drills, reaching into the bloody hole stabbed by the dagger in Agarye's chest, and then directly penetrated his heart!

Even with the blessing of this medicine, Agarye is already dead now!

Lahar looked at Agarye's body on the ground and let out a roar.

He grabbed his right arm with his left hand, twisted it as hard as he could, and shouted: "Come together and kill him!"

Unexpectedly, after receiving this kind of animal transformation injection, five people working together could not deal with this Chinese!

Now they finally know why Coyote's mission failed!

If this person takes action, if the jungle wolves don't come out in full force, it will be difficult to make big waves in China!

Bolin was dancing excitedly through the glass wall, and kept shouting: "Fight! You all deal with him together!"

I want to see what his online look is like! "

The more brave Chen Xin'an is, the more he meets the standard of perfect experience in his mind!

Doyle shouted angrily and raised his hands!

A large pile of marble fragments from the coffee table struck Chen Xin'an like rain.

At the same time, he rushed over and hit Chen Xin'an on the head with a fierce volley punch!

Chen Xin'an dodged to the side to avoid the marble fragments, turned her hand and grabbed his arm, and her left arm almost hit his face!


Not a single one of the steel needles was wasted, they were all nailed into Doyle's big head!

This kind of in-your-face output is simply inhumane!

Even Luo Xiaoman's scalp went numb when he saw it!


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