Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1430 You guys are bullying the honest people, right?

Is this so crazy?

The fifth floor is fifteen or six meters high, and you just jumped down like that?

Aren't you afraid of falling to death?

But the guy was unscathed and strode towards him!

Immediately, Cui Jingzhi's eyes widened again, and another person jumped down from above and hit the ground like a cannonball!

These Chinese people are simply crazy!

You have to jump down from such a high place. Are you risking your lives just to rush for time?

At this time, Cui Jingzhi wanted to escape, but he didn't expect that Chen Xin'an had already come behind him and kicked him to the ground!

The baseball cap thugs around looked at Chen Xin'an as if they were looking at a ghost!

Not only was it okay to jump from such a high place, but the speed of rushing over more than ten meters away was like lightning!

He passed by them, but no one could react!

Is that human being?

Is this an act that a human being can do?

Chen Xin'an bent down, grabbed Cui Jingzhi by the back collar, and lifted him up.

"Don't mess around!" Cui Jingzhi said to Chen Xin'an with a pale face: "This is Dekra!

It is a large enterprise well-known throughout Guanbei.

I'm the person in charge here!

If I lose a hair, you will be unable to eat and walk around... ah!

It hurts me to death! "

Before he finished speaking, a handful of Chen Xin'an's hair had already been pulled out!

Cui Jingzhi howled in pain and cursed at Chen Xin'an: "You are simply looking for death!

I am good friends with many official leaders in Guanbei!

Have you thought about the consequences of touching me?

Do you know how much tax Dekra pays to Guanbei every year?

Do you know who the shareholders of Dekra are?

You will soon know how much trouble everything you do tonight will bring you!

If you touch me, it means... Oh, stop it, it hurts me to death!

Please, leave a few for me!

Are you bastards just here to see the fun? "

Chen Xin'an didn't pay attention to what he said. She held his collar with one hand and plucked all his hair cleanly with the other like plucking leeks. Not a single hair was left!

Just losing a hair will make me unable to eat and walk around?

I'll pluck all your hair out, if you can, I'll kill you!

Pushing the hair in Cui Jingzhi's mouth, Chen Xin'an said coldly:

"Eat it! If you don't eat it, I can help you and stuff it directly into your stomach!"

Then can I still live?

Cui Jingzhi's face was covered with painful tears and snot, and he swallowed his hair hard.

He also saw that it was useless to count on those thugs.

Before they came over, their lives were killed by the devil in front of them!

A group of people were stunned by Luo Xiaoman's appearance!

He still maintained the falling posture, grinning, eyes rolled up, his fists clenched and his arms placed on both sides of his body, his legs bent and his body half squatted, and he stood motionless for almost two minutes!

Is this guy an iron man?

The nearest thug took the stick in his hand and stabbed Luo Xiaoman.

Very soft and gentle, he is a human being!

Luo Xiaoman let out a breath, still maintaining his original posture, and took two steps forward.

When the people next to him saw that this guy was alive, they were startled and took two steps back.

Luo Xiaoman was like a turtle, walking forward with his arms and legs bent, cursing:

"Old Chen, you are really cheating me!

My leg almost broke!

It was so shocking that I’m still feeling numb from my thighs to the soles of my feet!

Chen Xin'an picked up Cui Jingzhi and cursed angrily: "Who told you to jump?

Besides, you dare to jump from a building with more than 100 floors, but now you can’t stand it at the fifth floor? "

"Then how can it be the same?" Luo Xiaoman cursed angrily: "Then it's a wing suit, it's a gan la!

When I think about it, you jump. If I don’t come down, it seems like I’m not as good as you…”

"Idiot!" Chen Xin'an cursed unceremoniously.

I dare to jump because in Qingniu Mountain, I don’t know how many times I jumped off the cliff and how many injuries I suffered.

I have long understood how to use internal energy to coordinate with body movements to protect the body.

Even if you are a master of the second level of internal energy, if you don't master the coordination of internal energy, your legs can be broken even if it is only ten meters away!

Now it just makes your legs numb, you are lucky enough!

After coughing twice, Luo Xiaoman's face darkened, he turned his head and looked at the thugs in front of him, and said coldly: "Who stabbed me with a stick just now? Stand up for me!"

Before these people could speak, he snorted and cursed:

“Since no one admits it, then let’s give it to each of you to give me a stick!

Damn, even I dare to stab and bully honest people, right?

Everyone looks at me like this, do they think I'm stupid?

Do you think I'm easy to bully?

Come here the hell! "

With a loud shout, he rushed towards the crowd!

A group of thugs looked at each other.

Did we say anything?

Before he could react, Luo Xiaoman rushed over and kicked two people over!


Sighing, Chen Xinan ignored the Erlingzi, but looked at the monkey squatting on the front of a car not far away.

He was also stunned.

It turned out to be it!

I almost killed that sweet girl with a second dick!

It was taken to Moshan by people from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

But after the two poles were taken away, it also disappeared.

I think he was taken away by people from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Now it seems that this monkey was lent to the Chinese Academy of Sciences by people from Dekra using Huang Xing.

After using it, Doyle and the others brought it back.

It just wasn't closed properly, causing it to run out and bring out a few companions.

Dekra's people want to take it back.

"Crash!" There was a loud noise from the fourth floor, and glass shards fell from the sky.

The thugs below were running around holding their heads.

At the same time, a group of thugs ran down from the stairs, all of them looking disgraced and embarrassed!

Chen Xin'an shook his head helplessly. Needless to say, this was Cun Lei's credit!

Even if the materials he made for these gadgets were not ideal, their power was terrifying enough.

A big head poked out of the corridor window, it was Cun Lei who heard the movement below.

At a glance, he saw Chen Xin'an standing in the square and was stunned for a long time.

He was obviously on top of me, so why did he suddenly run into the square? How did he get down?

But there is no need to think too much at this time. Since the boss has gone down, there is no need to stick to the stairs.

He turned his head and said to Fan Yao: "Old Fan, the boss and Brother Man are below, let's go down!"

With excitement on his face, Fan Yao kicked over a thug with a happy face, took out a can and said, "Okay, I'll open the way!"

Cun Lei said helplessly: "Brother Fan, save your time. If I guess correctly, you are the last one, right?"

Fan Yao lowered his head and looked at his satchel. Damn, it's really true!

It's really useless. It didn't blow up everyone, so why is it gone?

This thing is so easy to use. You don’t need to do it yourself at all. Just throw it out and you can knock down a group of people. It’s so easy!

He put the can in his arms, shook his wrist, and said with a grin:

“It’s most reliable to use your own hands!

These guys were charging at us just now, now it's our turn to attack them!

Brothers Cunlei, let's continue to compete to see who gets to the first floor first! "

Cun Lei laughed and said, "Okay!"

The two of them shouted almost at the same time, clenched their fists and rushed towards the thugs!

Looking around, Chen Xin'an always felt something was wrong.

He lowered his head, looked at Cui Jingzhi and asked, "Where did that white-haired foreigner go?"

"You mean Mr. Bolin?" Cui Jingzhi looked at him with complicated eyes, shook his head and said:

"You'd better not offend him, because he has a strong background and you can't afford to offend him!"


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